* @author Icinga Development Team */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Web; use Icinga\Authentication\Manager as AuthManager; use Icinga\Application\Benchmark; use Icinga\Exception; use Icinga\Application\Config; use Icinga\Web\Notification; use Zend_Layout as ZfLayout; use Zend_Controller_Action as ZfController; use Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract as ZfRequest; use Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract as ZfResponse; use Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker as ZfActionHelper; /* * @TODO(el): There was a note from tg that the following line is temporary. Ask him why. */ use Icinga\File\Pdf; /** * Base class for all core action controllers * * All Icinga Web core controllers should extend this class * * @copyright Copyright (c) 2013 Icinga-Web Team * @author Icinga-Web Team * @license http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html GNU General Public License */ class ActionController extends ZfController { /** * The Icinga Config object is available in all controllers. This is the * modules config for module action controllers. * @var Config */ protected $config; protected $replaceLayout = false; /** * The current module name. TODO: Find out whether this shall be null for * non-module actions * * @var string */ protected $module_name; /** * The current controller name * * @var string */ protected $controller_name; /** * The current action name * * @var string */ protected $action_name; // @TODO(el): Should be true, is/was disabled for testing purpose protected $handlesAuthentication = false; protected $modifiesSession = false; private $allowAccess = false; /** * The constructor starts benchmarking, loads the configuration and sets * other useful controller properties * * @param ZfRequest $request * @param ZfResponse $response * @param array $invokeArgs Any additional invocation arguments */ public function __construct( ZfRequest $request, ZfResponse $response, array $invokeArgs = array() ) { Benchmark::measure('Action::__construct()'); $this->module_name = $request->getModuleName(); $this->controller_name = $request->getControllerName(); $this->action_name = $request->getActionName(); $this->loadConfig(); $this->setRequest($request) ->setResponse($response) ->_setInvokeArgs($invokeArgs); $this->_helper = new ZfActionHelper($this); if ($this->handlesAuthentication() || AuthManager::getInstance( null, array( 'writeSession' => $this->modifiesSession ) )->isAuthenticated() ) { $this->allowAccess = true; $this->init(); } } /** * This is where the configuration is going to be loaded * * @return void */ protected function loadConfig() { $this->config = Config::app(); } /** * Translates the given string with the global translation catalog * * @param string $string The string that should be translated * * @return string */ public function translate($string) { return t($string); } /** * Helper function creating a new widget * * @param string $name The widget name * @param string $properties Optional widget properties * * @return Widget\AbstractWidget */ public function widget($name, $properties = array()) { return Widget::create($name, $properties); } /** * Whether the current user has the given permission * * TODO: This has not been implemented yet * * @param string $permission Permission name * @param string $object No idea what this should have been :-) * * @return bool */ final protected function hasPermission($uri, $permission = 'read') { return true; } /** * Assert the current user has the given permission * * TODO: This has not been implemented yet * * @param string $permission Permission name * @param string $object No idea what this should have been :-) * * @return self */ final protected function assertPermission($permission, $object = null) { if (! $this->hasPermission($permission, $object)) { // TODO: Log violation, create dedicated Exception class throw new \Exception('Permission denied'); } return $this; } protected function preserve($key, $value = null) { if ($value === null) { $value = $this->_getParam($key); } if ($value !== null) { if (! isset($this->view->preserve)) { $this->view->preserve = array(); } $this->view->preserve[$key] = $value; } return $this; } /** * Our benchmark wants to know when we started our dispatch loop * * @return void */ public function preDispatch() { Benchmark::measure('Action::preDispatch()'); if (! $this->allowAccess) { $this->_request->setModuleName('default') ->setControllerName('authentication') ->setActionName('login') ->setDispatched(false); return; } $this->view->action_name = $this->action_name; $this->view->controller_name = $this->controller_name; $this->view->module_name = $this->module_name; // TODO(el): What is this, why do we need that here? $this->view->compact = $this->_request->getParam('view') === 'compact'; Benchmark::measure(sprintf( 'Action::preDispatched(): %s / %s / %s', $this->module_name, $this->controller_name, $this->action_name )); //$this->quickRedirect('/authentication/login?a=e'); } public function redirectNow($url, array $params = array()) { if ($url instanceof Url) { $url = $url->getRelative(); } $this->_helper->Redirector->gotoUrlAndExit($url); } public function handlesAuthentication() { return $this->handlesAuthentication; } /** * Render our benchmark * * @return string */ protected function renderBenchmark() { return '
             . Benchmark::renderToHtml()
             . '
'; } /** * After dispatch happend we are going to do some automagic stuff * * - Benchmark is completed and rendered * - Notifications will be collected here * - Layout is disabled for XHR requests * - TODO: Headers with required JS and other things will be created * for XHR requests * * @return void */ public function postDispatch() { Benchmark::measure('Action::postDispatch()'); // TODO: Move this elsewhere, this is just an ugly test: if ($this->_request->getParam('filetype') === 'pdf') { // Snippet stolen from less compiler in public/css.php: require_once 'vendor/lessphp/lessc.inc.php'; $less = new \lessc; $cssdir = dirname(ICINGA_LIBDIR) . '/public/css'; // TODO: We need a way to retrieve public dir, even if located elsewhere $css = $less->compileFile($cssdir . '/pdfprint.less'); /* foreach (\Icinga\Application\Icinga::app()->moduleManager()->getLoadedModules() as $name => $module) { if ($module->hasCss()) { $css .= $less->compile( '.icinga-module.module-' . $name . " {\n" . file_get_contents($module->getCssFilename()) . "}\n\n" ); } } */ // END of CSS test $this->render( null, $this->_helper->viewRenderer->getResponseSegment(), $this->_helper->viewRenderer->getNoController() ); $html = (string) $this->getResponse(); if ($this->module_name !== null) { $html = '
' . "\n" . $html . '
'; } $html = '' . $html; //$html .= $this->view->action('services', 'list', 'monitoring', array('limit' => 10)); // $html = preg_replace('~icinga-module.module-bpapp~', 'csstest', $html); // echo $html; exit; $pdf = new Pdf(); $pdf->AddPage(); $pdf->setFontSubsetting(false); $pdf->writeHTML($html); //0, 0, '', '', $html, 0, 1, 0, true, '', true); $pdf->Output('docs.pdf', 'I'); exit; } // END of PDF test if ($this->_request->isXmlHttpRequest()) { if ($this->replaceLayout || $this->_getParam('_render') === 'body') { $this->_helper->layout()->setLayout('just-the-body'); header('X-Icinga-Target: body'); } else { $this->_helper->layout()->setLayout('inline'); } } $notification = Notification::getInstance(); if ($notification->hasMessages()) { $nhtml = '
    '; foreach ($notification->getMessages() as $msg) { $nhtml .= '
  • [' . $msg->type . '] ' . htmlspecialchars($msg->message); } $nhtml .= '
'; $this->getResponse()->append('notification', $nhtml); } if (AuthManager::getInstance()->getSession()->get('show_benchmark')) { Benchmark::measure('Response ready'); $this->_helper->layout()->benchmark = $this->renderBenchmark(); } } }