params[$param])) { return $default; } return $this->params[$param]; } public function getParam($param, $default = null) { return $this->_getParam($param, $default); } public function preserve() { return $this; } public function getParams() { return $this->params; } /** * Sets the backend for this controller which will be used in the action * * @param $backend */ public function setBackend($backend) { $this->backend = $backend; } public function __get($param) { return $this; } public function getHeader($header) { if (isset($this->headers[$header])) { return $this->headers[$header]; } return null; } } } namespace Test\Monitoring\Testlib { use Icinga\Protocol\Statusdat\Reader; use Test\Monitoring\Testlib\DataSource\TestFixture; use Test\Monitoring\Testlib\DataSource\DataSourceTestSetup; use Monitoring\Backend\Ido; use Monitoring\Backend\Statusdat; /** * Base class for monitoring controllers that loads required dependencies * and allows easier setup of tests * * Example: * * * class MyControllerTest extends MonitoringControllerTest * { * public function testSomething() * { * // Create a test fixture * $fixture = new TestFixture() * $fixture->addHost('host', 0)->addService(...)->..->; * * $this->setupFixture($fixture, "mysql"); // setup the fixture * $controller = $this->requireController('MyController', 'mysql'); * // controller is now the Zend controller instance, perform an action * $controller->myAction(); * $result = $controller->view->hosts->fetchAll(); * // assert stuff * } * } */ abstract class MonitoringControllerTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { /** * The module directory for requiring modules (is relative to the source file) * @var string */ private $moduleDir = ""; /** * The application directory for requirying library files (is relative to the source file) * @var string */ private $appDir = ""; /** * Require necessary libraries on test creation * * This is called for every test and assures that all required libraries for the controllers * are loaded. If you need additional dependencies you should overwrite this method, call the parent * and then require your classes */ public function setUp() { $this->moduleDir = dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../'; $this->appDir = $this->moduleDir.'../../library/Icinga/'; $module = $this->moduleDir; $app = $this->appDir; set_include_path(get_include_path().':'.$module); set_include_path(get_include_path().':'.$app); require_once('Zend/Config.php'); require_once('Zend/Db.php'); require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . '/datasource/DataSourceTestSetup.php'); $this->requireBase(); $this->requireViews(); } /** * Require base application and data retrieval classes from the Icinga Library * */ private function requireBase() { require_once('Application/Benchmark.php'); require_once('Data/AbstractQuery.php'); require_once('Data/DatasourceInterface.php'); require_once('Data/Db/Connection.php'); require_once('Data/Db/Query.php'); require_once('Exception/ProgrammingError.php'); require_once('library/Monitoring/Backend/AbstractBackend.php'); } /** * Require all defined IDO queries in this module * */ private function requireIDOQueries() { require_once('library/Monitoring/Backend/Ido.php'); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/Backend/Ido/Query'); } /** * Require all php files in the folder $folder * * @param $folder The path to the folder containing PHP files */ private function requireFolder($folder) { $module = $this->moduleDir; $views = scandir($module.$folder); foreach ($views as $view) { if (!preg_match('/php$/', $view)) { continue; } require_once(realpath($module.$folder."/".$view)); } } /** * Require all views and queries from the statusdat backen * */ private function requireStatusDatQueries() { require_once(realpath($this->moduleDir.'/library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat.php')); require_once(realpath($this->moduleDir.'/library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat/Query/Query.php')); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat'); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat/Criteria'); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat/Query'); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat/DataView'); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/Backend/Statusdat/DataView'); } /** * Require all (generic) view classes from the monitoring module */ private function requireViews() { $module = $this->moduleDir; require_once($module.'library/Monitoring/View/MonitoringView.php'); $this->requireFolder('library/Monitoring/View/'); } /** * Require and set up a controller $controller using the backend type specified at $backend * * @param string $controller The name of the controller tu use (must be under monitoring/application/controllers) * @param string $backend The backend to use ('mysql', 'pgsql' or 'statusdat') * @return ModuleActionController The newly created controller */ public function requireController($controller, $backend) { require_once($this->moduleDir.'/application/controllers/'.$controller.'.php'); $controllerName = '\Monitoring_'.ucfirst($controller); $controller = new $controllerName; $controller->setBackend($this->getBackendFor($backend)); return $controller; } /** * Create a new backend and insert the given fixture into it * * @param TestFixture $fixture The TestFixture to create * @param string $type The type of the backend ('mysql', 'pgsql' or 'statusdat') */ public function setupFixture(TestFixture $fixture, $type) { $dbInstance = new DataSourceTestSetup($type); $dbInstance->setup(); $dbInstance->insert($fixture); } /** * Set up and configure a new testbackend for the given type * * @param string $type The type of the backend 'mysql', 'pgsql' or 'statusdat' * @return Ido|Statusdat The newly created backend */ public function getBackendFor($type) { if ($type == "mysql" || $type == "pgsql") { $this->requireIDOQueries(); return new Ido(new \Zend_Config(array( "dbtype"=> $type, 'host' => "localhost", 'user' => "icinga_unittest", 'pass' => "icinga_unittest", 'db' => "icinga_unittest" ))); } else if ($type == "statusdat") { $this->requireStatusDatQueries(); return new Statusdat(new \Zend_Config(array( 'status_file' => '/tmp/teststatus.dat', 'objects_file' => '/tmp/testobjects.cache', 'no_cache' => true ))); } } } }