assertPermission('config/access-control/roles'); $this->view->title = $this->translate('Roles'); parent::init(); } public function indexAction() { if ($this->hasPermission('config/access-control/roles')) { $this->redirectNow('role/list'); } elseif ($this->hasPermission('config/access-control/users')) { $this->redirectNow('user/list'); } elseif ($this->hasPermission('config/access-control/groups')) { $this->redirectNow('group/list'); } else { throw new SecurityException('No permission to configure Icinga Web 2'); } } /** * List roles */ public function listAction() { $this->createListTabs()->activate('role/list'); $this->view->roles = (new RolesConfig()) ->select(); $sortAndFilterColumns = [ 'name' => $this->translate('Name'), 'users' => $this->translate('Users'), 'groups' => $this->translate('Groups'), 'parent' => $this->translate('Inherits From') ]; $this->setupFilterControl( $this->view->roles, $sortAndFilterColumns + [ 'permissions' => $this->translate('Permissions') ] ); $this->setupLimitControl(); $this->setupPaginationControl($this->view->roles); $this->setupSortControl($sortAndFilterColumns, $this->view->roles); } /** * Create a new role */ public function addAction() { $role = new RoleForm(); $role->setRedirectUrl('__CLOSE__'); $role->setRepository(new RolesConfig()); $role->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Create Role')); $role->add()->handleRequest(); $this->renderForm($role, $this->translate('New Role')); } /** * Update a role */ public function editAction() { $name = $this->params->getRequired('role'); $role = new RoleForm(); $role->setRedirectUrl('__CLOSE__'); $role->setRepository(new RolesConfig()); $role->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Update Role')); $role->edit($name); try { $role->handleRequest(); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { $this->httpNotFound($this->translate('Role not found')); } $this->renderForm($role, $this->translate('Update Role')); } /** * Remove a role */ public function removeAction() { $name = $this->params->getRequired('role'); $role = new RoleForm(); $role->setRedirectUrl('__CLOSE__'); $role->setRepository(new RolesConfig()); $role->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Remove Role')); $role->remove($name); try { $role->handleRequest(); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { $this->httpNotFound($this->translate('Role not found')); } $this->renderForm($role, $this->translate('Remove Role')); } public function auditAction() { $this->createListTabs()->activate('role/audit'); $this->view->title = t('Audit'); $roleName = $this->params->get('role'); $type = $this->params->has('group') ? 'group' : 'user'; $name = $this->params->get($type); $backend = null; if ($type === 'user') { if ($name) { $backend = $this->params->getRequired('backend'); } else { $backends = $this->loadUserBackends(); if (! empty($backends)) { $backend = array_shift($backends)->getName(); } } } $form = new SingleValueSearchControl(); $form->setMetaDataNames('type', 'backend'); $form->populate(['q' => $name, 'q-type' => $type, 'q-backend' => $backend]); $form->setInputLabel(t('Enter user or group name')); $form->setSubmitLabel(t('Inspect')); $form->setSuggestionUrl(Url::fromPath( 'role/suggest-role-member', ['_disableLayout' => true, 'showCompact' => true] )); $form->on(SingleValueSearchControl::ON_SUCCESS, function ($form) { $type = $form->getValue('q-type') ?: 'user'; $params = [$type => $form->getValue('q')]; if ($type === 'user') { $params['backend'] = $form->getValue('q-backend'); } $this->redirectNow(Url::fromPath('role/audit', $params)); })->handleRequest(ServerRequest::fromGlobals()); $this->addControl($form); if (! $name) { $this->addContent(Html::wantHtml(t('No user or group selected.'))); return; } if ($type === 'user') { $header = Html::tag('h2', sprintf(t('Privilege Audit for User "%s"'), $name)); $user = new User($name); $user->setAdditional('backend_name', $backend); Auth::getInstance()->setupUser($user); } else { $header = Html::tag('h2', sprintf(t('Privilege Audit for Group "%s"'), $name)); $user = new User((string) time()); $user->setGroups([$name]); (new AdmissionLoader())->applyRoles($user); } $chosenRole = null; $assignedRoles = array_filter($user->getRoles(), function ($role) use ($user, &$chosenRole, $roleName) { if (! in_array($role->getName(), $user->getAdditional('assigned_roles'), true)) { return false; } if ($role->getName() === $roleName) { $chosenRole = $role; } return true; }); $this->addControl(Html::tag( 'ul', ['class' => 'privilege-audit-role-control'], [ Html::tag('li', $roleName ? null : ['class' => 'active'], new Link( t('All roles'), Url::fromRequest()->without('role'), ['class' => 'button-link', 'title' => t('Show privileges of all roles')] )), array_map(function ($role) use ($roleName) { return Html::tag( 'li', $role->getName() === $roleName ? ['class' => 'active'] : null, new Link( $role->getName(), Url::fromRequest()->setParam('role', $role->getName()), [ 'class' => 'button-link', 'title' => sprintf(t('Only show privileges of role %s'), $role->getName()) ] ) ); }, $assignedRoles) ] )); $this->addControl($header); $this->addContent( (new PrivilegeAudit($chosenRole !== null ? [$chosenRole] : $assignedRoles)) ->addAttributes(['id' => 'role-audit']) ); } public function suggestRoleMemberAction() { $this->assertHttpMethod('POST'); $requestData = $this->getRequest()->getPost(); $limit = $this->params->get('limit', 50); $searchTerm = $requestData['term']['label']; $userBackends = $this->loadUserBackends(Selectable::class); $suggestions = []; while ($limit > 0 && ! empty($userBackends)) { /** @var Repository $backend */ $backend = array_shift($userBackends); $query = $backend->select() ->from('user', ['user_name']) ->where('user_name', $searchTerm) ->limit($limit); try { $names = $query->fetchColumn(); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } $domain = ''; if ($backend instanceof DomainAwareInterface) { $domain = '@' . $backend->getDomain(); } $users = []; foreach ($names as $name) { $users[] = [$name . $domain, [ 'type' => 'user', 'backend' => $backend->getName() ]]; } if (! empty($users)) { $suggestions[] = [ [ t('Users'), HtmlString::create(' '), Html::tag('span', ['class' => 'badge'], $backend->getName()) ], $users ]; } $limit -= count($names); } $groupBackends = $this->loadUserGroupBackends(Selectable::class); while ($limit > 0 && ! empty($groupBackends)) { /** @var Repository $backend */ $backend = array_shift($groupBackends); $query = $backend->select() ->from('group', ['group_name']) ->where('group_name', $searchTerm) ->limit($limit); try { $names = $query->fetchColumn(); } catch (Exception $e) { continue; } $groups = []; foreach ($names as $name) { $groups[] = [$name, ['type' => 'group']]; } if (! empty($groups)) { $suggestions[] = [ [ t('Groups'), HtmlString::create(' '), Html::tag('span', ['class' => 'badge'], $backend->getName()) ], $groups ]; } $limit -= count($names); } if (empty($suggestions)) { $suggestions[] = [t('Your search does not match any user or group'), []]; } $this->document->add(SingleValueSearchControl::createSuggestions($suggestions)); } /** * Create the tabs to display when listing roles */ protected function createListTabs() { $tabs = $this->getTabs(); $tabs->add( 'role/list', array( 'baseTarget' => '_main', 'label' => $this->translate('Roles'), 'title' => $this->translate( 'Configure roles to permit or restrict users and groups accessing Icinga Web 2' ), 'url' => 'role/list' ) ); $tabs->add( 'role/audit', [ 'title' => $this->translate('Audit a user\'s or group\'s privileges'), 'label' => $this->translate('Audit'), 'url' => 'role/audit', 'baseTarget' => '_main' ] ); if ($this->hasPermission('config/access-control/users')) { $tabs->add( 'user/list', array( 'title' => $this->translate('List users of authentication backends'), 'label' => $this->translate('Users'), 'url' => 'user/list' ) ); } if ($this->hasPermission('config/access-control/groups')) { $tabs->add( 'group/list', array( 'title' => $this->translate('List groups of user group backends'), 'label' => $this->translate('User Groups'), 'url' => 'group/list' ) ); } return $tabs; } }