/*! Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2016 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ @icinga-blue: #006D8C; @color-ok: #006400; @color-critical: #EE0000; @color-critical-handled: #EE0000; @color-warning: #8B5A00; @color-warning-handled: #8B5A00; @color-unknown: #800080; @color-unknown-handled: #800080; @color-unreachable: #800080; @color-unreachable-handled: #800080; @color-pending: #0000EE; @text-color: #191919; @text-color-light: #555555; .badge { background-color: @text-color-light; } .badge.handled { background-color: @body-bg-color !important; color: @text-color; &.state-warning { border: 1px solid @color-warning-handled; margin-top: -1px; } &.state-critical { border: 1px solid @color-critical-handled; margin-top: -1px; } &.state-down { border: 1px solid @color-critical-handled; margin-top: -1px; } &.state-unreachable { border: 1px solid @color-unreachable-handled; margin-top: -1px; } &.state-unknown { border: 1px solid @color-unknown-handled; margin-top: -1px; } } #menu a:hover { color: @body-bg-color; background-color: @icinga-blue; } #menu .active > a { text-decoration: underline; } .boxview a:focus { color: @text-color; text-decoration: underline; } .icinga-module.module-monitoring { @timeline-notification-color: #1650CF; @timeline-hard-state-color: #A24600; @timeline-comment-color: #346964; @timeline-ack-color: #855D18; @timeline-downtime-start-color: #515151; @timeline-downtime-end-color: #5e5e2f; // Unfortunately it does not suffice to only override the timeline colors here, because our less compiler seems to // have the related style block in module.less already evaluated .timeline-notification { background-color: @timeline-notification-color; &.extrapolated { background-color: lighten(@timeline-notification-color, 20%); } } .timeline-hard-state { background-color: @timeline-hard-state-color; &.extrapolated { background-color: lighten(@timeline-hard-state-color, 20%); } } .timeline-comment { background-color: @timeline-comment-color; &.extrapolated { background-color: lighten(@timeline-comment-color, 20%); } } .timeline-ack { background-color: @timeline-ack-color; &.extrapolated { background-color: lighten(@timeline-ack-color, 20%); } } .timeline-downtime-start { background-color: @timeline-downtime-start-color; &.extrapolated { background-color: lighten(@timeline-downtime-start-color, 20%); } } .timeline-downtime-end { background-color: @timeline-downtime-end-color; &.extrapolated { background-color: lighten(@timeline-downtime-end-color, 20%); } } }