ds = $ds; $this->columns = $columns; $this->clearFilter(); $this->init(); } public function getDatasource() { return $this->ds; } public function setColumns(array $columns) { $this->columns = $columns; } /** * Define the target and attributes for this query * * The Query will return the default attribute the attributes parameter is omitted * * @param String $target The target of this query (tablename, objectname, depends on the concrete implementation) * @param array $columns An optional array of columns to select, if none are given the default * columnset is returned * * @return self Fluent interface */ public function from($target, array $attributes = null) { $this->table = $target; if ($attributes !== null) { $this->columns = $attributes; } return $this; } /** * Add a filter expression to be applied on this query. * * This is an alias to andWhere() * The syntax of the expression and valid parameters are to be defined by the concrete * backend-specific query implementation. * * @param string $expression Implementation specific search expression * @param mixed $parameters Implementation specific search value to use for query placeholders * * @return self Fluent Interface * @see BaseQuery::andWhere() This is an alias to andWhere() */ public function where($expression, $parameters = null) { return $this->andWhere($expression, $parameters); } /** * Add an mandatory filter expression to be applied on this query * * The syntax of the expression and valid parameters are to be defined by the concrete * backend-specific query implementation. * * @param string $expression Implementation specific search expression * @param mixed $parameters Implementation specific search value to use for query placeholders * @return self Fluent interface */ public function andWhere($expression, $parameters = null) { $node = $this->parseFilterExpression($expression, $parameters); if ($node === null) { Logger::debug('Ignoring invalid filter expression: %s (params: %s)', $expression, $parameters); return $this; } $this->filter->insert(Node::createAndNode()); $this->filter->insert($node); return $this; } /** * Add an lower priority filter expression to be applied on this query * * The syntax of the expression and valid parameters are to be defined by the concrete * backend-specific query implementation. * * @param string $expression Implementation specific search expression * @param mixed $parameters Implementation specific search value to use for query placeholders * @return self Fluent interface */ public function orWhere($expression, $parameters = null) { $node = $this->parseFilterExpression($expression, $parameters); if ($node === null) { Logger::debug('Ignoring invalid filter expression: %s (params: %s)', $expression, $parameters); return $this; } $this->filter->insert(Node::createOrNode()); $this->filter->insert($node); return $this; } /** * Determine whether the given field is a valid filter target * * The base implementation always returns true, overwrite it in concrete backend-specific * implementations * * @param String $field The field to test for being filterable * @return bool True if the field can be filtered, otherwise false */ public function isValidFilterTarget($field) { return true; } /** * Return the internally used field name for the given alias * * The base implementation just returns the given field, overwrite it in concrete backend-specific * implementations * * @param String $field The field to test for being filterable * @return bool True if the field can be filtered, otherwise false */ public function getMappedField($field) { return $field; } /** * Add a filter to this query * * This is the implementation for the Filterable, use where instead * * @param $filter */ public function addFilter($filter) { if (is_string($filter)) { $this->addFilter(call_user_func_array(array($this, 'parseFilterExpression'), func_get_args())); } elseif ($filter instanceof Node) { $this->filter->insert($filter); } } public function setFilter(Tree $filter) { $this->filter = $filter; } /** * Parse a backend specific filter expression and return a Query\Node object * * @param $expression The expression to parse * @param $parameters Optional parameters for the expression * @return Node A query node or null if it's an invalid expression */ abstract protected function parseFilterExpression($expression, $parameters = null); /** * Return all default columns * * @return array An array of default columns to use when none are selected */ public function getDefaultColumns() { return array(); } /** * Sort query result by the given column name * * Sort direction can be ascending (self::SORT_ASC, being the default) * or descending (self::SORT_DESC). * * Preferred usage: * * $query->sort('column_name ASC') * * * @param string $columnOrAlias Column, may contain direction separated by space * @param int $dir Sort direction * * @return BaseQuery */ public function order($columnOrAlias, $dir = null) { if ($dir === null) { $colDirPair = explode(' ', $columnOrAlias, 2); if (count($colDirPair) === 1) { $dir = $this->getDefaultSortDir($columnOrAlias); } else { $dir = $colDirPair[1]; $columnOrAlias = $colDirPair[0]; } } $dir = (strtoupper(trim($dir)) === 'DESC') ? self::SORT_DESC : self::SORT_ASC; $this->orderColumns[] = array($columnOrAlias, $dir); return $this; } /** * Determine the default sort direction constant for the given column * * @param String $col The column to get the sort direction for * @return int Either SORT_ASC or SORT_DESC */ protected function getDefaultSortDir($col) { return self::SORT_ASC; } /** * Limit the result set * * @param int $count The numeric maximum limit to apply on the query result * @param int $offset The offset to use for the result set * * @return BaseQuery */ public function limit($count = null, $offset = null) { $this->limitCount = $count !== null ? intval($count) : null; $this->limitOffset = intval($offset); return $this; } /** * Determine whether this query will be ordered explicitly * * @return bool True when an order column has been set */ public function hasOrder() { return !empty($this->orderColumns); } /** * Determine whether this query will be limited explicitly * * @return bool True when an limit count has been set, otherwise false */ public function hasLimit() { return $this->limitCount !== null; } /** * Determine whether an offset is set or not * * @return bool True when an offset > 0 is set */ public function hasOffset() { return $this->limitOffset > 0; } /** * Get the query limit * * @return int The query limit or null if none is set */ public function getLimit() { return $this->limitCount; } /** * Get the query starting offset * * @return int The query offset or null if none is set */ public function getOffset() { return $this->limitOffset; } /** * Implementation specific initialization * * Overwrite this instead of __construct (it's called at the end of the construct) to * implement custom initialization logic on construction time */ protected function init() { } /** * Return all columns set in this query or the default columns if none are set * * @return array An array of columns */ public function getColumns() { return ($this->columns !== null) ? $this->columns : $this->getDefaultColumns(); } /** * Return all columns used for ordering * * @return array */ public function getOrderColumns() { return $this->orderColumns; } public function getFilter() { return $this->filter; } public function clearFilter() { $this->filter = new Tree(); } /** * Return a pagination adapter for this query * * @return \Zend_Paginator */ public function paginate($limit = null, $page = null) { if ($page === null && $limit === null) { $request = \Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance()->getRequest(); if ($page === null) { $page = $request->getParam('page', 0); } if ($limit === null) { $limit = $request->getParam('limit', 20); } } $this->limit($limit, $page * $limit); $paginator = new Zend_Paginator(new QueryAdapter($this)); $paginator->setItemCountPerPage($limit); $paginator->setCurrentPageNumber($page); return $paginator; } /** * Total result size regardless of limit and offset * * @return int */ public function count() { return $this->ds->count($this); } /** * Fetch result as an array of objects * * @return array */ public function fetchAll() { return $this->ds->fetchAll($this); } /** * Fetch first result row * * @return object */ public function fetchRow() { return $this->ds->fetchRow($this); } /** * Fetch first result column * * @return array */ public function fetchColumn() { return $this->ds->fetchColumn($this); } /** * Fetch first column value from first result row * * @return mixed */ public function fetchOne() { return $this->ds->fetchOne($this); } /** * Fetch result as a key/value pair array * * @return array */ public function fetchPairs() { return $this->ds->fetchPairs($this); } }