_fh = fopen($params['file'], 'r'); } else { $this->_fh = $params['file']; } if (!$this->_fh) { /** * @see Zend_Mail_Exception */ throw new Zend_Mail_Exception('could not open file'); } if (isset($params['startPos'])) { fseek($this->_fh, $params['startPos']); } $header = ''; $endPos = isset($params['endPos']) ? $params['endPos'] : null; while (($endPos === null || ftell($this->_fh) < $endPos) && trim($line = fgets($this->_fh))) { $header .= $line; } Zend_Mime_Decode::splitMessage($header, $this->_headers, $null); $this->_contentPos[0] = ftell($this->_fh); if ($endPos !== null) { $this->_contentPos[1] = $endPos; } else { fseek($this->_fh, 0, SEEK_END); $this->_contentPos[1] = ftell($this->_fh); } if (!$this->isMultipart()) { return; } $boundary = $this->getHeaderField('content-type', 'boundary'); if (!$boundary) { /** * @see Zend_Mail_Exception */ throw new Zend_Mail_Exception('no boundary found in content type to split message'); } $part = array(); $pos = $this->_contentPos[0]; fseek($this->_fh, $pos); while (!feof($this->_fh) && ($endPos === null || $pos < $endPos)) { $line = fgets($this->_fh); if ($line === false) { if (feof($this->_fh)) { break; } /** * @see Zend_Mail_Exception */ throw new Zend_Mail_Exception('error reading file'); } $lastPos = $pos; $pos = ftell($this->_fh); $line = trim($line); if ($line == '--' . $boundary) { if ($part) { // not first part $part[1] = $lastPos; $this->_partPos[] = $part; } $part = array($pos); } else if ($line == '--' . $boundary . '--') { $part[1] = $lastPos; $this->_partPos[] = $part; break; } } $this->_countParts = count($this->_partPos); } /** * Body of part * * If part is multipart the raw content of this part with all sub parts is returned * * @return string body * @throws Zend_Mail_Exception */ public function getContent($stream = null) { fseek($this->_fh, $this->_contentPos[0]); if ($stream !== null) { return stream_copy_to_stream($this->_fh, $stream, $this->_contentPos[1] - $this->_contentPos[0]); } $length = $this->_contentPos[1] - $this->_contentPos[0]; return $length < 1 ? '' : fread($this->_fh, $length); } /** * Return size of part * * Quite simple implemented currently (not decoding). Handle with care. * * @return int size */ public function getSize() { return $this->_contentPos[1] - $this->_contentPos[0]; } /** * Get part of multipart message * * @param int $num number of part starting with 1 for first part * @return Zend_Mail_Part wanted part * @throws Zend_Mail_Exception */ public function getPart($num) { --$num; if (!isset($this->_partPos[$num])) { /** * @see Zend_Mail_Exception */ throw new Zend_Mail_Exception('part not found'); } return new self(array('file' => $this->_fh, 'startPos' => $this->_partPos[$num][0], 'endPos' => $this->_partPos[$num][1])); } }