// {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} /** * Icinga.Events * * Event handlers */ (function (Icinga, $) { 'use strict'; Icinga.Events = function (icinga) { this.icinga = icinga; this.searchValue = ''; }; Icinga.Events.prototype = { keyboard: { ctrlKey: false, altKey: false, shiftKey: false }, /** * Icinga will call our initialize() function once it's ready */ initialize: function () { this.applyGlobalDefaults(); $('#layout').trigger('rendered'); //$('.container').trigger('rendered'); $('.container').each(function(idx, el) { icinga.ui.initializeControls($(el)); }); }, // TODO: What's this? applyHandlers: function (evt) { var el = $(evt.target), self = evt.data.self; var icinga = self.icinga; $('.dashboard > div', el).each(function(idx, el) { var url = $(el).data('icingaUrl'); if (typeof url === 'undefined') return; icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $(el)).autorefresh = true; }); // Set first links href in a action table tr as row href: $('table.action tr', el).each(function(idx, el) { var $a = $('a[href]', el).first(); if ($a.length) { // TODO: Find out whether we leak memory on IE with this: $(el).attr('href', $a.attr('href')); } }); $('td.state span.timesince').attr('title', null); var moduleName = el.data('icingaModule'); if (moduleName) { if (icinga.hasModule(moduleName)) { var module = icinga.module(moduleName); // NOT YET, the applyOnloadDings: module.applyEventHandlers(mod); } } $('.icinga-module', el).each(function(idx, mod) { var $mod = $(mod); moduleName = $mod.data('icingaModule'); if (icinga.hasModule(moduleName)) { var module = icinga.module(moduleName); // NOT YET, the applyOnloadDings: module.applyEventHandlers(mod); } }); if (document.activeElement === document.body) { $('input.autofocus', el).focus(); } var searchField = $('#menu input.search', el); // Remember initial search field value if any if (searchField.length && searchField.val().length) { self.searchValue = searchField.val(); } if (icinga.ui.isOneColLayout()) { icinga.ui.disableCloseButtons(); } else { icinga.ui.enableCloseButtons(); } }, /** * Global default event handlers */ applyGlobalDefaults: function () { $.each(self.icinga.behaviors, function (name, behavior) { behavior.bind($(document)); }); // Apply element-specific behavior whenever the layout is rendered $(document).on('rendered', { self: this }, this.applyHandlers); // We catch resize events $(window).on('resize', { self: this.icinga.ui }, this.icinga.ui.onWindowResize); // Trigger 'rendered' event also on page loads $(window).on('load', { self: this }, this.onLoad); // Destroy Icinga, clean up and interrupt pending requests on unload $( window ).on('unload', { self: this }, this.onUnload); $( window ).on('beforeunload', { self: this }, this.onUnload); // We catch scroll events in our containers $('.container').on('scroll', { self: this }, this.icinga.events.onContainerScroll); // We want to catch each link click $(document).on('click', 'a', { self: this }, this.linkClicked); $(document).on('click', 'tr[href]', { self: this }, this.linkClicked); // Select a table row $(document).on('click', 'table.multiselect tr[href]', { self: this }, this.rowSelected); $(document).on('click', 'button', { self: this }, this.submitForm); // We catch all form submit events $(document).on('submit', 'form', { self: this }, this.submitForm); // We support an 'autosubmit' class on dropdown form elements $(document).on('change', 'form select.autosubmit', { self: this }, this.autoSubmitForm); $(document).on('change', 'form input.autosubmit', { self: this }, this.autoSubmitForm); $(document).on('keyup', '#menu input.search', {self: this}, this.autoSubmitSearch); $(document).on('click', '.tree .handle', { self: this }, this.treeNodeToggle); // TBD: a global autocompletion handler // $(document).on('keyup', 'form.auto input', this.formChangeDelayed); // $(document).on('change', 'form.auto input', this.formChanged); // $(document).on('change', 'form.auto select', this.submitForm); }, treeNodeToggle: function () { var $parent = $(this).closest('li'); if ($parent.hasClass('collapsed')) { $('li', $parent).addClass('collapsed'); $parent.removeClass('collapsed'); } else { $parent.addClass('collapsed'); } }, onLoad: function (event) { //$('.container').trigger('rendered'); }, onUnload: function (event) { var icinga = event.data.self.icinga; icinga.logger.info('Unloading Icinga'); icinga.destroy(); }, /** * A scroll event happened in one of our containers */ onContainerScroll: function (event) { // Ugly. And PLEASE, not so often icinga.ui.fixControls(); }, autoSubmitSearch: function(event) { var self = event.data.self; if ($('#menu input.search').val() === self.searchValue) { return; } self.searchValue = $('#menu input.search').val(); return self.autoSubmitForm(event); }, autoSubmitForm: function (event) { return event.data.self.submitForm(event, true); }, /** * */ submitForm: function (event, autosubmit) { var self = event.data.self; var icinga = self.icinga; // .closest is not required unless subelements to trigger this var $form = $(event.currentTarget).closest('form'); var regex = new RegExp('&', 'g'); var url = $form.attr('action').replace(regex, '&'); // WHY?? var method = $form.attr('method'); var $button = $('input[type=submit]:focus', $form).add('button[type=submit]:focus', $form); var $target; var data; if ($button.length === 0) { var $el = $(event.currentTarget); if ($el.is('input[type=submit]') || $el.is('button[type=submit]')) { $button = $el; } } if (typeof method === 'undefined') { method = 'POST'; } else { method = method.toUpperCase(); } if ($button.length === 0) { $button = $('input[type=submit]', $form).add('button[type=submit]', $form).first(); } event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); icinga.logger.debug('Submitting form: ' + method + ' ' + url, method); $target = self.getLinkTargetFor($form); if (method === 'GET') { var dataObj = $form.serializeObject(); if (typeof autosubmit === 'undefined' || ! autosubmit) { if ($button.length && $button.attr('name') !== 'undefined') { dataObj[$button.attr('name')] = $button.attr('value'); } } url = icinga.utils.addUrlParams(url, dataObj); } else { data = $form.serializeArray(); if (typeof autosubmit === 'undefined' || ! autosubmit) { if ($button.length && $button.attr('name') !== 'undefined') { data.push({ name: $button.attr('name'), value: $button.attr('value') }); } } } icinga.loader.loadUrl(url, $target, data, method); return false; }, handleExternalTarget: function($node) { var linkTarget = $node.attr('target'); // TODO: Let remote links pass through. Right now they only work // combined with target="_blank" or target="_self" // window.open is used as return true; didn't work reliable if (linkTarget === '_blank' || linkTarget === '_self') { window.open($node.attr('href'), linkTarget); return true; } return false; }, /** * Handle table selection. */ rowSelected: function(event) { var self = event.data.self; var icinga = self.icinga; var $tr = $(this); var $table = $tr.closest('table.multiselect'); var data = self.icinga.ui.getSelectionKeys($table); var url = $table.data('icinga-multiselect-url'); event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); if (!data) { icinga.logger.error('multiselect table has no data-icinga-multiselect-data'); return; } if (!url) { icinga.logger.error('multiselect table has no data-icinga-multiselect-url'); return; } // update selection if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) { icinga.ui.toogleTableRowSelection($tr); // multi selection } else if (event.shiftKey) { // range selection icinga.ui.addTableRowRangeSelection($tr); } else { // single selection icinga.ui.setTableRowSelection($tr); } // focus only the current table. icinga.ui.focusTable($table[0]); var $target = self.getLinkTargetFor($tr); var $trs = $table.find('tr[href].active'); if ($trs.length > 1) { var selectionData = icinga.ui.getSelectionSetData($trs, data); var query = icinga.ui.selectionDataToQuery(selectionData); icinga.loader.loadUrl(url + '?' + query, $target); icinga.ui.storeSelectionData(selectionData); icinga.ui.provideSelectionCount(); } else if ($trs.length === 1) { // display a single row $tr = $trs.first(); icinga.loader.loadUrl($tr.attr('href'), $target); icinga.ui.storeSelectionData($tr.attr('href')); icinga.ui.provideSelectionCount(); } else { // display nothing if ($target.attr('id') === 'col2') { icinga.ui.layout1col(); } icinga.ui.storeSelectionData(null); icinga.ui.provideSelectionCount(); } return false; }, /** * Someone clicked a link or tr[href] */ linkClicked: function (event) { var self = event.data.self; var icinga = self.icinga; var $a = $(this); var href = $a.attr('href'); var linkTarget = $a.attr('target'); var $target; var formerUrl; var remote = /^(?:[a-z]+:)\/\//; if (href.match(/^(mailto|javascript):/)) { return true; } // Special checks for link clicks in multiselect rows if (! $a.is('tr[href]') && $a.closest('tr[href]').length > 0 && $a.closest('table.multiselect').length > 0) { // Forward clicks to ANY link with special key pressed to rowSelected if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) { return self.rowSelected.call($a.closest('tr[href]'), event); } // Forward inner links matching the row URL to rowSelected if ($a.attr('href') === $a.closest('tr[href]').attr('href')) { return self.rowSelected.call($a.closest('tr[href]'), event); } } // Let remote links pass through if (href.match(remote)) { return true; } // window.open is used as return true; didn't work reliable if (linkTarget === '_blank' || linkTarget === '_self') { window.open(href, linkTarget); return false; } // Ignore form elements in action rows if ($(event.target).is('input') || $(event.target).is('button')) { return; } // ignore multiselect table row clicks if ($a.is('tr') && $a.closest('table.multiselect').length > 0) { return; } // Handle all other links as XHR requests event.stopPropagation(); event.preventDefault(); // If link has hash tag... if (href.match(/#/)) { if (href === '#') { if ($a.hasClass('close-toggle')) { if (! icinga.ui.isOneColLayout()) { var $cont = $a.closest('.container').first(); if ($cont.attr('id') === 'col1') { icinga.ui.moveToLeft(); icinga.ui.layout1col(); } else { icinga.ui.layout1col(); } icinga.history.pushCurrentState(); } } return false; } $target = self.getLinkTargetFor($a); formerUrl = $target.data('icingaUrl'); if (typeof formerUrl !== 'undefined' && formerUrl.split(/#/)[0] === href.split(/#/)[0]) { icinga.ui.scrollContainerToAnchor($target, href.split(/#/)[1]); $target.data('icingaUrl', href); if (formerUrl !== href) { icinga.history.pushCurrentState(); } return false; } } else { $target = self.getLinkTargetFor($a); } // Load link URL icinga.loader.loadUrl(href, $target); if ($a.closest('#menu').length > 0) { // Menu links should remove all but the first layout column icinga.ui.layout1col(); } return false; }, /** * Detect the link/form target for a given element (link, form, whatever) */ getLinkTargetFor: function($el) { var targetId; // If everything else fails, our target is the first column... var $target = $('#col1'); // ...but usually we will use our own container... var $container = $el.closest('.container'); if ($container.length) { $target = $container; } // You can of course override the default behaviour: if ($el.closest('[data-base-target]').length) { targetId = $el.closest('[data-base-target]').data('baseTarget'); // Simulate _next to prepare migration to dynamic column layout // YES, there are duplicate lines right now. if (targetId === '_next') { if (this.icinga.ui.hasOnlyOneColumn()) { targetId = 'col1'; $target = $('#' + targetId); } else { if ($el.closest('#col2').length) { this.icinga.ui.moveToLeft(); } targetId = 'col2'; $target = $('#' + targetId); } } else if (targetId === '_self') { $target = $el.closest('.container'); targetId = $target.attr('id'); } else if (targetId === '_main') { targetId = 'col1'; $target = $('#' + targetId); self.icinga.ui.layout1col(); } else { $target = $('#' + targetId); } } // Hardcoded layout switch unless columns are dynamic if ($target.attr('id') === 'col2') { this.icinga.ui.layout2col(); } return $target; }, /* hrefIsHashtag: function(href) { // WARNING: IE gives full URL :( // Also it doesn't support negativ indexes in substr return href.substr(href.length - 1, 1) == '#'; }, */ unbindGlobalHandlers: function () { $.each(self.icinga.behaviors, function (name, behavior) { behavior.unbind($(document)); }); $(window).off('resize', this.onWindowResize); $(window).off('load', this.onLoad); $(window).off('unload', this.onUnload); $(window).off('beforeunload', this.onUnload); $(document).off('scroll', '.container', this.onContainerScroll); $(document).off('click', 'a', this.linkClicked); $(document).off('click', 'table.action tr[href]', this.rowSelected); $(document).off('click', 'table.action tr a', this.rowSelected); $(document).off('submit', 'form', this.submitForm); $(document).off('click', 'button', this.submitForm); $(document).off('change', 'form select.autosubmit', this.submitForm); }, destroy: function() { // This is gonna be hard, clean up the mess this.unbindGlobalHandlers(); this.icinga = null; } }; }(Icinga, jQuery));