* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Authentication\Backend; use Icinga\Authentication\User as User; use Icinga\Authentication\UserBackend; use Icinga\Authentication\Credentials; use Icinga\Authentication; use Icinga\Application\Logger; /** * Authenticates users using a sql db as backend. * @package Icinga\Authentication\Backend */ class DbUserBackend implements UserBackend { /** * The database connection that will be used for fetching users * * @var \Zend_Db */ private $db = null; /** * The name of the user table as provided by the configuration * * @var String */ private $userTable; /** * Mapping of columns * * @var string */ private $USER_NAME_COLUMN = 'user_name', $FIRST_NAME_COLUMN = 'first_name', $LAST_NAME_COLUMN = 'last_name', $LAST_LOGIN_COLUMN = 'last_login', $SALT_COLUMN = 'salt', $PASSWORD_COLUMN = 'password', $ACTIVE_COLUMN = 'active', $DOMAIN_COLUMN = 'domain', $EMAIL_COLUMN = 'email'; /* * maps the configuration dbtypes to the corresponding Zend-PDOs */ private $dbTypeMap = Array( 'mysql' => 'PDO_MYSQL', 'pgsql' => 'PDO_PGSQL' ); /** * Creates a DbUserBackend * * @param $config The configuration-object containing the members host,user,password,db */ public function __construct($config) { $this->dbtype = $config->dbtype; $this->userTable = $config->table; try { $this->db = \Zend_Db::factory( $this->dbTypeMap[$config->dbtype], array( 'host' => $config->host, 'username' => $config->user, 'password' => $config->password, 'dbname' => $config->db )); /* * Test the connection settings */ $this->db->getConnection(); $this->db->select()->from($this->userTable,new \Zend_Db_Expr('TRUE')); } catch (\Zend_Db_Adapter_Exception $exc) { Logger::error('Could not authenticate via database : %s ', $exc->getMessage()); $this->db = null; } } /** * Checks if the user identified by the given credentials is available * * @param Credentials $credentials The login credentials * @return boolean True when the username is known and currently active. */ public function hasUsername(Credentials $credential) { if ($this->db === null) { Logger::warn('Ignoring hasUsername in database as no connection is available'); return false; } $user = $this->getUserByName($credential->getUsername()); return !empty($user); } /** * Authenticate a user with the given credentials * * @param Credentials $credentials The login credentials * @return User|null The authenticated user or Null. */ public function authenticate(Credentials $credential) { if ($this->db === null) { Logger::warn('Ignoring database authentication as no connection is available'); return null; } $this->db->getConnection(); $res = $this->db ->select()->from($this->userTable) ->where($this->USER_NAME_COLUMN.' = ?',$credential->getUsername()) ->where($this->ACTIVE_COLUMN. ' = ?',true) ->where($this->PASSWORD_COLUMN. ' = ?',hash_hmac('sha256', $this->getUserSalt($credential->getUsername()), $credential->getPassword()) ) ->query()->fetch(); if (!empty($res)) { $this->updateLastLogin($credential->getUsername()); return $this->createUserFromResult($res); } } /** * Update the timestamp containing the time of the last login for * the user with the given username * * @param $username The login-name of the user. */ private function updateLastLogin($username) { $this->db->getConnection(); $this->db->update( $this->userTable, array( $this->LAST_LOGIN_COLUMN => new \Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()') ), $this->USER_NAME_COLUMN.' = '.$this->db->quoteInto('?',$username)); } /** * Fetch the user's salt from the database * * @param $username The user whose salt should be fetched. * @return String|null Returns the salt-string or Null, when the user does not exist. */ private function getUserSalt($username) { $this->db->getConnection(); $res = $this->db->select() ->from($this->userTable,$this->SALT_COLUMN) ->where($this->USER_NAME_COLUMN.' = ?',$username) ->query()->fetch(); return $res[$this->SALT_COLUMN]; } /** * Fetch the user information from the database * * @param $username The name of the user. * @return User|null Returns the user object, or null when the user does not exist. */ private function getUserByName($username) { if ($this->db === null) { Logger::warn('Ignoring getUserByName as no database connection is available'); return null; } try { $this->db->getConnection(); $res = $this->db-> select()->from($this->userTable) ->where($this->USER_NAME_COLUMN.' = ?',$username) ->where($this->ACTIVE_COLUMN.' = ?',true) ->query()->fetch(); if (empty($res)) { return null; } return $this->createUserFromResult($res); } catch (\Zend_Db_Statement_Exception $exc) { Logger::error("Could not fetch users from db : %s ", $exc->getMessage()); return null; } } /** * Creates a new instance of User from the given result-array * * @param array $result The query result-array containing the column * @return User The created instance of User. */ private function createUserFromResult(Array $result) { $usr = new User( $result[$this->USER_NAME_COLUMN], $result[$this->FIRST_NAME_COLUMN], $result[$this->LAST_NAME_COLUMN], $result[$this->EMAIL_COLUMN]); $usr->setDomain($result[$this->DOMAIN_COLUMN]); return $usr; } }