] * * OPTIONS * * --daemonize Run in background * --port= The port to listen on * --listen= The address to listen on * The document root directory of Icinga Web 2 (e.g. ./public) * * EXAMPLES * * icingacli web serve --port=8080 * icingacli web serve --listen= ./public */ public function serveAction() { $fork = $this->params->get('daemonize'); $listen = $this->params->get('listen'); $port = $this->params->get('port'); $documentRoot = $this->params->shift(); if ($listen === null) { $socket = $port === null ? $this->params->shift() : '' . $port; } else { $socket = $listen; } if ($socket === null) { $socket = $this->Config()->get('standalone', 'listen', ''); } if ($documentRoot === null) { $documentRoot = Icinga::app()->getBaseDir('public'); if (! file_exists($documentRoot) || ! is_dir($documentRoot)) { throw new IcingaException('Document root directory is required'); } } $documentRoot = realpath($documentRoot); if ($fork) { $this->forkAndExit(); } echo "Serving Icinga Web 2 from directory $documentRoot and listening on $socket\n"; // TODO: Store webserver log, switch uid, log index.php includes, pid file pcntl_exec( readlink('/proc/self/exe'), ['-S', $socket, '-t', $documentRoot, Icinga::app()->getLibraryDir('/Icinga/Application/webrouter.php')] ); } public function stopAction() { // TODO: No, that's NOT what we want $prog = readlink('/proc/self/exe'); `killall $prog`; } protected function forkAndExit() { $pid = pcntl_fork(); if ($pid == -1) { throw new IcingaException('Could not fork'); } elseif ($pid) { echo $this->screen->colorize('[OK]') . " Icinga Web server forked successfully\n"; fclose(STDIN); fclose(STDOUT); fclose(STDERR); exit; // pcntl_wait($status); } else { // child } } }