* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Form\Config; use \Icinga\Application\Config as IcingaConfig; use \Icinga\Application\Icinga; use \Icinga\Web\Form; use \Icinga\Web\Form\Decorator\ConditionalHidden; use \Icinga\Web\Form\Element\Note; use \DateTimeZone; use \Zend_Config; use \Zend_Form_Element_Text; /** * Configuration form for general, application-wide settings * */ class GeneralForm extends Form { /** * The configuration to use for populating this form * * @var IcingaConfig */ private $config = null; /** * The base directory of the icingaweb configuration * * @var string */ private $configDir = null; /** * Set the configuration to be used for this form * * @param IcingaConfig $cfg */ public function setConfiguration(IcingaConfig $cfg) { $this->config = $cfg; } /** * Set a specific configuration directory to use for configuration specific default paths * * @param string $dir */ public function setConfigDir($dir) { $this->configDir = $dir; } /** * Return the config path set for this form or the application wide config path if none is set * * @return string * @see IcingaConfig::configDir */ public function getConfigDir() { return $this->configDir === null ? IcingaConfig::$configDir : $this->configDir; } /** * Add the checkbox for using the development environment to this form * * @param Zend_Config $cfg The "global" section of the config.ini */ private function addDevelopmentCheckbox(Zend_Config $cfg) { $env = $cfg->get('environment', 'development'); $this->addElement( 'checkbox', 'environment', array( 'label' => 'Development mode', 'required' => true, 'tooltip' => 'More verbose output', 'value' => $env === 'development' ) ); $this->addElement(new Note(array( 'name' => 'note_env', 'value' => 'Set true to show more detailed errors and disable certain optimizations ' . 'in order to make debugging easier.' ))); } /** * Add a select field for setting the default timezone. * * Possible values are determined by DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers * * @param Zend_Config $cfg The "global" section of the config.ini */ private function addTimezoneSelection(Zend_Config $cfg) { $tzList = array(); foreach(DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) { $tzList[$tz] = $tz; } $this->addElement( 'select', 'timezone', array( 'label' => 'Default application timezone', 'required' => true, 'multiOptions' => $tzList, 'value' => $cfg->get('timezone', date_default_timezone_get()) ) ); $this->addElement(new Note(array( 'name' => 'noteTimezone', 'value' => 'Select the timezone to be used as the default. User\'s can set their own timezone if'. ' they like to, but this is the timezone to be used as the default setting .' ))); } /** * Add configuration settings for module paths * * @param Zend_Config $cfg The "global" section of the config.ini */ private function addModuleSettings(Zend_Config $cfg) { $this->addElement( 'text', 'module_folder', array( 'label' => 'Module folder', 'required' => true, 'value' => $cfg->get('moduleFolder', $this->getConfigDir() . '/config/enabledModules') ) ); $this->addElement(new Note(array( 'name' => 'noteModuleFolder', 'value' => 'Use this folder to activate modules (must be writable by your webserver)' ))); } /** * Add text fields for the date and time format used in the application * * @param Zend_Config $cfg The "global" section of the config.ini */ private function addDateFormatSettings(Zend_Config $cfg) { $phpUrl = 'the official PHP documentation'; $this->addElement( 'text', 'date_format', array( 'label' => 'Date format', 'required' => true, 'value' => $cfg->get('dateFormat', 'd/m/Y') ) ); $this->addElement(new Note(array( 'name' => 'noteDateFormat', 'value' => 'Display dates according to this format. See ' . $phpUrl . ' for possible values' ))); $this->addElement( 'text', 'time_format', array( 'label' => 'Time format', 'required' => true, 'value' => $cfg->get('timeFormat', 'g:i A') ) ); $this->addElement(new Note(array( 'name' => 'noteTimeFormat', 'value' => 'Display times according to this format. See ' . $phpUrl . ' for possible values' ))); } public function addUserPreferencesDialog(Zend_Config $cfg) { $backend = $cfg->get('type', 'ini'); if ($this->getRequest()->get('preferences_type', null) !== null) { $backend = $this->getRequest()->get('preferences_type'); } $this->addElement( 'select', 'preferences_type', array( 'label' => 'User preference storage type', 'required' => true, 'value' => $backend, 'multiOptions' => array( 'ini' => 'File system (ini files)', 'db' => 'Database' ) ) ); $txtPreferencesIniPath = new Zend_Form_Element_Text( array( 'name' => 'preferences_ini_path', 'label' => 'Path to store user preference files', 'required' => $backend === 'ini', 'condition' => $backend === 'ini', 'value' => $cfg->get('configPath') ) ); $txtPreferencesDbResource = new Zend_Form_Element_Text( array( 'name' => 'preferences_db_resource', 'label' => 'Database connection (TODO: Make select field)', 'required' => $backend === 'db', 'condition' => $backend === 'db', 'value' => $cfg->get('resource') ) ); $this->addElement($txtPreferencesIniPath); $this->addElement($txtPreferencesDbResource); $txtPreferencesIniPath->addDecorator(new ConditionalHidden()); $txtPreferencesDbResource->addDecorator(new ConditionalHidden()); $this->enableAutoSubmit(array( 'preferences_type' )); } /** * Create the general form, using the provided configuration * * @see Form::create() */ public function create() { if ($this->config === null) { $this->config = new Zend_Config(array()); } $global = $this->config->global; if ($global === null) { $global = new Zend_Config(array()); } $preferences = $this->config->preferences; if ($preferences === null) { $preferences = new Zend_Config(array()); } $this->addDevelopmentCheckbox($global); $this->addTimezoneSelection($global); $this->addModuleSettings($global); $this->addDateFormatSettings($global); $this->addUserPreferencesDialog($preferences); $this->setSubmitLabel('Save changes'); } public function getConfig() { if ($this->config === null) { $this->config = new Zend_Config(array()); } if ($this->config->global === null) { $this->config->global = new Zend_Config(array()); } if ($this->config->preferences === null) { $this->config->preferences = new Zend_Config(array()); } $values = $this->getValues(); $cfg = clone $this->config; $cfg->global->environment = ($values['environment'] == 1) ? 'development' : 'production'; $cfg->global->timezone = $values['timezone']; $cfg->global->moduleFolder = $values['module_folder']; $cfg->global->dateFormat = $values['date_format']; $cfg->global->timeFormat = $values['time_format']; $cfg->preferences->type = $values['preferences_type']; if ($cfg->preferences->type === 'ini') { $cfg->preferences->configPath = $values['preferences_ini_path']; } elseif ($cfg->preferences->type === 'db') { $cfg->preferences->resource = $values['preferences_db_resource']; } return $cfg; } }