Path to Icinga Web 2's configuration files [/etc/icingaweb2] * * --mode= The access mode to use [2770] * * --group= Owner group for the configuration directory [icingaweb2] * * EXAMPLES: * * icingacli setup config directory * * icingacli setup config directory --mode 2775 --config /opt/icingaweb2/etc */ public function directoryAction() { $configDir = trim($this->params->get('config', $this->app->getConfigDir())); if (strlen($configDir) === 0) { $this->fail($this->translate( 'The argument --config expects a path to Icinga Web 2\'s configuration files' )); } if (file_exists($configDir)) { printf($this->translate('Configuration directory already exists at: %s') . PHP_EOL, $configDir); return true; } $group = trim($this->params->get('group', 'icingaweb2')); if (strlen($group) === 0) { $this->fail($this->translate( 'The argument --group expects a owner group for the configuration directory' )); } $mode = trim($this->params->get('mode', '2770')); if (strlen($mode) === 0) { $this->fail($this->translate( 'The argument --mode expects an access mode for the configuration directory' )); } if (false === mkdir($configDir)) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Unable to create path: %s'), $configDir)); return false; } if (! chmod($configDir, octdec($mode))) { $this->fail($this->translate( 'Unable to change the mode of the configuration directory' )); } if (chgrp($configDir, $group) === false) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Unable to change the group of "%s" to "%s".'), $configDir, $group)); return false; } printf($this->translate("Successfully created configuration directory at: %s\n"), $configDir); } /** * Create webserver configuration * * USAGE: * * icingacli setup config webserver [options] * * OPTIONS: * * --path= The URL path to Icinga Web 2 [/icingaweb2] * * --root/--document-root= The directory from which the webserver will serve files [/path/to/icingaweb2/public] * * --config= Path to Icinga Web 2's configuration files [/etc/icingaweb2] * * --file= Write configuration to file [stdout] * * EXAMPLES: * * icingacli setup config webserver apache * * icingacli setup config webserver apache --path /icingaweb2 --document-root /usr/share/icingaweb2/public --config=/etc/icingaweb2 * * icingacli setup config webserver apache --file /etc/apache2/conf.d/icingaweb2.conf * * icingacli setup config webserver nginx */ public function webserverAction() { if (($type = $this->params->getStandalone()) === null) { $this->fail($this->translate('Argument type is mandatory.')); } try { $webserver = Webserver::createInstance($type); } catch (ProgrammingError $e) { $this->fail($this->translate('Unknown type') . ': ' . $type); } $urlPath = $this->params->get('path', $webserver->getUrlPath()); if (! is_string($urlPath) || strlen(trim($urlPath)) === 0) { $this->fail($this->translate('The argument --path expects a URL path')); } $documentRoot = $this->params->get('root', $this->params->get('document-root', $webserver->getDocumentRoot())); if (! is_string($documentRoot) || strlen(trim($documentRoot)) === 0) { $this->fail($this->translate( 'The argument --root/--document-root expects a directory from which the webserver will serve files' )); } $configDir = $this->params->get('config', $webserver->getConfigDir()); if (! is_string($configDir) || strlen(trim($configDir)) === 0) { $this->fail($this->translate( 'The argument --config expects a path to Icinga Web 2\'s configuration files' )); } $webserver ->setDocumentRoot($documentRoot) ->setConfigDir($configDir) ->setUrlPath($urlPath); $config = $webserver->generate() . "\n"; if (($file = $this->params->get('file')) !== null) { if (file_exists($file) === true) { $this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('File %s already exists. Please delete it first.'), $file)); } Logger::info($this->translate('Write %s configuration to file: %s'), $type, $file); $re = file_put_contents($file, $config); if ($re === false) { $this->fail($this->translate('Could not write to file') . ': ' . $file); } Logger::info($this->translate('Successfully written %d bytes to file'), $re); return true; } echo $config; return true; } }