docTree = $docTree; $this->view = $view; $this->zendUrlHelper = $zendUrlHelper; $this->url = $url; $this->urlParams = $urlParams; } public function render($match) { $node = $this->docTree->getNode(Renderer::decodeAnchor($match['fragment'])); /* @var $node \Icinga\Data\Tree\Node */ if ($node === null) { return $match[0]; } $section = $node->getValue(); /* @var $section \Icinga\Module\Doc\Section */ $path = $this->zendUrlHelper->url( array_merge( $this->urlParams, array( 'chapterId' => SectionRenderer::encodeUrlParam($section->getChapterId()) ) ), $this->url, false, false ); $url = $this->view->url($path); $url->setAnchor(SectionRenderer::encodeAnchor($section->getId())); return sprintf( 'isNoFollow() ? 'rel="nofollow" ' : '', $url->getAbsoluteUrl() ); } } /** * Section renderer */ class SectionRenderer extends Renderer { /** * The documentation tree * * @var DocTree */ protected $docTree; protected $tocUrl; /** * The URL to replace links with * * @var string */ protected $url; /** * Additional URL parameters * * @var array */ protected $urlParams; /** * Parsedown instance * * @var Parsedown */ protected $parsedown; /** * Content * * @var array */ protected $content = array(); /** * Create a new section renderer * * @param DocTree $docTree The documentation tree * @param string|null $chapterId If not null, the chapter ID to filter for * @param string $tocUrl * @param string $url The URL to replace links with * @param array $urlParams Additional URL parameters * * @throws ChapterNotFoundException If the chapter to filter for was not found */ public function __construct(DocTree $docTree, $chapterId, $tocUrl, $url, array $urlParams) { if ($chapterId !== null) { $filter = new SectionFilterIterator($docTree, $chapterId); if ($filter->count() === 0) { throw new ChapterNotFoundException( sprintf(mt('doc', 'Chapter \'%s\' not found'), $chapterId) ); } parent::__construct( $filter, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST ); } else { parent::__construct($docTree, RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST); } $this->docTree = $docTree; $this->tocUrl = $tocUrl; $this->url = $url; $this->urlParams = array_map(array($this, 'encodeUrlParam'), $urlParams); $this->parsedown = Parsedown::instance(); } /** * Syntax highlighting for PHP code * * @param $match * * @return string */ protected function highlightPhp($match) { return '
' . highlight_string(htmlspecialchars_decode($match[1]), true) . '
'; } /** * Replace img src tags * * @param $match * * @return string */ protected function replaceImg($match) { $doc = new DOMDocument(); $doc->loadHTML($match[0]); $xpath = new DOMXPath($doc); $img = $xpath->query('//img[1]')->item(0); /* @var $img \DOMElement */ $img->setAttribute('src', Url::fromPath($img->getAttribute('src'))->getAbsoluteUrl()); return substr_replace($doc->saveXML($img), '', -2, 1); // Replace '/>' with '>' } /** * Render the section * * @param View $view * @param Zend_View_Helper_Url $zendUrlHelper * @param bool $renderNavigation * * @return string */ public function render(View $view, Zend_View_Helper_Url $zendUrlHelper, $renderNavigation = true) { $callback = new Callback($this->docTree, $view, $zendUrlHelper, $this->url, $this->urlParams); $content = array(); foreach ($this as $node) { $section = $node->getValue(); /* @var $section \Icinga\Module\Doc\Section */ $content[] = sprintf( '
%3$s', Renderer::encodeAnchor($section->getId()), $section->getLevel(), $view->escape($section->getTitle()) ); $html = preg_replace_callback( '#
#s', array($this, 'highlightPhp'), $this->parsedown->text(implode('', $section->getContent())) ); $html = preg_replace_callback( '/]+>/', array($this, 'replaceImg'), $html ); $content[] = preg_replace_callback( '/[^>]*?\s+)?href="#(?P[^"]+)"/', array($callback, 'render'), $html ); } if ($renderNavigation) { foreach ($this->docTree as $chapter) { if ($chapter->getValue()->getId() === $section->getChapterId()) { $navigation = array(''; $content = array_merge($navigation, $content, $navigation); break; } } } return implode("\n", $content); } }