* 'resource name' * ), * $user // Instance of \Icinga\User * ); * * $preferences = new Preferences($store->load()); * $preferences->aPreference = 'value'; * $store->save($preferences); * */ class PreferencesStore { /** * Column name for username */ const COLUMN_USERNAME = 'username'; /** * Column name for section */ const COLUMN_SECTION = 'section'; /** * Column name for preference */ const COLUMN_PREFERENCE = 'name'; /** * Column name for value */ const COLUMN_VALUE = 'value'; /** * Column name for created time */ const COLUMN_CREATED_TIME = 'ctime'; /** * Column name for modified time */ const COLUMN_MODIFIED_TIME = 'mtime'; /** * Table name * * @var string */ protected $table = 'icingaweb_user_preference'; /** * Stored preferences * * @var array */ protected $preferences = array(); /** * Store config * * @var ConfigObject */ protected $config; /** * Given user * * @var User */ protected $user; /** * Create a new store * * @param ConfigObject $config The config for this adapter * @param User $user The user to which these preferences belong */ public function __construct(ConfigObject $config, User $user) { $this->config = $config; $this->user = $user; $this->init(); } /** * Getter for the store config * * @return ConfigObject */ public function getStoreConfig(): ConfigObject { return $this->config; } /** * Getter for the user * * @return User */ public function getUser(): User { return $this->user; } /** * Initialize the store */ protected function init(): void { } /** * Load preferences from the database * * @return array * * @throws NotReadableError In case the database operation failed */ public function load(): array { try { $select = $this->getStoreConfig()->connection->getDbAdapter()->select(); $result = $select ->from($this->table, [self::COLUMN_SECTION, self::COLUMN_PREFERENCE, self::COLUMN_VALUE]) ->where(self::COLUMN_USERNAME . ' = ?', $this->getUser()->getUsername()) ->query() ->fetchAll(); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new NotReadableError( 'Cannot fetch preferences for user %s from database', $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $e ); } if ($result !== false) { $values = []; foreach ($result as $row) { $values[$row->{self::COLUMN_SECTION}][$row->{self::COLUMN_PREFERENCE}] = $row->{self::COLUMN_VALUE}; } $this->preferences = $values; } return $this->preferences; } /** * Save the given preferences in the database * * @param Preferences $preferences The preferences to save */ public function save(Preferences $preferences): void { $preferences = $preferences->toArray(); $sections = array_keys($preferences); foreach ($sections as $section) { if (! array_key_exists($section, $this->preferences)) { $this->preferences[$section] = []; } if (! array_key_exists($section, $preferences)) { $preferences[$section] = []; } $toBeInserted = array_diff_key($preferences[$section], $this->preferences[$section]); if (!empty($toBeInserted)) { $this->insert($toBeInserted, $section); } $toBeUpdated = array_intersect_key( array_diff_assoc($preferences[$section], $this->preferences[$section]), array_diff_assoc($this->preferences[$section], $preferences[$section]) ); if (!empty($toBeUpdated)) { $this->update($toBeUpdated, $section); } $toBeDeleted = array_keys(array_diff_key($this->preferences[$section], $preferences[$section])); if (!empty($toBeDeleted)) { $this->delete($toBeDeleted, $section); } } } /** * Insert the given preferences into the database * * @param array $preferences The preferences to insert * @param string $section The preferences in section to update * * @throws NotWritableError In case the database operation failed */ protected function insert(array $preferences, string $section): void { /** @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db */ $db = $this->getStoreConfig()->connection->getDbAdapter(); try { foreach ($preferences as $key => $value) { $db->insert( $this->table, [ self::COLUMN_USERNAME => $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $db->quoteIdentifier(self::COLUMN_SECTION) => $section, $db->quoteIdentifier(self::COLUMN_PREFERENCE) => $key, self::COLUMN_VALUE => $value, self::COLUMN_CREATED_TIME => new Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()'), self::COLUMN_MODIFIED_TIME => new Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()') ] ); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new NotWritableError( 'Cannot insert preferences for user %s into database', $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $e ); } } /** * Update the given preferences in the database * * @param array $preferences The preferences to update * @param string $section The preferences in section to update * * @throws NotWritableError In case the database operation failed */ protected function update(array $preferences, string $section): void { /** @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db */ $db = $this->getStoreConfig()->connection->getDbAdapter(); try { foreach ($preferences as $key => $value) { $db->update( $this->table, [ self::COLUMN_VALUE => $value, self::COLUMN_MODIFIED_TIME => new Zend_Db_Expr('NOW()') ], [ self::COLUMN_USERNAME . '=?' => $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $db->quoteIdentifier(self::COLUMN_SECTION) . '=?' => $section, $db->quoteIdentifier(self::COLUMN_PREFERENCE) . '=?' => $key ] ); } } catch (Exception $e) { throw new NotWritableError( 'Cannot update preferences for user %s in database', $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $e ); } } /** * Delete the given preference names from the database * * @param array $preferenceKeys The preference names to delete * @param string $section The preferences in section to update * * @throws NotWritableError In case the database operation failed */ protected function delete(array $preferenceKeys, string $section): void { /** @var \Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract $db */ $db = $this->getStoreConfig()->connection->getDbAdapter(); try { $db->delete( $this->table, [ self::COLUMN_USERNAME . '=?' => $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $db->quoteIdentifier(self::COLUMN_SECTION) . '=?' => $section, $db->quoteIdentifier(self::COLUMN_PREFERENCE) . ' IN (?)' => $preferenceKeys ] ); } catch (Exception $e) { throw new NotWritableError( 'Cannot delete preferences for user %s from database', $this->getUser()->getUsername(), $e ); } } /** * Create preferences storage adapter from config * * @param ConfigObject $config The config for the adapter * @param User $user The user to which these preferences belong * * @return self * * @throws ConfigurationError When the configuration defines an invalid storage type */ public static function create(ConfigObject $config, User $user): self { $resourceConfig = ResourceFactory::getResourceConfig($config->resource); if ($resourceConfig->db === 'mysql') { $resourceConfig->charset = 'utf8mb4'; } $config->connection = ResourceFactory::createResource($resourceConfig); return new self($config, $user); } }