<?php // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Web\Widget\Dashboard; use Icinga\Exception\IcingaException; use Icinga\Util\Dimension; use Icinga\Web\Form; use Icinga\Web\Url; use Icinga\Web\Widget\AbstractWidget; use Icinga\Web\View; use Zend_Config; use Zend_Form_Element_Submit; use Zend_Form_Element_Button; use Exception; /** * A dashboard pane component * * This is the element displaying a specific view in icinga2web * */ class Component extends AbstractWidget { /** * The url of this Component * * @var \Icinga\Web\Url */ private $url; /** * The id of this Component * * @var string */ private $id; /** * The title being displayed on top of the component * @var */ private $title; /** * The pane containing this component, needed for the 'remove button' * @var Pane */ private $pane; /** * The template string used for rendering this widget * * @var string */ private $template =<<<'EOD' <div class="container" data-icinga-url="{URL}"> <h1>{REMOVE}<a href="{FULL_URL}" data-base-target="col1">{TITLE}</a></h1> <noscript> <iframe src="{IFRAME_URL}" style="height:100%; width:99%" frameborder="no"></iframe> </noscript> </div> EOD; /** * Create a new component displaying the given url in the provided pane * * @param string $id The id to use for this component * @param string $title The title to use for this component * @param Url|string $url The url this component uses for displaying information * @param Pane $pane The pane this Component will be added to */ public function __construct($id, $title, $url, Pane $pane) { $this->id = $id; $this->title = $title; $this->pane = $pane; if ($url instanceof Url) { $this->url = $url; } elseif ($url) { $this->url = Url::fromPath($url); } else { throw new IcingaException( 'Cannot create dashboard component "%s" without valid URL', $title ); } } /** * Retrieve the components title * * @return string */ public function getTitle() { return $this->title; } /** * Retrieve the components url * * @return Url */ public function getUrl() { return $this->url; } /** * Set the components URL * * @param string|Url $url The url to use, either as an Url object or as a path * * @return self */ public function setUrl($url) { if ($url instanceof Url) { $this->url = $url; } else { $this->url = Url::fromPath($url); } return $this; } /** * Return this component's structure as array * * @return array */ public function toArray() { $array = array('url' => $this->url->getPath()); foreach ($this->url->getParams()->toArray() as $param) { $array[$param[0]] = $param[1]; } return $array; } /** * @see Widget::render() */ public function render() { $view = $this->view(); $url = clone($this->url); $url->setParam('view', 'compact'); $iframeUrl = clone($url); $iframeUrl->setParam('isIframe'); $html = str_replace('{URL}', $url, $this->template); $html = str_replace('{IFRAME_URL}', $iframeUrl, $html); $html = str_replace('{FULL_URL}', $url->getUrlWithout(array('view', 'limit')), $html); $html = str_replace('{REMOVE_BTN}', $this->getRemoveForm($view), $html); $html = str_replace('{TITLE}', $view->escape($this->getTitle()), $html); $html = str_replace('{REMOVE}', $this->getRemoveForm(), $html); return $html; } /** * Render the form for removing a dashboard elemetn * * @return string The html representation of the form */ protected function getRemoveForm() { // TODO: temporarily disabled, should point to a form asking for confirmal return ''; $removeUrl = Url::fromPath( '/dashboard/removecomponent', array( 'pane' => $this->pane->getName(), 'component' => $this->getTitle() ) ); $form = new Form(); $form->setMethod('POST'); $form->setAttrib('class', 'inline'); $form->setAction($removeUrl); $form->addElement( new Zend_Form_Element_Button( 'remove_pane_btn', array( 'class'=> 'link-like pull-right', 'type' => 'submit', 'label' => 'x' ) ) ); return $form; } /** * Create a @see Component instance from the given Zend config, using the provided title * @param $id The id for this component * @param $title The title for this component * @param Zend_Config $config The configuration defining url, parameters, height, width, etc. * @param Pane $pane The pane this component belongs to * * @return Component A newly created Component for use in the Dashboard */ public static function fromIni($id, $title, Zend_Config $config, Pane $pane) { $height = null; $width = null; $url = $config->get('url'); $parameters = $config->toArray(); unset($parameters['url']); // otherwise there's an url = parameter in the Url $cmp = new Component($id, $title, Url::fromPath($url, $parameters), $pane); return $cmp; } /** * Set the components id * * @param $id string */ public function setId($id) { $this->id = $id; } /** * Retrieve the components id * * @return string */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } }