getModuleManager()->getLoadedModules() as $module) { foreach ($module->getUserBackends() as $identifier => $className) { if (array_key_exists($identifier, $providedBy)) { Logger::warning( 'Cannot register user backend of type "%s" provided by module "%s".' . ' The type is already provided by module "%s"', $identifier, $module->getName(), $providedBy[$identifier] ); } elseif (in_array($identifier, static::$defaultBackends)) { Logger::warning( 'Cannot register user backend of type "%s" provided by module "%s".' . ' The type is a default type provided by Icinga Web 2', $identifier, $module->getName() ); } else { $providedBy[$identifier] = $module->getName(); static::$customBackends[$identifier] = $className; } } } } /** * Return the class for the given custom user backend * * @param string $identifier The identifier of the custom user backend * * @return string|null The name of the class or null in case there was no * backend found with the given identifier * * @throws ConfigurationError In case the class associated to the given identifier does not exist */ protected static function getCustomUserBackend($identifier) { static::registerCustomUserBackends(); if (array_key_exists($identifier, static::$customBackends)) { $className = static::$customBackends[$identifier]; if (! class_exists($className)) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Cannot utilize user backend of type "%s". Class "%s" does not exist', $identifier, $className ); } return $className; } } /** * Create and return a user backend with the given name and given configuration applied to it * * @param string $name * @param ConfigObject $backendConfig * * @return UserBackendInterface * * @throws ConfigurationError */ public static function create($name, ConfigObject $backendConfig = null) { if ($backendConfig === null) { $authConfig = Config::app('authentication'); if ($authConfig->hasSection($name)) { $backendConfig = $authConfig->getSection($name); } else { throw new ConfigurationError('User backend "%s" does not exist', $name); } } if ($backendConfig->name !== null) { $name = $backendConfig->name; } if (! ($backendType = strtolower($backendConfig->backend))) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Authentication configuration for user backend "%s" is missing the \'backend\' directive', $name ); } if ($backendType === 'external') { $backend = new ExternalBackend($backendConfig); $backend->setName($name); return $backend; } if (in_array($backendType, static::$defaultBackends)) { // The default backend check is the first one because of performance reasons: // Do not attempt to load a custom user backend unless it's actually required } elseif (($customClass = static::getCustomUserBackend($backendType)) !== null) { $backend = new $customClass($backendConfig); if (! is_a($backend, 'Icinga\Authentication\User\UserBackendInterface')) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Cannot utilize user backend of type "%s". Class "%s" does not implement UserBackendInterface', $backendType, $customClass ); } $backend->setName($name); return $backend; } else { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Authentication configuration for user backend "%s" defines an invalid backend type.' . ' Backend type "%s" is not supported', $name, $backendType ); } if ($backendConfig->resource === null) { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Authentication configuration for user backend "%s" is missing the \'resource\' directive', $name ); } $resource = ResourceFactory::create($backendConfig->resource); switch ($backendType) { case 'db': $backend = new DbUserBackend($resource); break; case 'msldap': $backend = new LdapUserBackend($resource); $backend->setBaseDn($backendConfig->base_dn); $backend->setUserClass($backendConfig->get('user_class', 'user')); $backend->setUserNameAttribute($backendConfig->get('user_name_attribute', 'sAMAccountName')); $backend->setFilter($backendConfig->filter); break; case 'ldap': $backend = new LdapUserBackend($resource); $backend->setBaseDn($backendConfig->base_dn); $backend->setUserClass($backendConfig->get('user_class', 'inetOrgPerson')); $backend->setUserNameAttribute($backendConfig->get('user_name_attribute', 'uid')); $backend->setFilter($backendConfig->filter); break; } $backend->setName($name); return $backend; } }