setupIntervalBox(); list($displayRange, $forecastRange) = $this->buildTimeRanges(); $timeline = new TimeLine( EventHistoryView::fromRequest( $this->getRequest(), array( 'name' => 'type', 'time' => 'raw_timestamp' ) ), array( 'notify' => array('label' => t('Notifications'), 'color' => 'red'), 'hard_state' => array('label' => t('Hard state changes'), 'color' => 'green'), 'comment' => array('label' => t('Comments'), 'color' => 'blue'), 'ack' => array('label' => t('Acknowledgements'), 'color' => 'black'), 'dt_start' => array('label' => t('Started downtimes'), 'color' => 'grey'), 'dt_end' => array('label' => t('Ended downtimes'), 'color' => 'white') ) ); $timeline->setDisplayRange($displayRange); $timeline->setForecastRange($forecastRange); $this->view->timeline = $timeline; $this->view->intervalFormat = $this->getIntervalFormat(); $oldBase = $timeline->getCalculationBase(false); $this->view->switchedContext = $oldBase !== null && $oldBase !== $timeline->getCalculationBase(true); } /** * Create a select box the user can choose the timeline interval from */ private function setupIntervalBox() { $box = new TimelineIntervalBox( 'intervalBox', array( '4h' => t('4 Hours'), '1d' => t('One day'), '1w' => t('One week'), '1m' => t('One month'), '1y' => t('One year') ) ); $box->applyRequest($this->getRequest()); $this->view->intervalBox = $box; } /** * Return the chosen interval * * @return DateInterval The chosen interval */ private function getTimelineInterval() { switch ($this->view->intervalBox->getInterval()) { case '1d': return new DateInterval('P1D'); case '1w': return new DateInterval('P1W'); case '1m': return new DateInterval('P1M'); case '1y': return new DateInterval('P1Y'); default: return new DateInterval('PT4H'); } } /** * Get an appropriate datetime format string for the chosen interval * * @return string */ private function getIntervalFormat() { switch ($this->view->intervalBox->getInterval()) { case '1d': return $this->getDateFormat(); case '1w': return '\W\e\ek #W \of Y'; case '1m': return 'F Y'; case '1y': return 'Y'; default: return $this->getDateFormat() . ' ' . $this->getTimeFormat(); } } /** * Return a preload interval based on the chosen timeline interval * * @return DateInterval The interval to pre-load */ private function getPreloadInterval() { switch ($this->view->intervalBox->getInterval()) { case '1d': return DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 week -1 second'); case '1w': return DateInterval::createFromDateString('8 weeks -1 second'); case '1m': return DateInterval::createFromDateString('6 months -1 second'); case '1y': return DateInterval::createFromDateString('4 years -1 second'); default: return DateInterval::createFromDateString('1 day -1 second'); } } /** * Extrapolate the given datetime based on the chosen timeline interval * * @param DateTime $dateTime The datetime to extrapolate */ private function extrapolateDateTime(DateTime &$dateTime) { switch ($this->view->intervalBox->getInterval()) { case '1d': $dateTime->setTimestamp(strtotime('tomorrow', $dateTime->getTimestamp()) - 1); break; case '1w': $dateTime->setTimestamp(strtotime('next monday', $dateTime->getTimestamp()) - 1); break; case '1m': $dateTime->setTimestamp( strtotime( 'last day of this month', strtotime( 'tomorrow', $dateTime->getTimestamp() ) - 1 ) ); break; case '1y': $dateTime->setTimestamp(strtotime('1 january next year', $dateTime->getTimestamp()) - 1); break; default: $hour = $dateTime->format('G'); $end = $hour < 4 ? 4 : ($hour < 8 ? 8 : ($hour < 12 ? 12 : ($hour < 16 ? 16 : ($hour < 20 ? 20 : 24)))); $dateTime = DateTime::createFromFormat( 'd/m/y G:i:s', $dateTime->format('d/m/y') . ($end - 1) . ':59:59' ); } } /** * Return a display- and forecast time range * * Assembles a time range each for display and forecast purposes based on the start- and * end time if given in the current request otherwise based on the current time and a * end time that is calculated based on the chosen timeline interval. * * @return array The resulting time ranges */ private function buildTimeRanges() { $startTime = new DateTime(); $startTimestamp = strtotime($this->_request->getParam('start')); if ($startTimestamp !== false) { $startTime->setTimestamp($startTimestamp); } $this->extrapolateDateTime($startTime); $endTime = clone $startTime; $endTimestamp = strtotime($this->_request->getParam('end')); if ($endTimestamp !== false) { $endTime->setTimestamp($endTimestamp); } else { $endTime->sub($this->getPreloadInterval()); } $forecastStart = clone $endTime; $forecastStart->sub(new DateInterval('PT1S')); $forecastEnd = clone $forecastStart; $forecastEnd->sub($endTime->diff($startTime)); $timelineInterval = $this->getTimelineInterval(); return array( new TimeRange($startTime, $endTime, $timelineInterval), new TimeRange($forecastStart, $forecastEnd, $timelineInterval) ); } /** * Get the application's global configuration or an empty one * * @return Zend_Config */ private function getGlobalConfiguration() { $globalConfig = Config::app()->global; if ($globalConfig === null) { $globalConfig = new Zend_Config(array()); } return $globalConfig; } /** * Get the user's preferred time format or the application's default * * @return string */ private function getTimeFormat() { $globalConfig = $this->getGlobalConfiguration(); $preferences = $this->getRequest()->getUser()->getPreferences(); return $preferences->get('app.timeFormat', $globalConfig->get('timeFormat', 'g:i A')); } /** * Get the user's preferred date format or the application's default * * @return string */ private function getDateFormat() { $globalConfig = $this->getGlobalConfiguration(); $preferences = $this->getRequest()->getUser()->getPreferences(); return $preferences->get('app.dateFormat', $globalConfig->get('dateFormat', 'd/m/Y')); } }