setName('form_config_resource_db'); } /** * Create and add elements to this form * * @param array $formData The data sent by the user */ public function createElements(array $formData) { $dbChoices = array(); if (Platform::hasMysqlSupport()) { $dbChoices['mysql'] = 'MySQL'; } if (Platform::hasPostgresqlSupport()) { $dbChoices['pgsql'] = 'PostgreSQL'; } if (Platform::hasMssqlSupport()) { $dbChoices['mssql'] = 'MSSQL'; } if (Platform::hasOracleSupport()) { $dbChoices['oracle'] = 'Oracle'; } if (Platform::hasOciSupport()) { $dbChoices['oci'] = 'Oracle (OCI8)'; } $offerPostgres = false; $offerMysql = false; if (isset($formData['db'])) { if ($formData['db'] === 'pgsql') { $offerPostgres = true; } elseif ($formData['db'] === 'mysql') { $offerMysql = true; } } else { $dbChoice = key($dbChoices); if ($dbChoice === 'pgsql') { $offerPostgres = true; } elseif ($dbChoices === 'mysql') { $offerMysql = true; } } $socketInfo = ''; if ($offerPostgres) { $socketInfo = $this->translate( 'For using unix domain sockets, specify the path to the unix domain socket directory' ); } elseif ($offerMysql) { $socketInfo = $this->translate( 'For using unix domain sockets, specify localhost' ); } $this->addElement( 'text', 'name', array( 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Resource Name'), 'description' => $this->translate('The unique name of this resource') ) ); $this->addElement( 'select', 'db', array( 'required' => true, 'autosubmit' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Database Type'), 'description' => $this->translate('The type of SQL database'), 'multiOptions' => $dbChoices ) ); $this->addElement( 'text', 'host', array ( 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Host'), 'description' => $this->translate('The hostname of the database') . ($socketInfo ? '. ' . $socketInfo : ''), 'value' => 'localhost' ) ); $this->addElement( 'number', 'port', array( 'description' => $this->translate('The port to use'), 'label' => $this->translate('Port'), 'preserveDefault' => true, 'required' => $offerPostgres, 'value' => $offerPostgres ? 5432 : null ) ); $this->addElement( 'text', 'dbname', array( 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Database Name'), 'description' => $this->translate('The name of the database to use') ) ); $this->addElement( 'text', 'username', array ( 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Username'), 'description' => $this->translate('The user name to use for authentication') ) ); $this->addElement( 'password', 'password', array( 'required' => true, 'renderPassword' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Password'), 'description' => $this->translate('The password to use for authentication') ) ); $this->addElement( 'text', 'charset', array ( 'description' => $this->translate('The character set for the database'), 'label' => $this->translate('Character Set') ) ); $this->addElement( 'checkbox', 'persistent', array( 'description' => $this->translate( 'Check this box for persistent database connections. Persistent connections are not closed at the' . ' end of a request, but are cached and re-used. This is experimental' ), 'label' => $this->translate('Persistent') ) ); return $this; } }