31, 'ALL PRIVILEGES' => 31, 'ALTER' => 13, 'ALTER ROUTINE' => 7, 'CREATE' => 13, 'CREATE ROUTINE' => 5, 'CREATE TEMPORARY TABLES' => 5, 'CREATE USER' => 1, 'CREATE VIEW' => 13, 'DELETE' => 13, 'DROP' => 13, 'EXECUTE' => 5, // MySQL reference states this also supports database level, 5.1.73 not though 'FILE' => 1, 'GRANT OPTION' => 15, 'INDEX' => 13, 'INSERT' => 29, 'LOCK TABLES' => 5, 'PROCESS' => 1, 'REFERENCES' => 0, 'RELOAD' => 1, 'REPLICATION CLIENT' => 1, 'REPLICATION SLAVE' => 1, 'SELECT' => 29, 'SHOW DATABASES' => 1, 'SHOW VIEW' => 13, 'SHUTDOWN' => 1, 'SUPER' => 1, 'UPDATE' => 29 ); /** * All PostgreSQL GRANT privileges with their respective level identifiers * * @var array */ protected $pgsqlGrantContexts = array( 'ALL' => 63, 'ALL PRIVILEGES' => 63, 'SELECT' => 24, 'INSERT' => 24, 'UPDATE' => 24, 'DELETE' => 8, 'TRUNCATE' => 8, 'REFERENCES' => 24, 'TRIGGER' => 8, 'CREATE' => 12, 'CONNECT' => 4, 'TEMPORARY' => 4, 'TEMP' => 4, 'EXECUTE' => 32, 'USAGE' => 33, 'CREATEROLE' => 1 ); /** * Create a new DbTool * * @param array $config The resource configuration to use */ public function __construct(array $config) { $this->config = $config; } /** * Connect to the server * * @return self */ public function connectToHost() { $this->assertHostAccess(); if ($this->config['db'] == 'pgsql') { // PostgreSQL requires us to specify a database on each connection and will use // the current user name as default database in cases none is provided. If // that database doesn't exist (which might be the case here) it will error. // Therefore, we specify the maintenance database 'postgres' as database, which // is most probably present and public. (http://stackoverflow.com/q/4483139) $this->connect('postgres'); } else { $this->connect(); } return $this; } /** * Connect to the database * * @return self */ public function connectToDb() { $this->assertHostAccess(); $this->assertDatabaseAccess(); $this->connect($this->config['dbname']); return $this; } /** * Assert that all configuration values exist that are required to connect to a server * * @throws ConfigurationError */ protected function assertHostAccess() { if (false === isset($this->config['db'])) { throw new ConfigurationError('Can\'t connect to database server of unknown type'); } elseif (false === isset($this->config['host'])) { throw new ConfigurationError('Can\'t connect to database server without a hostname or address'); } elseif (false === isset($this->config['port'])) { throw new ConfigurationError('Can\'t connect to database server without a port'); } elseif (false === isset($this->config['username'])) { throw new ConfigurationError('Can\'t connect to database server without a username'); } elseif (false === isset($this->config['password'])) { throw new ConfigurationError('Can\'t connect to database server without a password'); } } /** * Assert that all configuration values exist that are required to connect to a database * * @throws ConfigurationError */ protected function assertDatabaseAccess() { if (false === isset($this->config['dbname'])) { throw new ConfigurationError('Can\'t connect to database without a valid database name'); } } /** * Assert that a connection with a database has been established * * @throws LogicException */ protected function assertConnectedToDb() { if ($this->zendConn === null) { throw new LogicException('Not connected to database'); } } /** * Establish a connection with the database or just the server by omitting the database name * * @param string $dbname The name of the database to connect to */ public function connect($dbname = null) { $this->_pdoConnect($dbname); if ($dbname !== null) { $this->_zendConnect($dbname); $this->dbFromConfig = $dbname === $this->config['dbname']; } } /** * Reestablish a connection with the database or just the server by omitting the database name * * @param string $dbname The name of the database to connect to */ public function reconnect($dbname = null) { $this->pdoConn = null; $this->zendConn = null; $this->connect($dbname); } /** * Initialize Zend database adapter * * @param string $dbname The name of the database to connect with * * @throws ConfigurationError In case the resource type is not a supported PDO driver name */ protected function _zendConnect($dbname) { if ($this->zendConn !== null) { return; } $config = array( 'dbname' => $dbname, 'username' => $this->config['username'], 'password' => $this->config['password'] ); if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { $this->zendConn = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql($config); } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { $this->zendConn = new Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql($config); } else { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Failed to connect to database. Unsupported PDO driver "%s"', $this->config['db'] ); } } /** * Initialize PDO connection * * @param string $dbname The name of the database to connect with */ protected function _pdoConnect($dbname) { if ($this->pdoConn !== null) { return; } $this->pdoConn = new PDO( $this->buildDsn($this->config['db'], $dbname), $this->config['username'], $this->config['password'], array(PDO::ATTR_TIMEOUT => 1, PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION) ); } /** * Return a datasource name for the given database type and name * * @param string $dbtype * @param string $dbname * * @return string * * @throws ConfigurationError In case the passed database type is not supported */ protected function buildDsn($dbtype, $dbname = null) { if ($dbtype === 'mysql') { return 'mysql:host=' . $this->config['host'] . ';port=' . $this->config['port'] . ($dbname !== null ? ';dbname=' . $dbname : ''); } elseif ($dbtype === 'pgsql') { return 'pgsql:host=' . $this->config['host'] . ';port=' . $this->config['port'] . ($dbname !== null ? ';dbname=' . $dbname : ''); } else { throw new ConfigurationError( 'Failed to build data source name. Unsupported PDO driver "%s"', $dbtype ); } } /** * Try to connect to the server and throw an exception if this fails * * @throws PDOException In case an error occurs that does not indicate that authentication failed */ public function checkConnectivity() { try { $this->connectToHost(); } catch (PDOException $e) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { $code = $e->getCode(); if ($code !== 1040 && $code !== 1045) { throw $e; } } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { if (strpos($e->getMessage(), $this->config['username']) === false) { throw $e; } } } } /** * Return the given identifier escaped with backticks * * @param string $identifier The identifier to escape * * @return string * * @throws LogicException In case there is no behaviour implemented for the current PDO driver */ public function quoteIdentifier($identifier) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { return '`' . str_replace('`', '``', $identifier) . '`'; } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { return '"' . str_replace('"', '""', $identifier) . '"'; } else { throw new LogicException('Unable to quote identifier.'); } } /** * Return the given value escaped as string * * @param mixed $value The value to escape * * @return string * * @throws LogicException In case there is no behaviour implemented for the current PDO driver */ public function quote($value) { $quoted = $this->pdoConn->quote($value); if ($quoted === false) { throw new LogicException(sprintf('Unable to quote value: %s', $value)); } return $quoted; } /** * Execute a SQL statement and return the affected row count * * Use $params to use a prepared statement. * * @param string $statement The statement to execute * @param array $params The params to bind * * @return int */ public function exec($statement, $params = array()) { if (empty($params)) { return $this->pdoConn->exec($statement); } $stmt = $this->pdoConn->prepare($statement); $stmt->execute($params); return $stmt->rowCount(); } /** * Execute a SQL statement and return the result * * Use $params to use a prepared statement. * * @param string $statement The statement to execute * @param array $params The params to bind * * @return mixed */ public function query($statement, $params = array()) { if ($this->zendConn !== null) { return $this->zendConn->query($statement, $params); } if (empty($params)) { return $this->pdoConn->query($statement); } $stmt = $this->pdoConn->prepare($statement); $stmt->execute($params); return $stmt; } /** * Import the given SQL file * * @param string $filepath The file to import */ public function import($filepath) { $file = new File($filepath); $content = join(PHP_EOL, iterator_to_array($file)); // There is no fread() before PHP 5.5 :( foreach (preg_split('@;(?! \\\\)@', $content) as $statement) { if (($statement = trim($statement)) !== '') { $this->exec($statement); } } } /** * Return whether the given privileges were granted * * @param array $privileges An array of strings with the required privilege names * @param array $context An array describing the context for which the given privileges need to apply. * Only one or more table names are currently supported * @param string $username The login name for which to check the privileges, * if NULL the current login is used * * @return bool */ public function checkPrivileges(array $privileges, array $context = null, $username = null) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { return $this->checkMysqlPrivileges($privileges, false, $context, $username); } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { return $this->checkPgsqlPrivileges($privileges, false, $context, $username); } } /** * Return whether the given privileges are grantable to other users * * @param array $privileges The privileges that should be grantable * * @return bool */ public function isGrantable($privileges) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { return $this->checkMysqlPrivileges($privileges, true); } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { return $this->checkPgsqlPrivileges($privileges, true); } } /** * Grant all given privileges to the given user * * @param array $privileges The privilege names to grant * @param array $context An array describing the context for which the given privileges need to apply. * Only one or more table names are currently supported * @param string $username The username to grant the privileges to */ public function grantPrivileges(array $privileges, array $context, $username) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { list($_, $host) = explode('@', $this->query('select current_user()')->fetchColumn()); $queryString = sprintf( 'GRANT %%s ON %s.%%s TO %s@%s', $this->quoteIdentifier($this->config['dbname']), $this->quoteIdentifier($username), $this->quoteIdentifier($host) ); $dbPrivileges = array(); $tablePrivileges = array(); foreach (array_intersect($privileges, array_keys($this->mysqlGrantContexts)) as $privilege) { if (false === empty($context) && $this->mysqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::TABLE_LEVEL) { $tablePrivileges[] = $privilege; } elseif ($this->mysqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::DATABASE_LEVEL) { $dbPrivileges[] = $privilege; } } if (false === empty($tablePrivileges)) { foreach ($context as $table) { $this->exec( sprintf($queryString, join(',', $tablePrivileges), $this->quoteIdentifier($table)) ); } } if (false === empty($dbPrivileges)) { $this->exec(sprintf($queryString, join(',', $dbPrivileges), '*')); } } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { $dbPrivileges = array(); $tablePrivileges = array(); foreach (array_intersect($privileges, array_keys($this->pgsqlGrantContexts)) as $privilege) { if (false === empty($context) && $this->pgsqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::TABLE_LEVEL) { $tablePrivileges[] = $privilege; } elseif ($this->pgsqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::DATABASE_LEVEL) { $dbPrivileges[] = $privilege; } } if (false === empty($dbPrivileges)) { $this->exec(sprintf( 'GRANT %s ON DATABASE %s TO %s', join(',', $dbPrivileges), $this->config['dbname'], $username )); } if (false === empty($tablePrivileges)) { foreach ($context as $table) { $this->exec(sprintf( 'GRANT %s ON TABLE %s TO %s', join(',', $tablePrivileges), $table, $username )); } } } } /** * Return a list of all existing database tables * * @return array */ public function listTables() { $this->assertConnectedToDb(); return $this->zendConn->listTables(); } /** * Return whether the given database login exists * * @param string $username The username to search * * @return bool */ public function hasLogin($username) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { $queryString = <<query( $queryString, array( ':current' => $this->config['username'], ':wanted' => $username ) ); return count($query->fetchAll()) > 0; } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { $query = $this->query( 'SELECT 1 FROM pg_catalog.pg_user WHERE usename = :ident LIMIT 1', array(':ident' => $username) ); return count($query->fetchAll()) === 1; } } /** * Add a new database login * * @param string $username The username of the new login * @param string $password The password of the new login */ public function addLogin($username, $password) { if ($this->config['db'] === 'mysql') { list($_, $host) = explode('@', $this->query('select current_user()')->fetchColumn()); $this->exec( 'CREATE USER :user@:host IDENTIFIED BY :passw', array(':user' => $username, ':host' => $host, ':passw' => $password) ); } elseif ($this->config['db'] === 'pgsql') { $this->exec(sprintf( 'CREATE USER %s WITH PASSWORD %s', $this->quoteIdentifier($username), $this->quote($password) )); } } /** * Check whether the current user has the given privileges * * @param array $privileges The privilege names * @param bool $requireGrants Only return true when all privileges can be granted to others * @param array $context An array describing the context for which the given privileges need to apply. * Only one or more table names are currently supported * @param string $username The login name to which the passed privileges need to be granted * * @return bool */ protected function checkMysqlPrivileges( array $privileges, $requireGrants = false, array $context = null, $username = null ) { $mysqlPrivileges = array_intersect($privileges, array_keys($this->mysqlGrantContexts)); list($_, $host) = explode('@', $this->query('select current_user()')->fetchColumn()); $grantee = "'" . ($username === null ? $this->config['username'] : $username) . "'@'" . $host . "'"; $privilegeCondition = sprintf( 'privilege_type IN (%s)', join(',', array_map(array($this, 'quote'), $mysqlPrivileges)) ); if (isset($this->config['dbname'])) { $dbPrivileges = array(); $tablePrivileges = array(); foreach ($mysqlPrivileges as $privilege) { if (false === empty($context) && $this->mysqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::TABLE_LEVEL) { $tablePrivileges[] = $privilege; } elseif ($this->mysqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::DATABASE_LEVEL) { $dbPrivileges[] = $privilege; } } $dbPrivilegesGranted = true; if (false === empty($dbPrivileges)) { $query = $this->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as matches' . ' FROM information_schema.schema_privileges' . ' WHERE grantee = :grantee' . ' AND table_schema = :dbname' . ' AND ' . $privilegeCondition . ($requireGrants ? " AND is_grantable = 'YES'" : ''), array(':grantee' => $grantee, ':dbname' => $this->config['dbname']) ); $dbPrivilegesGranted = (int) $query->fetchObject()->matches === count($dbPrivileges); } $tablePrivilegesGranted = true; if (false === empty($tablePrivileges)) { $tableCondition = 'table_name IN (' . join(',', array_map(array($this, 'quote'), $context)) . ')'; $query = $this->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as matches' . ' FROM information_schema.table_privileges' . ' WHERE grantee = :grantee' . ' AND table_schema = :dbname' . ' AND ' . $tableCondition . ' AND ' . $privilegeCondition . ($requireGrants ? " AND is_grantable = 'YES'" : ''), array(':grantee' => $grantee, ':dbname' => $this->config['dbname']) ); $expectedAmountOfMatches = count($context) * count($tablePrivileges); $tablePrivilegesGranted = (int) $query->fetchObject()->matches === $expectedAmountOfMatches; } if ($dbPrivilegesGranted && $tablePrivilegesGranted) { return true; } } $query = $this->query( 'SELECT COUNT(*) as matches FROM information_schema.user_privileges WHERE grantee = :grantee' . ' AND ' . $privilegeCondition . ($requireGrants ? " AND is_grantable = 'YES'" : ''), array(':grantee' => $grantee) ); return (int) $query->fetchObject()->matches === count($mysqlPrivileges); } /** * Check whether the current user has the given privileges * * Note that database and table specific privileges (i.e. not SUPER, CREATE and CREATEROLE) are ignored * in case no connection to the database defined in the resource configuration has been established * * @param array $privileges The privilege names * @param bool $requireGrants Only return true when all privileges can be granted to others * @param array $context An array describing the context for which the given privileges need to apply. * Only one or more table names are currently supported * @param string $username The login name to which the passed privileges need to be granted * * @return bool */ public function checkPgsqlPrivileges( array $privileges, $requireGrants = false, array $context = null, $username = null ) { $privilegesGranted = true; if ($this->dbFromConfig) { $dbPrivileges = array(); $tablePrivileges = array(); foreach (array_intersect($privileges, array_keys($this->pgsqlGrantContexts)) as $privilege) { if (false === empty($context) && $this->pgsqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::TABLE_LEVEL) { $tablePrivileges[] = $privilege; } elseif ($this->pgsqlGrantContexts[$privilege] & static::DATABASE_LEVEL) { $dbPrivileges[] = $privilege; } } if (false === empty($dbPrivileges)) { $query = $this->query( 'SELECT has_database_privilege(:user, :dbname, :privileges) AS db_privileges_granted', array( ':user' => $username !== null ? $username : $this->config['username'], ':dbname' => $this->config['dbname'], ':privileges' => join(',', $dbPrivileges) . ($requireGrants ? ' WITH GRANT OPTION' : '') ) ); $privilegesGranted &= $query->fetchObject()->db_privileges_granted; } if (false === empty($tablePrivileges)) { foreach (array_intersect($context, $this->listTables()) as $table) { $query = $this->query( 'SELECT has_table_privilege(:user, :table, :privileges) AS table_privileges_granted', array( ':user' => $username !== null ? $username : $this->config['username'], ':table' => $table, ':privileges' => join(',', $tablePrivileges) . ($requireGrants ? ' WITH GRANT OPTION' : '') ) ); $privilegesGranted &= $query->fetchObject()->table_privileges_granted; } } } else { // In case we cannot check whether the user got the required db-/table-privileges due to not being // connected to the database defined in the resource configuration it is safe to just ignore them // as the chances are very high that the database is created later causing the current user being // the owner with ALL privileges. (Which in turn can be granted to others.) } if (array_search('CREATE', $privileges) !== false) { $query = $this->query( 'select rolcreatedb from pg_roles where rolname = :user', array(':user' => $username !== null ? $username : $this->config['username']) ); $privilegesGranted &= $query->fetchColumn() !== false; } if (array_search('CREATEROLE', $privileges) !== false) { $query = $this->query( 'select rolcreaterole from pg_roles where rolname = :user', array(':user' => $username !== null ? $username : $this->config['username']) ); $privilegesGranted &= $query->fetchColumn() !== false; } if (array_search('SUPER', $privileges) !== false) { $query = $this->query( 'select rolsuper from pg_roles where rolname = :user', array(':user' => $username !== null ? $username : $this->config['username']) ); $privilegesGranted &= $query->fetchColumn() !== false; } return $privilegesGranted; } }