setName('setup_ldap_resource'); $this->setTitle($this->translate('LDAP Resource', '')); $this->addDescription($this->translate( 'Now please configure your AD/LDAP resource. This will later ' . 'be used to authenticate users logging in to Icinga Web 2.' )); $this->setValidatePartial(true); } /** * @see Form::createElements() */ public function createElements(array $formData) { $this->addElement( 'hidden', 'type', array( 'required' => true, 'value' => 'ldap' ) ); if (isset($formData['skip_validation']) && $formData['skip_validation']) { $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox(); } else { $this->addElement( 'hidden', 'skip_validation', array( 'required' => true, 'value' => 0 ) ); } $resourceForm = new LdapResourceForm(); $this->addElements($resourceForm->createElements($formData)->getElements()); $this->getElement('name')->setValue('icingaweb_ldap'); } /** * Validate the given form data and check whether a BIND-request is successful * * @param array $data The data to validate * * @return bool */ public function isValid($data) { if (! parent::isValid($data)) { return false; } if (! isset($data['skip_validation']) || $data['skip_validation'] == 0) { $inspection = ResourceConfigForm::inspectResource($this); if ($inspection !== null && $inspection->hasError()) { $this->error($inspection->getError()); $this->addSkipValidationCheckbox(); return false; } } return true; } /** * Run the configured backend's inspection checks and show the result, if necessary * * This will only run any validation if the user pushed the 'backend_validation' button. * * @param array $formData * * @return bool */ public function isValidPartial(array $formData) { if (isset($formData['backend_validation']) && parent::isValid($formData)) { $inspection = ResourceConfigForm::inspectResource($this); if ($inspection !== null) { $join = function ($e) use (& $join) { return is_string($e) ? $e : join("\n", array_map($join, $e)); }; $this->addElement( 'note', 'inspection_output', array( 'order' => 0, 'value' => '' . $this->translate('Validation Log') . "\n\n" . join("\n", array_map($join, $inspection->toArray())), 'decorators' => array( 'ViewHelper', array('HtmlTag', array('tag' => 'pre', 'class' => 'log-output')), ) ) ); if ($inspection->hasError()) { $this->warning(sprintf( $this->translate('Failed to successfully validate the configuration: %s'), $inspection->getError() )); return false; } } $this->info($this->translate('The configuration has been successfully validated.')); } elseif (! isset($formData['backend_validation'])) { // This is usually done by isValid(Partial), but as we're not calling any of these... $this->populate($formData); } return true; } /** * Add a checkbox to the form by which the user can skip the connection validation */ protected function addSkipValidationCheckbox() { $this->addElement( 'checkbox', 'skip_validation', array( 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Skip Validation'), 'description' => $this->translate( 'Check this to not to validate connectivity with the given directory service' ) ) ); } }