<?php /* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ namespace Icinga\Chart\Unit; /** * Logarithmic tick distribution over the axis * * This class does not use the actual logarithm, but a slightly altered version called the * Log-Modulo transformation. This is necessary, since a regular logarithmic scale is not able to display negative * values and zero-points. See <a href="http://blogs.sas.com/content/iml/2014/07/14/log-transformation-of-pos-neg> * this article </a> for a more detailed description. */ class LogarithmicUnit implements AxisUnit { /** * @var int */ protected $base; /** * @var */ protected $currentTick; /** * @var */ protected $minExp; /** * @var */ protected $maxExp; /** * True when the minimum value is static and isn't affected by the data set * * @var bool */ protected $staticMin = false; /** * True when the maximum value is static and isn't affected by the data set * * @var bool */ protected $staticMax = false; /** * Create and initialize this AxisUnit * * @param int $nrOfTicks The number of ticks to use */ public function __construct($base = 10) {; $this->base = $base; $this->minExp = PHP_INT_MAX; $this->maxExp = ~PHP_INT_MAX; } /** * Add a dataset and calculate the minimum and maximum value for this AxisUnit * * @param array $dataset The dataset to add * @param int $idx The idx (0 for x, 1 for y) * * @return $this Fluent interface */ public function addValues(array $dataset, $idx = 0) { $datapoints = array(); foreach ($dataset['data'] as $points) { $datapoints[] = $points[$idx]; } if (empty($datapoints)) { return $this; } sort($datapoints); if (!$this->staticMax) { $this->maxExp = max($this->maxExp, $this->logCeil($datapoints[count($datapoints) - 1])); } if (!$this->staticMin) { $this->minExp = min($this->minExp, $this->logFloor($datapoints[0])); } $this->currentTick = 0; return $this; } /** * Transform the absolute value to an axis relative value * * @param int $value The absolute coordinate from the data set * @return float|int The axis relative coordinate (between 0 and 100) */ public function transform($value) { if ($value < $this->pow($this->minExp)) { return 0; } elseif ($value > $this->pow($this->maxExp)) { return 100; } else { return 100 * ($this->log($value) - $this->minExp) / $this->getTicks(); } } /** * Return the position of the current tick * * @return int */ public function current() { return $this->currentTick * (100 / $this->getTicks()); } /** * Calculate the next tick and tick value */ public function next() { ++ $this->currentTick; } /** * Return the label for the current tick * * @return string The label for the current tick */ public function key() { $currentBase = $this->currentTick + $this->minExp; if (abs($currentBase) > 4) { return $this->base . 'E' . $currentBase; } return (string) intval($this->pow($currentBase)); } /** * True when we're at a valid tick (iterator interface) * * @return bool */ public function valid() { return $this->currentTick >= 0 && $this->currentTick < $this->getTicks(); } /** * Reset the current tick and label value */ public function rewind() { $this->currentTick = 0; } /** * Perform a log-modulo transformation * * @param $value The value to transform * * @return double The transformed value */ protected function log($value) { $sign = $value > 0 ? 1 : -1; return $sign * log1p($sign * $value) / log($this->base); } /** * Calculate the biggest exponent necessary to display the given data point * * @param $value * * @return float */ protected function logCeil($value) { return ceil($this->log($value)) + 1; } /** * Calculate the smallest exponent necessary to display the given data point * * @param $value * * @return float */ protected function logFloor($value) { return floor($this->log($value)); } /** * Inverse function to the log-modulo transformation * * @param $value * * @return double */ protected function pow($value) { if ($value == 0) { return 0; } $sign = $value > 0 ? 1 : -1; return $sign * (pow($this->base, $sign * $value)); } /** * Set the axis minimum value to a fixed value * * @param int $min The new minimum value */ public function setMin($min) { $this->minExp = $this->logFloor($min); $this->staticMin = true; } /** * Set the axis maximum value to a fixed value * * @param int $max The new maximum value */ public function setMax($max) { $this->maxExp = $this->logCeil($max); $this->staticMax = true; } /** * Return the current minimum value of the axis * * @return int The minimum set for this axis */ public function getMin() { return $this->pow($this->minExp); } /** * Return the current maximum value of the axis * * @return int The maximum set for this axis */ public function getMax() { return $this->pow($this->maxExp); } /** * Get the amount of ticks necessary to display this AxisUnit * * @return int */ public function getTicks() { return $this->maxExp - $this->minExp; } }