Auth(); $this->view->form = $form = new LoginForm(); $form->setRequest($this->_request); $this->view->title = $this->translate('Icingaweb Login'); try { $redirectUrl = $this->view->form->getValue('redirect'); if ($redirectUrl) { $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath($redirectUrl); } else { $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath('dashboard'); } if ($auth->isAuthenticated()) { $this->rerenderLayout()->redirectNow($redirectUrl); } try { $config = Config::app('authentication'); } catch (NotReadableError $e) { Logger::error( new Exception('Cannot load authentication configuration. An exception was thrown:', 0, $e) ); throw new ConfigurationError( t( 'No authentication methods available. Authentication configuration could not be loaded.' . ' Please check the system log or Icinga Web 2 log for more information' ) ); } $chain = new AuthChain($config); if ($this->getRequest()->isGet()) { $user = new User(''); foreach ($chain as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof AutoLoginBackend) { $authenticated = $backend->authenticate($user); if ($authenticated === true) { $auth->setAuthenticated($user); $this->rerenderLayout()->redirectNow($redirectUrl); } } } } elseif ($form->isSubmittedAndValid()) { $user = new User($form->getValue('username')); $password = $form->getValue('password'); $backendsTried = 0; $backendsWithError = 0; $redirectUrl = $form->getValue('redirect'); if ($redirectUrl) { $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath($redirectUrl); } else { $redirectUrl = Url::fromPath('dashboard'); } foreach ($chain as $backend) { if ($backend instanceof AutoLoginBackend) { continue; } ++$backendsTried; try { $authenticated = $backend->authenticate($user, $password); } catch (AuthenticationException $e) { Logger::error($e); ++$backendsWithError; continue; } if ($authenticated === true) { $auth->setAuthenticated($user); $this->rerenderLayout()->redirectNow($redirectUrl); } } if ($backendsTried === 0) { throw new ConfigurationError( t( 'No authentication methods available. It seems that no authentication method has been set' . ' up. Please check the system log or Icinga Web 2 log for more information' ) ); } if ($backendsTried === $backendsWithError) { throw new ConfigurationError( $this->translate( 'No authentication methods available. It seems that all set up authentication methods have' . ' errors. Please check the system log or Icinga Web 2 log for more information' ) ); } if ($backendsWithError) { $form->addNote( $this->translate( 'Note that not all authentication backends are available for authentication because they' . ' have errors. Please check the system log or Icinga Web 2 log for more information' ) ); } $form->getElement('password')->addError($this->translate('Incorrect username or password')); } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->view->errorInfo = $e->getMessage(); } } /** * Log out the current user */ public function logoutAction() { $auth = $this->Auth(); $isRemoteUser = $auth->getUser()->isRemoteUser(); $auth->removeAuthorization(); if ($isRemoteUser === true) { $this->_helper->layout->setLayout('login'); $this->_response->setHttpResponseCode(401); } else { $this->rerenderLayout()->redirectToLogin(); } } }