view->compact = $this->_request->getParam('view') === 'compact'; } public function testAction() { $this->chart = new GridChart(); $this->chart->alignTopLeft(); $this->chart->setAxisLabel('X axis label', 'Y axis label')->setXAxis(new StaticAxis()); $data1 = array(); $data2 = array(); $data3 = array(); for ($i = 0; $i < 25; $i++) { $data3[] = array('Label ' . $i, rand(0, 30)); } /* $this->chart->drawLines( array( 'label' => 'Nr of outtakes', 'color' => 'red', 'width' => '5', 'data' => $data ), array( 'label' => 'Some line', 'color' => 'blue', 'width' => '4', 'data' => $data3, 'showPoints' => true ) ); */ $this->chart->drawBars( array( 'label' => 'Some other line', 'color' => 'green', 'data' => $data3, 'showPoints' => true ) ); /* $this->chart->drawLines( array( 'label' => 'Nr of outtakes', 'color' => 'yellow', 'width' => '5', 'data' => $data2 ) ); */ $this->view->svg = $this->chart; } public function hostgroupAction() { $query = $this->backend->select()->from( 'groupsummary', array( 'hostgroup', 'hosts_up', 'hosts_unreachable_handled', 'hosts_unreachable_unhandled', 'hosts_down_handled', 'hosts_down_unhandled', 'hosts_pending', 'services_ok', 'services_unknown_handled', 'services_unknown_unhandled', 'services_critical_handled', 'services_critical_unhandled', 'services_warning_handled', 'services_warning_unhandled', 'services_pending' ) )->order('hostgroup')->getQuery()->fetchAll(); $this->view->height = intval($this->getParam('height', 500)); $this->view->width = intval($this->getParam('width', 500)); if (count($query) === 1) { $this->drawHostGroupPie($query[0]); } else { $this->drawHostGroupChart($query); } } public function servicegroupAction() { $query = $this->backend->select()->from( 'groupsummary', array( 'servicegroup', 'services_ok', 'services_unknown_handled', 'services_unknown_unhandled', 'services_critical_handled', 'services_critical_unhandled', 'services_warning_handled', 'services_warning_unhandled', 'services_pending' ) )->order('servicegroup')->getQuery()->fetchAll(); $this->view->height = intval($this->getParam('height', 500)); $this->view->width = intval($this->getParam('width', 500)); if (count($query) === 1) { $this->drawServiceGroupPie($query[0]); } else { $this->drawServiceGroupChart($query); } } private function drawServiceGroupChart($query) { $okBars = array(); $warningBars = array(); $critBars = array(); $unknownBars = array(); foreach ($query as $servicegroup) { $okBars[] = array($servicegroup->servicegroup, $servicegroup->services_ok); $warningBars[] = array($servicegroup->servicegroup, $servicegroup->services_warning_unhandled); $critBars[] = array($servicegroup->servicegroup, $servicegroup->services_critical_unhandled); $unknownBars[] = array($servicegroup->servicegroup, $servicegroup->services_unknown_unhandled); } $this->view->chart = new GridChart(); $this->view->chart->alignTopLeft(); $this->view->chart->setAxisLabel('', t('Services')) ->setXAxis(new StaticAxis()) ->setAxisMin(null, 0); $tooltip = t('{title}:
{value} of {sum} services are {label}'); $this->view->chart->drawBars( array( 'label' => t('Ok'), 'color' => '#44bb77', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $okBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ), array( 'label' => t('Warning'), 'color' => '#ffaa44', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $warningBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ), array( 'label' => t('Critical'), 'color' => '#ff5566', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $critBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ), array( 'label' => t('Unknown'), 'color' => '#dd66ff', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $unknownBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ) ); } private function drawHostGroupChart($query) { $upBars = array(); $downBars = array(); $unreachableBars = array(); foreach ($query as $hostgroup) { $upBars[] = array( $hostgroup->hostgroup, $hostgroup->hosts_up ); $downBars[] = array( $hostgroup->hostgroup, $hostgroup->hosts_down_unhandled ); $unreachableBars[] = array( $hostgroup->hostgroup, $hostgroup->hosts_unreachable_unhandled ); } $tooltip = t('{title}:
{value} of {sum} hosts are {label}'); $this->view->chart = new GridChart(); $this->view->chart->alignTopLeft(); $this->view->chart->setAxisLabel('', t('Hosts')) ->setXAxis(new StaticAxis()) ->setAxisMin(null, 0); $this->view->chart->drawBars( array( 'label' => t('Up'), 'color' => '#44bb77', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $upBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ), array( 'label' => t('Down'), 'color' => '#ff5566', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $downBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ), array( 'label' => t('Unreachable'), 'color' => '#dd66ff', 'stack' => 'stack1', 'data' => $unreachableBars, 'tooltip' => $tooltip ) ); } private function drawServiceGroupPie($query) { $this->view->chart = new PieChart(); $this->view->chart->alignTopLeft(); $this->view->chart->drawPie(array( 'data' => array( (int) $query->services_ok, (int) $query->services_warning_unhandled, (int) $query->services_warning_handled, (int) $query->services_critical_unhandled, (int) $query->services_critical_handled, (int) $query->services_unknown_unhandled, (int) $query->services_unknown_handled, (int) $query->services_pending ), 'colors' => array('#44bb77', '#ff4444', '#ff0000', '#ffff00', '#ffff33', '#E066FF', '#f099FF', '#fefefe'), 'labels'=> array( $query->services_ok . ' Up Services', $query->services_warning_handled . t(' Warning Services (Handled)'), $query->services_warning_unhandled . t(' Warning Services (Unhandled)'), $query->services_critical_handled . t(' Down Services (Handled)'), $query->services_critical_unhandled . t(' Down Services (Unhandled)'), $query->services_unknown_handled . t(' Unreachable Services (Handled)'), $query->services_unknown_unhandled . t(' Unreachable Services (Unhandled)'), $query->services_pending . t(' Pending Services') ) )); } private function drawHostGroupPie($query) { $this->view->chart = new PieChart(); $this->view->chart->alignTopLeft(); $this->view->chart->drawPie(array( 'data' => array( (int) $query->hosts_up, (int) $query->hosts_down_handled, (int) $query->hosts_down_unhandled, (int) $query->hosts_unreachable_handled, (int) $query->hosts_unreachable_unhandled, (int) $query->hosts_pending ), 'colors' => array('#44bb77', '#ff4444', '#ff0000', '#E066FF', '#f099FF', '#fefefe'), 'labels'=> array( (int) $query->hosts_up . ' Up Hosts', (int) $query->hosts_down_handled . t(' Down Hosts (Handled)'), (int) $query->hosts_down_unhandled . t(' Down Hosts (Unhandled)'), (int) $query->hosts_unreachable_handled . t(' Unreachable Hosts (Handled)'), (int) $query->hosts_unreachable_unhandled . t(' Unreachable Hosts (Unhandled)'), (int) $query->hosts_pending . t(' Pending Hosts') ) ), array( 'data' => array( (int) $query->services_ok, (int) $query->services_warning_unhandled, (int) $query->services_warning_handled, (int) $query->services_critical_unhandled, (int) $query->services_critical_handled, (int) $query->services_unknown_unhandled, (int) $query->services_unknown_handled, (int) $query->services_pending ), 'colors' => array('#44bb77', '#ff4444', '#ff0000', '#ffff00', '#ffff33', '#E066FF', '#f099FF', '#fefefe'), 'labels'=> array( $query->services_ok . ' Up Services', $query->services_warning_handled . t(' Warning Services (Handled)'), $query->services_warning_unhandled . t(' Warning Services (Unhandled)'), $query->services_critical_handled . t(' Down Services (Handled)'), $query->services_critical_unhandled . t(' Down Services (Unhandled)'), $query->services_unknown_handled . t(' Unreachable Services (Handled)'), $query->services_unknown_unhandled . t(' Unreachable Services (Unhandled)'), $query->services_pending . t(' Pending Services') ) )); } }