* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team * */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Test\Monitoring\Testlib\Datasource\Strategies; use \Test\Monitoring\Testlib\DataSource\TestFixture; /** * TestFixture insertion implementation for PDO based backends * * This class allows to create the actual IDO databases from TestFixture * classes using PDO. * */ class PDOInsertionStrategy { /** * Points to the (icinga) objectId of the next inserted object * @var int */ private $objectId = 0; /** * The fixture that is being inserted by this object * @var TestFixture */ private $fixture; /** * The database (PDO) connection to use for inserting * @var \PDO */ private $connection; /** * The date format that will be used for inserting * date values, see @link http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php * for possible values * * @var string */ public $datetimeFormat = "U"; /** * @see InsertionStrategy::setConnection * * @param \PDO $connection The PDO connection to use */ public function setConnection($connection) { $this->connection = $connection; } /** * Insert the provided @see TestFixture into this database * * @param TestFixture $fixture The fixture to insert into the database */ public function insert(TestFixture $fixture) { $this->fixture = $fixture; $this->insertContacts(); $this->insertHosts(); $this->insertServices(); $this->insertComments(); $this->insertHostgroups(); $this->insertServicegroups(); } /** * Insert all hosts from the current fixture into the IDO Database * * This method updates the icinga_objects, icinga_hosts, icinga_hoststatus * and icinga_customvariablestatus tables with the host values provided * by the internal fixture (@see PDOInsertStrategy::insert) * */ private function insertHosts() { $hosts = $this->fixture->getHosts(); $insertObjectQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_objects (object_id, objecttype_id, name1, is_active) VALUES (?, 1, ?, 1);' ); $insertHostQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_hosts ('. 'host_id, alias, display_name, address, host_object_id, '. 'icon_image, notes_url, action_url'. ') VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?);' ); $insertContactQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_host_contacts (host_id, contact_object_id) VALUES (?, ?);' ); $insertHostStatusQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_hoststatus'. '(host_object_id, current_state, last_check, last_state_change, notifications_enabled, '. 'active_checks_enabled, passive_checks_enabled, is_flapping, scheduled_downtime_depth,'. 'output, long_output, '. 'problem_has_been_acknowledged, has_been_checked) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ); $insertCVQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_customvariablestatus'. '(object_id, varname, varvalue) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' ); foreach($hosts as &$host) { $flags = $host["flags"]; $insertObjectQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $host["name"])); $insertHostQuery->execute(array( $this->objectId, $host["name"]." alias", $host["name"], $host["address"], $this->objectId, $host["icon_image"], $host["notes_url"], $host["action_url"] )); $insertHostStatusQuery->execute(array( $this->objectId, $host["state"], date($this->datetimeFormat, $flags->time), date($this->datetimeFormat, $flags->time), $flags->notifications, $flags->active_checks, $flags->passive_checks, $flags->flapping, $flags->in_downtime, "Plugin output for host ".$host["name"], "Long plugin output for host ".$host["name"], $flags->acknowledged, $flags->is_pending == 0 )); foreach($host["contacts"] as $contact) { $insertContactQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $contact["object_id"])); } foreach($host["customvariables"] as $cvName=>$cvValue) { $insertCVQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $cvName, $cvValue)); } $host["object_id"] = $this->objectId; $this->objectId++; } } /** * Insert all services from the provided fixture into the IDO database * * This method updates the icinga_objects, icinga_services, icinga_servicestatus, * icinga_service_contacts, icinga_customvariablestatus */ private function insertServices() { $services = $this->fixture->getServices(); $insertObjectQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_objects (object_id, objecttype_id, name1, name2, is_active) VALUES (?, 2, ?, ?, 1);' ); $insertServiceQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_services ('. 'service_id, host_object_id, service_object_id, display_name, '. 'icon_image, notes_url, action_url'. ') VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)' ); $insertServiceStatusQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_servicestatus'. '(service_object_id, current_state, last_check, last_state_change, notifications_enabled, '. 'active_checks_enabled, passive_checks_enabled, is_flapping, scheduled_downtime_depth,'. 'output, long_output, '. 'problem_has_been_acknowledged, has_been_checked) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?) ' ); $insertContactQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_service_contacts (host_id, contact_object_id) VALUES (?, ?);' ); $insertCVQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_customvariablestatus '. '(object_id, varname, varvalue) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' ); foreach($services as &$service) { $flags = $service["flags"]; $insertObjectQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $service["host"]["name"], $service["name"])); $insertServiceQuery->execute(array( $this->objectId, $service['host']['object_id'], $this->objectId, $service['name'], $service["icon_image"], $service["notes_url"], $service["action_url"] )); $insertServiceStatusQuery->execute(array( $this->objectId, $service["state"], date($this->datetimeFormat, $flags->time), date($this->datetimeFormat, $flags->time), $flags->notifications, $flags->active_checks, $flags->passive_checks, $flags->flapping, $flags->in_downtime, "Plugin output for service ".$service["name"], "Long plugin output for service ".$service["name"], $flags->acknowledged, $flags->is_pending == 0 ? '1' : '0' )); foreach($service["contacts"] as $contact) { $insertContactQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $contact["object_id"])); } foreach($service["customvariables"] as $cvName=>$cvValue) { $insertCVQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $cvName, $cvValue)); } $service["object_id"] = $this->objectId; $this->objectId++; } } /** * Insert the contacts provided by the fixture into the database * * This method updates the icinga_objects and icinga_contacts tables * according to the provided fixture */ private function insertContacts() { $insertObjectQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_objects (object_id, objecttype_id, name1) VALUES (?, 10, ?);' ); $insertContactQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_contacts (contact_object_id, alias) VALUES (?, ?);' ); $contacts = $this->fixture->getContacts(); foreach($contacts as &$contact) { $insertObjectQuery->execute($this->objectId, $contact["alias"]); $insertContactQuery->execute($this->objectId, $contact["alias"]); $contact["object_id"] = $this->objectId; $this->objectId++; } } /** * Insert comments provided by the fixture into the IDO database * * This method updates the icinga_comments table according to the provided * fixture */ private function insertComments() { $comment_id=0; $insertCommentsQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_comments (object_id, comment_type, internal_comment_id, author_name, comment_data)'. ' VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?);' ); $comments = $this->fixture->getComments(); foreach ($comments as $comment) { if (isset($comment["host"])) { $type = 1; $object_id = $comment["host"]["object_id"]; } elseif (isset($comment["service"])) { $type = 2; $object_id = $comment["service"]["object_id"]; } $insertCommentsQuery->execute(array( $object_id, $type, $comment_id++, $comment["author"], $comment["text"] )); } } /** * Insert hostgroups from the provided fixture into the IDO database * * This method updates the icinga_objects, icinga_hostgroups and icinga_hostgroup_members * table with the values provide by the fixture */ private function insertHostgroups() { $insertObjectQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_objects (object_id, objecttype_id, name1) VALUES (?, 3, ?)' ); $insertHostgroupQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_hostgroups (hostgroup_id, hostgroup_object_id, alias) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' ); $insertHostgroupMemberQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_hostgroup_members (hostgroup_id, host_object_id) VALUES (?, ?)' ); $hostgroups = $this->fixture->getHostgroups(); foreach ($hostgroups as &$hostgroup) { $insertObjectQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $hostgroup["name"])); $insertHostgroupQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $this->objectId, $hostgroup["name"])); foreach ($hostgroup["members"] as $member) { $insertHostgroupMemberQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $member["object_id"])); } $this->objectId++; } } /** * Insert servicegroups from the provided fixture into the IDO database * * This method updates the icinga_objects, icinga_servicegroups and icinga_servicegroup_members * table with the values provide by the fixture */ private function insertServicegroups() { $insertObjectQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_objects (object_id, objecttype_id, name1) VALUES (?, 4, ?)' ); $insertServicegroupQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_servicegroups (servicegroup_id, servicegroup_object_id, alias) VALUES (?, ?, ?)' ); $insertServicegroupMemberQuery = $this->connection->prepare( 'INSERT INTO icinga_servicegroup_members (servicegroup_id, service_object_id) VALUES (?, ?)' ); $servicegroups = $this->fixture->getServicegroups(); foreach ($servicegroups as &$servicegroup) { $insertObjectQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $servicegroup["name"])); $insertServicegroupQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $this->objectId, $servicegroup["name"])); foreach ($servicegroup["members"] as $member) { $insertServicegroupMemberQuery->execute(array($this->objectId, $member["object_id"])); } $this->objectId++; } } }