* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team * */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} namespace Icinga\Application; use \DateTimeZone; use \Exception; use \Zend_Layout; use \Zend_Paginator; use \Zend_View_Helper_PaginationControl; use \Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker; use \Zend_Controller_Router_Route; use \Zend_Controller_Front; use \Icinga\Application\Logger; use \Icinga\Authentication\Manager as AuthenticationManager; use \Icinga\Exception\ConfigurationError; use \Icinga\User\Preferences; use \Icinga\User\Preferences\LoadInterface; use \Icinga\User; use \Icinga\Web\Request; use \Icinga\Web\View; use \Icinga\User\Preferences\StoreFactory; use \Icinga\User\Preferences\SessionStore; use \Icinga\Util\DateTimeFactory; /** * Use this if you want to make use of Icinga functionality in other web projects * * Usage example: * * use Icinga\Application\EmbeddedWeb; * EmbeddedWeb::start(); * */ class Web extends ApplicationBootstrap { /** * View object * * @var View */ private $viewRenderer; /** * Zend front controller instance * * @var Zend_Controller_Front */ private $frontController; /** * Request object * * @var Request */ private $request; /** * User object * * @var User */ private $user; /** * Identify web bootstrap * * @var bool */ protected $isWeb = true; /** * Initialize all together * * @return self */ protected function bootstrap() { return $this->setupConfig() ->setupErrorHandling() ->setupResourceFactory() ->setupUser() ->setupTimezone() ->setupRequest() ->setupZendMvc() ->setupTranslation() ->setupModules() ->setupRoute() ->setupPagination(); } /** * Prepare routing * * @return self */ private function setupRoute() { $this->frontController->getRouter()->addRoute( 'module_javascript', new Zend_Controller_Router_Route( 'js/components/:module_name/:file', array( 'controller' => 'static', 'action' => 'javascript' ) ) ); return $this; } /** * Getter for frontController * * @return Zend_Controller_Front */ public function getFrontController() { return $this->frontController; } /** * Getter for view * * @return View */ public function getViewRenderer() { return $this->viewRenderer; } /** * Load translations * * @return self */ private function setupTranslation() { // AuthManager::getInstance()->getSession()->language; $locale = null; if (!$locale) { $locale = 'en_US'; } putenv('LC_ALL=' . $locale . '.UTF-8'); setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale . '.UTF-8'); bindtextdomain('icinga', $this->getApplicationDir() . '/locale'); textdomain('icinga'); return $this; } /** * Dispatch public interface */ public function dispatch() { $this->frontController->dispatch(); } /** * Prepare Zend MVC Base * * @return self */ private function setupZendMvc() { // TODO: Replace Zend_Application: Zend_Layout::startMvc( array( 'layout' => 'layout', 'layoutPath' => $this->getApplicationDir('/layouts/scripts') ) ); $this->setupFrontController(); $this->setupViewRenderer(); return $this; } /** * Registers a NullStore as the preference provider * * @param Preferences $preferences The preference registry to attach the NullStore to * @param User $user The user, required for API compliance * * @see NullStore */ private function registerFallbackPreferenceProvider($preferences, $user) { $this->getConfig()->preferences->type = 'null'; $preferenceStore = StoreFactory::create( $this->getConfig()->preferences, $user ); $preferences->attach($preferenceStore); } /** * Create user object and inject preference interface * * @return self * @throws ConfigurationError */ private function setupUser() { $authenticationManager = AuthenticationManager::getInstance( null, array( 'writeSession' => true ) ); if ($authenticationManager->isAuthenticated() === true) { $user = $authenticationManager->getUser(); // Needed to update values in user session $sessionStore = new SessionStore($authenticationManager->getSession()); // Performance: Do not ask provider if we've preferences // stored in session $initialPreferences = array(); $preferencesLoaded = false; if (count($sessionStore->load())) { $initialPreferences = $sessionStore->load(); $preferencesLoaded = true; } $preferences = new Preferences($initialPreferences); $preferences->attach($sessionStore); if ($this->getConfig()->preferences !== null) { if (!$this->getConfig()->preferences->type) { Logger::info( 'Preferences provider configuration error. No type was omitted. For convenience we enable ' . 'file based ini provider for you.' ); $this->getConfig()->preferences->type = 'ini'; } $path = Config::resolvePath($this->getConfig()->preferences->configPath); if (is_dir($path) === false) { Logger::warn( 'Path for preferences not found (IniStore, "%s"). Using default one: "%s"', $this->getConfig()->preferences->configPath, $this->getConfigDir('preferences') ); $this->getConfig()->preferences->configPath = $this->getConfigDir('preferences'); } $preferenceStore = null; try { $preferenceStore = StoreFactory::create( $this->getConfig()->preferences, $user ); $preferences->attach($preferenceStore); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::warn( 'Could not create create preferences provider, preferences will be discarded: ' . '"%s"', $e->getMessage() ); $this->registerFallbackPreferenceProvider($preferences, $user); } if ($preferencesLoaded === false && $preferenceStore instanceof LoadInterface) { try { $initialPreferences = $preferenceStore->load(); } catch (Exception $e) { Logger::warn( '%s::%s: Could not load preferences from provider. ' . 'An exception during bootstrap was thrown: %s', __CLASS__, __FUNCTION__, $e->getMessage() ); $this->registerFallbackPreferenceProvider($preferences, $user); } $sessionStore->writeAll($initialPreferences); } } else { Logger::error( 'Preferences are not configured. Refer to the documentation to setup a valid provider. ' . 'We will use session store only. Preferences are not persisted after logout' ); } $user->setPreferences($preferences); $this->user = $user; } return $this; } /** * Inject dependencies into request * * @return self */ private function setupRequest() { $this->request = new Request(); if ($this->user instanceof User) { $this->request->setUser($this->user); } return $this; } /** * Instantiate front controller * * @return self */ private function setupFrontController() { $this->frontController = Zend_Controller_Front::getInstance(); $this->frontController->setRequest($this->request); $this->frontController->setControllerDirectory($this->getApplicationDir('/controllers')); $this->frontController->setParams( array( 'displayExceptions' => true ) ); return $this; } /** * Register helper paths and views for renderer * * @return self */ private function setupViewRenderer() { /** @var \Zend_Controller_Action_Helper_ViewRenderer $view */ $view = Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker::getStaticHelper('viewRenderer'); $view->setView(new View()); $view->view->addHelperPath($this->getApplicationDir('/views/helpers')); $view->view->setEncoding('UTF-8'); $view->view->headTitle()->prepend( $this->getConfig()->{'global'}->get('project', 'Icinga') ); $view->view->headTitle()->setSeparator(' :: '); $view->view->navigation = $this->getConfig()->app('menu'); $this->viewRenderer = $view; return $this; } /** * Configure pagination settings * * @return self */ private function setupPagination() { Zend_Paginator::addScrollingStylePrefixPath( 'Icinga_Web_Paginator_ScrollingStyle', 'Icinga/Web/Paginator/ScrollingStyle' ); Zend_Paginator::setDefaultScrollingStyle('SlidingWithBorder'); Zend_View_Helper_PaginationControl::setDefaultViewPartial( array('mixedPagination.phtml', 'default') ); return $this; } /** * Setup user timezone if set and valid, otherwise global default timezone * * @return self * @see ApplicationBootstrap::setupTimezone */ protected function setupTimezone() { $userTimeZone = $this->user === null ? null : $this->user->getPreferences()->get('app.timezone'); try { $tz = new DateTimeZone($userTimeZone); } catch (Exception $e) { return parent::setupTimezone(); } date_default_timezone_set($userTimeZone); DateTimeFactory::setConfig(array('timezone' => $tz)); return $this; } }