addPage(new WelcomePage()); $this->addPage(new BackendPage()); $this->addPage(new IdoResourcePage()); $this->addPage(new LivestatusResourcePage()); $this->addPage(new TransportPage()); $this->addPage(new SecurityPage()); $this->addPage(new SummaryPage(array('name' => 'setup_monitoring_summary'))); } /** * Setup the given page that is either going to be displayed or validated * * @param Form $page The page to setup * @param Request $request The current request */ public function setupPage(Form $page, Request $request) { if ($page->getName() === 'setup_requirements') { $page->setRequirements($this->getRequirements()); } elseif ($page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_summary') { $page->setSummary($this->getSetup()->getSummary()); $page->setSubjectTitle(mt('monitoring', 'the monitoring module', 'setup.summary.subject')); } elseif ($this->getDirection() === static::FORWARD && ($page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_ido' || $page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_livestatus') ) { if ((($authDbResourceData = $this->getPageData('setup_auth_db_resource')) !== null && $authDbResourceData['name'] === $request->getPost('name')) || (($configDbResourceData = $this->getPageData('setup_config_db_resource')) !== null && $configDbResourceData['name'] === $request->getPost('name')) || (($ldapResourceData = $this->getPageData('setup_ldap_resource')) !== null && $ldapResourceData['name'] === $request->getPost('name')) ) { $page->error(mt('monitoring', 'The given resource name is already in use.')); } } } /** * Return the new page to set as current page * * {@inheritdoc} Runs additional checks related to some registered pages. * * @param string $requestedPage The name of the requested page * @param Form $originPage The origin page * * @return Form The new page * * @throws InvalidArgumentException In case the requested page does not exist or is not permitted yet */ protected function getNewPage($requestedPage, Form $originPage) { $skip = false; $newPage = parent::getNewPage($requestedPage, $originPage); if ($newPage->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_ido') { $backendData = $this->getPageData('setup_monitoring_backend'); $skip = $backendData['type'] !== 'ido'; } elseif ($newPage->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_livestatus') { $backendData = $this->getPageData('setup_monitoring_backend'); $skip = $backendData['type'] !== 'livestatus'; } return $skip ? $this->skipPage($newPage) : $newPage; } /** * Add buttons to the given page based on its position in the page-chain * * @param Form $page The page to add the buttons to */ protected function addButtons(Form $page) { parent::addButtons($page); $pages = $this->getPages(); $index = array_search($page, $pages, true); if ($index === 0) { // Used t() here as "Start" is too generic and already translated in the icinga domain $page->getElement(static::BTN_NEXT)->setLabel(t('Start', '')); } elseif ($index === count($pages) - 1) { $page->getElement(static::BTN_NEXT)->setLabel( mt('monitoring', 'Setup the monitoring module for Icinga Web 2', 'setup.summary.btn.finish') ); } if ($page->getName() === 'setup_monitoring_ido') { $page->addElement( 'submit', 'backend_validation', array( 'ignore' => true, 'label' => t('Validate Configuration'), 'data-progress-label' => t('Validation In Progress'), 'decorators' => array('ViewHelper') ) ); $page->getDisplayGroup('buttons')->addElement($page->getElement('backend_validation')); } } /** * Return the setup for this wizard * * @return Setup */ public function getSetup() { $pageData = $this->getPageData(); $setup = new Setup(); $setup->addStep( new BackendStep(array( 'backendConfig' => $pageData['setup_monitoring_backend'], 'resourceConfig' => isset($pageData['setup_monitoring_ido']) ? array_diff_key($pageData['setup_monitoring_ido'], array('skip_validation' => null)) : array_diff_key($pageData['setup_monitoring_livestatus'], array('skip_validation' => null)) )) ); $setup->addStep( new TransportStep(array( 'transportConfig' => $pageData['setup_command_transport'] )) ); $setup->addStep( new SecurityStep(array( 'securityConfig' => $pageData['setup_monitoring_security'] )) ); return $setup; } /** * Return the requirements of this wizard * * @return RequirementSet */ public function getRequirements() { $set = new RequirementSet(); $backendSet = new RequirementSet(false, RequirementSet::MODE_OR); $mysqlSet = new RequirementSet(true); $mysqlSet->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array( 'optional' => true, 'condition' => 'pdo_mysql', 'alias' => 'PDO-MySQL', 'description' => mt( 'monitoring', 'To access the IDO stored in a MySQL database the PDO-MySQL module for PHP is required.' ) ))); $mysqlSet->add(new ClassRequirement(array( 'optional' => true, 'condition' => 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Mysql', 'alias' => mt('monitoring', 'Zend database adapter for MySQL'), 'description' => mt( 'monitoring', 'The Zend database adapter for MySQL is required to access a MySQL database.' ) ))); $backendSet->merge($mysqlSet); $pgsqlSet = new RequirementSet(true); $pgsqlSet->add(new PhpModuleRequirement(array( 'optional' => true, 'condition' => 'pdo_pgsql', 'alias' => 'PDO-PostgreSQL', 'description' => mt( 'monitoring', 'To access the IDO stored in a PostgreSQL database the PDO-PostgreSQL module for PHP is required.' ) ))); $pgsqlSet->add(new ClassRequirement(array( 'optional' => true, 'condition' => 'Zend_Db_Adapter_Pdo_Pgsql', 'alias' => mt('monitoring', 'Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL'), 'description' => mt( 'monitoring', 'The Zend database adapter for PostgreSQL is required to access a PostgreSQL database.' ) ))); $backendSet->merge($pgsqlSet); $set->merge($backendSet); return $set; } }