* @license http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2 * @author Icinga Development Team */ // {{{ICINGA_LICENSE_HEADER}}} use \Icinga\Application\Benchmark; use \Icinga\Data\Db\Query; use \Icinga\File\Csv; use \Icinga\Web\Controller\ActionController; use \Icinga\Web\Hook; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\BasketAction; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\DashboardAction; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabextension\OutputFormat; use \Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabs; use \Icinga\Module\Monitoring\Backend; class Monitoring_ListController extends ActionController { /** * The backend used for this controller * * @var Backend */ protected $backend; /** * Set to a string containing the compact layout name to use when * 'compact' is set as the layout parameter, otherwise null * * @var string */ private $compactView; /** * Retrieve backend and hooks for this controller * * @see ActionController::init */ public function init() { $this->backend = Backend::getInstance($this->_getParam('backend')); $this->view->grapher = Hook::get('grapher'); $this->createTabs(); } /** * Overwrite the backend to use (used for testing) * * @param Backend $backend The Backend that should be used for querying */ public function setBackend($backend) { $this->backend = $backend; } /** * Display host list */ public function hostsAction() { Benchmark::measure("hostsAction::query()"); $this->compactView = "hosts-compact"; $this->view->hosts = $this->query( 'status', array( 'host_icon_image', 'host_name', 'host_state', 'host_address', 'host_acknowledged', 'host_output', 'host_long_output', 'host_in_downtime', 'host_is_flapping', 'host_state_type', 'host_handled', 'host_last_check', 'host_last_state_change', 'host_notifications_enabled', 'host_unhandled_service_count', 'host_action_url', 'host_notes_url', 'host_last_comment' ) ); } /** * Display service list */ public function servicesAction() { if ($this->_getParam('_statetype', 'soft') === 'soft') { $state_column = 'service_state'; $state_change_column = 'service_last_state_change'; } else { $state_column = 'service_hard_state'; $state_change_column = 'service_last_hard_state_change'; } $this->compactView = "services-compact"; $this->view->services = $this->query('status', array( 'host_name', 'host_state', 'host_state_type', 'host_last_state_change', 'host_address', 'host_handled', 'service_description', 'service_display_name', 'service_state' => $state_column, 'service_in_downtime', 'service_acknowledged', 'service_handled', 'service_output', 'service_last_state_change' => $state_change_column, 'service_icon_image', 'service_long_output', 'service_is_flapping', 'service_state_type', 'service_handled', 'service_severity', 'service_last_check', 'service_notifications_enabled', 'service_action_url', 'service_notes_url', 'service_last_comment' )); $this->inheritCurrentSortColumn(); } /** * Fetch the current downtimes and put them into the view property `downtimes` */ public function downtimesAction() { $query = $this->backend->select() ->from('downtime',array( 'host_name', 'object_type', 'service_description', 'downtime_entry_time', 'downtime_internal_downtime_id', 'downtime_author_name', 'downtime_comment_data', 'downtime_duration', 'downtime_scheduled_start_time', 'downtime_scheduled_end_time', 'downtime_is_fixed', 'downtime_is_in_effect', 'downtime_triggered_by_id', 'downtime_trigger_time' )); if (!$this->_getParam('sort')) { $query->order('downtime_is_in_effect'); } $this->view->downtimes = $query->applyRequest($this->_request); $this->inheritCurrentSortColumn(); } /** * Display notification overview */ public function notificationsAction() { $this->view->notifications = $this->query( 'notification', array( 'host_name', 'service_description', 'notification_type', 'notification_reason', 'notification_start_time', 'notification_contact', 'notification_information', 'notification_command' ) ); if (!$this->_getParam('sort')) { $this->view->notifications->order('notification_start_time DESC'); } $this->inheritCurrentSortColumn(); } /** * Create query * * @param string $view * @param array $columns * * @return Query */ private function query($view, $columns) { $extra = preg_split( '~,~', $this->_getParam('extracolumns', ''), -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY ); $this->view->extraColumns = $extra; $query = $this->backend->select() ->from($view, array_merge($columns, $extra)) ->applyRequest($this->_request); $this->handleFormatRequest($query); return $query; } /** * Handle the 'format' and 'view' parameter * * @param Query $query The current query */ private function handleFormatRequest($query) { if ($this->compactView !== null && ($this->_getParam('view', false) === 'compact')) { $this->_helper->viewRenderer($this->compactView); } if ($this->_getParam('format') === 'sql') { echo '
                . htmlspecialchars(wordwrap($query->getQuery()->dump()))
                . '
'; exit; } if ($this->_getParam('format') === 'json' || $this->_request->getHeader('Accept') === 'application/json') { header('Content-type: application/json'); echo json_encode($query->fetchAll()); exit; } if ($this->_getParam('format') === 'csv' || $this->_request->getHeader('Accept') === 'text/csv') { Csv::fromQuery($query)->dump(); exit; } } /** * Return all tabs for this controller * * @return Tabs */ private function createTabs() { $tabs = $this->getTabs(); $tabs->extend(new OutputFormat()) ->extend(new DashboardAction()) ->extend(new BasketAction()); } /** * Let the current response inherit the used sort column by applying it to the view property `sort` */ private function inheritCurrentSortColumn() { if ($this->_getParam('sort')) { $this->view->sort = $this->_getParam('sort'); } } } // @codingStandardsIgnoreEnd