assertPermission('config/authentication/roles/show'); $this->createListTabs()->activate('role/list'); $this->view->roles = Config::app('roles', true); } /** * Create a new role * * @TODO(el): Rename to newAction() */ public function addAction() { $this->assertPermission('config/authentication/roles/add'); $role = new RoleForm(array( 'onSuccess' => function (RoleForm $role) { $name = $role->getElement('name')->getValue(); $values = $role->getValues(); try { $role->add($name, $values); } catch (AlreadyExistsException $e) { $role->addError($e->getMessage()); return false; } if ($role->save()) { Notification::success(t('Role created')); return true; } return false; } )); $role ->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Create Role')) ->setIniConfig(Config::app('roles', true)) ->setRedirectUrl('role/list') ->handleRequest(); $this->renderForm($role, $this->translate('New Role')); } /** * Update a role * * @TODO(el): Rename to updateAction() */ public function editAction() { $this->assertPermission('config/authentication/roles/edit'); $name = $this->params->getRequired('role'); $role = new RoleForm(); $role->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Update Role')); try { $role ->setIniConfig(Config::app('roles', true)) ->load($name); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { $this->httpNotFound($e->getMessage()); } $role ->setOnSuccess(function (RoleForm $role) use ($name) { $oldName = $name; $name = $role->getElement('name')->getValue(); $values = $role->getValues(); try { $role->update($name, $values, $oldName); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { $role->addError($e->getMessage()); return false; } if ($role->save()) { Notification::success(t('Role updated')); return true; } return false; }) ->setRedirectUrl('role/list') ->handleRequest(); $this->renderForm($role, $this->translate('Update Role')); } /** * Remove a role */ public function removeAction() { $this->assertPermission('config/authentication/roles/remove'); $name = $this->params->getRequired('role'); $role = new RoleForm(); try { $role ->setIniConfig(Config::app('roles', true)) ->load($name); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { $this->httpNotFound($e->getMessage()); } $confirmation = new ConfirmRemovalForm(array( 'onSuccess' => function (ConfirmRemovalForm $confirmation) use ($name, $role) { try { $role->remove($name); } catch (NotFoundError $e) { Notification::error($e->getMessage()); return false; } if ($role->save()) { Notification::success(t('Role removed')); return true; } return false; } )); $confirmation ->setSubmitLabel($this->translate('Remove Role')) ->setRedirectUrl('role/list') ->handleRequest(); $this->renderForm($confirmation, $this->translate('Remove Role')); } /** * Create the tabs to display when listing roles */ protected function createListTabs() { $tabs = $this->getTabs(); $tabs->add( 'role/list', array( 'baseTarget' => '_main', 'label' => $this->translate('Roles'), 'title' => $this->translate( 'Configure roles to permit or restrict users and groups accessing Icinga Web 2' ), 'url' => 'role/list' ) ); return $tabs; } }