setAttrib('class', self::DEFAULT_CLASSES . ' role-form'); list($this->providedPermissions, $this->providedRestrictions) = static::collectProvidedPrivileges(); } protected function createFilter() { return Filter::where('name', $this->getIdentifier()); } public function filterName($value, $allowBrackets = false) { return parent::filterName($value, $allowBrackets) . '_element'; } public function createInsertElements(array $formData = array()) { $this->addElement( 'text', 'name', [ 'required' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Role Name'), 'description' => $this->translate('The name of the role') ] ); $this->addElement( 'select', 'parent', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Inherit From'), 'description' => $this->translate('Choose a role from which to inherit privileges'), 'value' => '', 'multiOptions' => array_merge( ['' => $this->translate('None', 'parent role')], $this->collectRoles() ) ] ); $this->addElement( 'textarea', 'users', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Users'), 'description' => $this->translate('Comma-separated list of users that are assigned to the role') ] ); $this->addElement( 'textarea', 'groups', [ 'label' => $this->translate('Groups'), 'description' => $this->translate('Comma-separated list of groups that are assigned to the role') ] ); $this->addElement( 'checkbox', self::WILDCARD_NAME, [ 'autosubmit' => true, 'label' => $this->translate('Administrative Access'), 'description' => $this->translate('Everything is allowed') ] ); $this->addElement( 'checkbox', 'unrestricted', [ 'autosubmit' => true, 'uncheckedValue' => null, 'label' => $this->translate('Unrestricted Access'), 'description' => $this->translate('Access to any data is completely unrestricted') ] ); $hasAdminPerm = isset($formData[self::WILDCARD_NAME]) && $formData[self::WILDCARD_NAME]; $isUnrestricted = isset($formData['unrestricted']) && $formData['unrestricted']; foreach ($this->providedPermissions as $moduleName => $permissionList) { $this->sortPermissions($permissionList); $anythingGranted = false; $anythingRefused = false; $anythingRestricted = false; $elements = [$moduleName . '_header']; // The actual element is added last $elements[] = 'permission_header'; $this->addElement('note', 'permission_header', [ 'decorators' => [['Callback', ['callback' => function () { return '

' . $this->translate('Permissions') . '

' . $this->getView()->icon('ok', $this->translate( 'Grant access by toggling a switch below' )) . $this->getView()->icon('cancel', $this->translate( 'Deny access by toggling a switch below' )); }]], ['HtmlTag', ['tag' => 'div']]] ]); $hasFullPerm = false; foreach ($permissionList as $name => $spec) { $elementName = $this->filterName($name); if (isset($formData[$elementName]) && $formData[$elementName]) { $anythingGranted = true; } if ($hasFullPerm || $hasAdminPerm) { $elementName .= '_fake'; } $denyCheckbox = null; if (! isset($spec['isFullPerm']) && substr($name, 0, strlen(self::DENY_PREFIX)) !== self::DENY_PREFIX ) { $denyCheckbox = $this->createElement('checkbox', $this->filterName(self::DENY_PREFIX . $name), [ 'decorators' => ['ViewHelper'] ]); $this->addElement($denyCheckbox); $this->removeFromIteration($denyCheckbox->getName()); if (isset($formData[$denyCheckbox->getName()]) && $formData[$denyCheckbox->getName()]) { $anythingRefused = true; } } $elements[] = $elementName; $this->addElement( 'checkbox', $elementName, [ 'ignore' => $hasFullPerm || $hasAdminPerm, 'autosubmit' => isset($spec['isFullPerm']), 'disabled' => $hasFullPerm || $hasAdminPerm ?: null, 'value' => $hasFullPerm || $hasAdminPerm, 'label' => isset($spec['label']) ? $spec['label'] : join('', iterator_to_array(call_user_func(function ($segments) { foreach ($segments as $segment) { if ($segment[0] === '/') { // Adds a zero-width char after each slash to help browsers break onto newlines yield '/​'; yield '' . substr($segment, 1) . ''; } else { yield '' . $segment . ''; } } }, preg_split( '~(/[^/]+)~', $name, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE|PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY )))), 'description' => isset($spec['description']) ? $spec['description'] : $name, 'decorators' => array_merge( array_slice(self::$defaultElementDecorators, 0, 3), [['Callback', ['callback' => function () use ($denyCheckbox) { return $denyCheckbox ? $denyCheckbox->render() : ''; }]]], array_slice(self::$defaultElementDecorators, 3) ) ] ) ->getElement($elementName) ->getDecorator('Label') ->setOption('escape', false); if ($hasFullPerm || $hasAdminPerm) { // Add a hidden element to preserve the configured permission value $this->addElement('hidden', $this->filterName($name)); } if (isset($spec['isFullPerm'])) { $filteredName = $this->filterName($name); $hasFullPerm = isset($formData[$filteredName]) && $formData[$filteredName]; } } if (isset($this->providedRestrictions[$moduleName])) { $elements[] = 'restriction_header'; $this->addElement('note', 'restriction_header', [ 'value' => '

' . $this->translate('Restrictions') . '

', 'decorators' => ['ViewHelper'] ]); foreach ($this->providedRestrictions[$moduleName] as $name => $spec) { $elementName = $this->filterName($name); if (isset($formData[$elementName]) && $formData[$elementName]) { $anythingRestricted = true; } $elements[] = $elementName; $this->addElement( 'text', $elementName, [ 'label' => isset($spec['label']) ? $spec['label'] : join('', iterator_to_array(call_user_func(function ($segments) { foreach ($segments as $segment) { if ($segment[0] === '/') { // Add zero-width char after each slash to help browsers break onto newlines yield '/​'; yield '' . substr($segment, 1) . ''; } else { yield '' . $segment . ''; } } }, preg_split( '~(/[^/]+)~', $name, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE|PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY )))), 'description' => $spec['description'], 'style' => $isUnrestricted ? 'text-decoration:line-through;' : '', 'readonly' => $isUnrestricted ?: null ] ) ->getElement($elementName) ->getDecorator('Label') ->setOption('escape', false); } } $this->addElement( 'note', $moduleName . '_header', [ 'decorators' => ['ViewHelper'], 'value' => '' . '' . ($moduleName !== 'application' ? sprintf('%s %s', $moduleName, $this->translate('Module')) : 'Icinga Web 2' ) . '' . '' . ($hasAdminPerm || $anythingGranted ? new Icon('check-circle', ['class' => 'granted']) : '') . ($anythingRefused ? new Icon('times-circle', ['class' => 'refused']) : '') . (! $isUnrestricted && $anythingRestricted ? new Icon('filter', ['class' => 'restricted']) : '' ) . '' . new Icon('angles-down', ['class' => 'collapse-icon']) . new Icon('angles-left', ['class' => 'expand-icon']) . '' ] ); $this->addDisplayGroup($elements, $moduleName . '_elements', [ 'decorators' => [ 'FormElements', ['HtmlTag', [ 'tag' => 'details', 'class' => 'collapsible' ]], ['Fieldset'] ] ]); } } protected function createDeleteElements(array $formData) { } public function fetchEntry() { $role = parent::fetchEntry(); if ($role === false) { return false; } $values = [ 'parent' => $role->parent, 'name' => $role->name, 'users' => $role->users, 'groups' => $role->groups, 'unrestricted' => $role->unrestricted, self::WILDCARD_NAME => $role->permissions && preg_match('~(?>^|,)\*(?>$|,)~', $role->permissions) ]; if (! empty($role->permissions) || ! empty($role->refusals)) { $permissions = StringHelper::trimSplit($role->permissions); $refusals = StringHelper::trimSplit($role->refusals); list($permissions, $newRefusals) = AdmissionLoader::migrateLegacyPermissions($permissions); if (! empty($newRefusals)) { array_push($refusals, ...$newRefusals); } foreach ($this->providedPermissions as $moduleName => $permissionList) { $hasFullPerm = false; foreach ($permissionList as $name => $spec) { if (in_array($name, $permissions, true)) { $values[$this->filterName($name)] = 1; if (isset($spec['isFullPerm'])) { $hasFullPerm = true; } } if (in_array($name, $refusals, true)) { $values[$this->filterName(self::DENY_PREFIX . $name)] = 1; } } if ($hasFullPerm) { unset($values[$this->filterName(Manager::MODULE_PERMISSION_NS . $moduleName)]); } } } foreach ($this->providedRestrictions as $moduleName => $restrictionList) { foreach ($restrictionList as $name => $spec) { if (isset($role->$name)) { $values[$this->filterName($name)] = $role->$name; } } } return (object) $values; } public function getValues($suppressArrayNotation = false) { $values = parent::getValues($suppressArrayNotation); foreach ($this->providedRestrictions as $moduleName => $restrictionList) { foreach ($restrictionList as $name => $spec) { $elementName = $this->filterName($name); if (isset($values[$elementName])) { $values[$name] = $values[$elementName]; unset($values[$elementName]); } } } $permissions = []; if (isset($values[self::WILDCARD_NAME]) && $values[self::WILDCARD_NAME]) { $permissions[] = '*'; } $refusals = []; foreach ($this->providedPermissions as $moduleName => $permissionList) { $hasFullPerm = false; foreach ($permissionList as $name => $spec) { $elementName = $this->filterName($name); if (isset($values[$elementName]) && $values[$elementName]) { $permissions[] = $name; if (isset($spec['isFullPerm'])) { $hasFullPerm = true; } } $denyName = $this->filterName(self::DENY_PREFIX . $name); if (isset($values[$denyName]) && $values[$denyName]) { $refusals[] = $name; } unset($values[$elementName], $values[$denyName]); } $modulePermission = Manager::MODULE_PERMISSION_NS . $moduleName; if ($hasFullPerm && ! in_array($modulePermission, $permissions, true)) { $permissions[] = $modulePermission; } } unset($values[self::WILDCARD_NAME]); $values['refusals'] = join(',', $refusals); $values['permissions'] = join(',', $permissions); return ConfigForm::transformEmptyValuesToNull($values); } protected function getInsertMessage($success) { return $success ? $this->translate('Role created') : $this->translate('Role creation failed'); } protected function getUpdateMessage($success) { return $success ? $this->translate('Role updated') : $this->translate('Role update failed'); } protected function getDeleteMessage($success) { return $success ? $this->translate('Role removed') : $this->translate('Role removal failed'); } protected function sortPermissions(&$permissions) { return uksort($permissions, function ($a, $b) use ($permissions) { if (isset($permissions[$a]['isUsagePerm'])) { return isset($permissions[$b]['isFullPerm']) ? 1 : -1; } elseif (isset($permissions[$b]['isUsagePerm'])) { return isset($permissions[$a]['isFullPerm']) ? -1 : 1; } $aParts = explode('/', $a); $bParts = explode('/', $b); do { $a = array_shift($aParts); $b = array_shift($bParts); } while ($a === $b); return strnatcmp($a ?? '', $b ?? ''); }); } protected function collectRoles() { // Function to get all connected children. Used to avoid reference loops $getChildren = function ($name, $children = []) use (&$getChildren) { foreach ($this->repository->select()->where('parent', $name) as $child) { if (isset($children[$child->name])) { // Don't follow already established loops here, // the user should be able to solve such in the UI continue; } $children[$child->name] = true; $children = $getChildren($child->name, $children); } return $children; }; $children = $this->getIdentifier() !== null ? $getChildren($this->getIdentifier()) : []; $names = []; foreach ($this->repository->select() as $role) { if ($role->name !== $this->getIdentifier() && ! isset($children[$role->name])) { $names[] = $role->name; } } return array_combine($names, $names); } public function isValid($formData) { $valid = parent::isValid($formData); if ($valid && ConfigFormEventsHook::runIsValid($this) === false) { foreach (ConfigFormEventsHook::getLastErrors() as $msg) { $this->error($msg); } $valid = false; } return $valid; } public function onSuccess() { if (parent::onSuccess() === false) { return false; } if ($this->getIdentifier() && ($newName = $this->getValue('name')) !== $this->getIdentifier()) { $this->repository->update( $this->getBaseTable(), ['parent' => $newName], Filter::where('parent', $this->getIdentifier()) ); } if (ConfigFormEventsHook::runOnSuccess($this) === false) { Notification::error($this->translate( 'Configuration successfully stored. Though, one or more module hooks failed to run.' . ' See logs for details' )); } } /** * Collect permissions and restrictions provided by Icinga Web 2 and modules * * @return array[$permissions, $restrictions] */ public static function collectProvidedPrivileges() { $providedPermissions['application'] = [ 'application/announcements' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to manage announcements') ], 'application/log' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to view the application log') ], 'config/*' => [ 'description' => t('Allow full config access') ], 'config/general' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to adjust the general configuration') ], 'config/modules' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to enable/disable and configure modules') ], 'config/resources' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to manage resources') ], 'config/navigation' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to view and adjust shared navigation items') ], 'config/access-control/*' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to fully manage access-control') ], 'config/access-control/users' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to manage user accounts') ], 'config/access-control/groups' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to manage user groups') ], 'config/access-control/roles' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to manage roles') ], 'user/*' => [ 'description' => t('Allow all account related functionalities') ], 'user/password-change' => [ 'description' => t('Allow password changes in the account preferences') ], 'user/application/stacktraces' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to adjust in the preferences whether to show stacktraces') ], 'user/share/navigation' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to share navigation items') ], 'application/sessions' => [ 'description' => t('Allow to manage user sessions') ] ]; $providedRestrictions['application'] = [ 'application/share/users' => [ 'description' => t('Restrict which users this role can share items and information with') ], 'application/share/groups' => [ 'description' => t('Restrict which groups this role can share items and information with') ] ]; $mm = Icinga::app()->getModuleManager(); foreach ($mm->listInstalledModules() as $moduleName) { $modulePermission = Manager::MODULE_PERMISSION_NS . $moduleName; $providedPermissions[$moduleName][$modulePermission] = [ 'isUsagePerm' => true, 'label' => t('General Module Access'), 'description' => sprintf(t('Allow access to module %s'), $moduleName) ]; $module = $mm->getModule($moduleName, false); $permissions = $module->getProvidedPermissions(); $providedPermissions[$moduleName][$moduleName . '/*'] = [ 'isFullPerm' => true, 'label' => t('Full Module Access') ]; foreach ($permissions as $permission) { /** @var object $permission */ $providedPermissions[$moduleName][$permission->name] = [ 'description' => $permission->description ]; } foreach ($module->getProvidedRestrictions() as $restriction) { $providedRestrictions[$moduleName][$restriction->name] = [ 'description' => $restriction->description ]; } } return [$providedPermissions, $providedRestrictions]; } }