translate('The following modules can be set up by using a web-based wizard as well. To setup a module, just complete its wizard and advance to the summary!'); ?>

translate('You can freely switch to a module\'s wizard by clicking its name below. The wizard you are currently looking at is written in bold. A small tick is shown on the right once a wizard has been completed.'); ?>

getElement($form->getTokenElementName()); ?> getElement($form->getUidElementName()); ?>

translate('You\'ve completed all module wizards!'); ?>

translate('Note that you can skip a specific module by just not completing its wizard.'); ?>

getCurrentWizard()->getForm()->render(); ?>
getElement($form->getTokenElementName()); ?> getElement($form->getUidElementName()); ?>
getElement(Wizard::BTN_PREV); ?> getElement(Wizard::BTN_NEXT); ?>