set('key1', 'val1'); $ns->set('key2', 'val2'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key1'), 'val1'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key2'), 'val2'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key3', 'val3'), 'val3'); $this->assertNull($ns->get('key3')); $values = $ns->getAll(); $this->assertEquals($values['key1'], 'val1'); $this->assertEquals($values['key2'], 'val2'); $new_values = array( 'key1' => 'new1', 'key2' => 'new2', 'key3' => 'new3' ); $ns->setAll($new_values); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key1'), 'val1'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key2'), 'val2'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key3'), 'new3'); $ns->setAll($new_values, true); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key1'), 'new1'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key2'), 'new2'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key3'), 'new3'); } /** * Check whether __set, __get, __isset and __unset works */ public function testPropertyAccess() { $ns = new SessionNamespace(); $ns->key1 = 'val1'; $ns->key2 = 'val2'; $this->assertEquals($ns->key1, 'val1'); $this->assertEquals($ns->key2, 'val2'); $this->assertEquals($ns->get('key1'), 'val1'); $this->assertTrue(isset($ns->key1)); $this->assertFalse(isset($ns->key3)); unset($ns->key2); $this->assertFalse(isset($ns->key2)); $this->assertNull($ns->get('key2')); } public function testFailingPropertyAccess() { $this->expectException(\Icinga\Exception\IcingaException::class); $ns = new SessionNamespace(); $ns->missing; } /** * Check whether iterating over session namespaces works */ public function testIteration() { $ns = new SessionNamespace(); $values = array('key1' => 'val1', 'key2' => 'val2'); $ns->setAll($values); foreach ($ns as $key => $value) { $this->assertEquals($value, $values[$key]); } } public function testRetrievingValuesByReferenceWorks() { $ns = new SessionNamespace(); $ns->array = array(1, 2); $array = & $ns->getByRef('array'); $array[0] = 11; $this->assertEquals( array(11, 2), $ns->array, 'Values retrieved with getByRef() seem not be affected by external changes' ); } public function testSettingValuesByReferenceWorks() { $ns = new SessionNamespace(); $array = array(1, 2); $ns->setByRef('array', $array); $array[0] = 11; $this->assertEquals( array(11, 2), $ns->array, 'Values set with setByRef() seem not to receive external changes' ); } public function testTrackingChangesWorks() { $ns = new SessionNamespace(); $this->assertFalse($ns->hasChanged(), 'A new empty session namespace seems to have changes'); $ns->test = 1; $this->assertTrue($ns->hasChanged(), 'A new session namespace with values seems not to have changes'); } }