 * This file is part of Icinga 2 Web.
 * Icinga 2 Web - Head for multiple monitoring backends.
 * Copyright (C) 2013 Icinga Development Team
 * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
 * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
 * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * GNU General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
 * @copyright 2013 Icinga Development Team <info@icinga.org>
 * @license   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.txt GPL, version 2
 * @author    Icinga Development Team <info@icinga.org>

namespace Icinga\Form\Config;

use \DateTimeZone;
use \Zend_Config;
use \Zend_Form_Element_Text;
use \Zend_Form_Element_Select;
use \Zend_View_Helper_DateFormat;
use \Icinga\Application\Config as IcingaConfig;
use \Icinga\Application\DbAdapterFactory;
use \Icinga\Web\Form;
use \Icinga\Web\Form\Validator\WritablePathValidator;
use \Icinga\Web\Form\Validator\TimeFormatValidator;
use \Icinga\Web\Form\Validator\DateFormatValidator;
use \Icinga\Web\Form\Decorator\ConditionalHidden;

 * Configuration form for general, application-wide settings
class GeneralForm extends Form
     * The base directory of the icingaweb configuration
     * @var string
    private $configDir = null;

     * The resources to use instead of the factory provided ones (use for testing)
     * @var null
    private $resources;

     * The view helper to format date/time strings
     * @var Zend_View_Helper_DateFormat
    private $dateHelper;

     * Set a specific configuration directory to use for configuration specific default paths
     * @param string    $dir
    public function setConfigDir($dir)
        $this->configDir = $dir;

     * Return the config path set for this form or the application wide config path if none is set
     * @return  string
     * @see     IcingaConfig::configDir
    public function getConfigDir()
        return $this->configDir === null ? IcingaConfig::$configDir : $this->configDir;

     * Return the view helper to format date/time strings
     * @return Zend_View_Helper_DateFormat
    public function getDateFormatter()
        if ($this->dateHelper === null) {
            return $this->getView()->dateFormat();
        return $this->dateHelper;

     * Set the view helper that is used to format date/time strings (used for testing)
     * @param Zend_View_Helper_DateFormat   $dateHelper
    public function setDateFormatter(Zend_View_Helper_DateFormat $dateHelper)
        $this->dateHelper = $dateHelper;

     * Set an alternative array of resources that should be used instead of the DBFactory resource set
     * (used for testing)
     * @param array $resources  The resources to use for populating the db selection field
    public function setResources(array $resources)
        $this->resources = $resources;

     * Return content of the resources.ini or previously set resources for displaying in the database selection field
     * @return array
    public function getResources()
        if ($this->resources === null) {
            return DbAdapterFactory::getResources();
        } else {
            return $this->resources;

     * Add the checkbox for using the development environment to this form
     * @param Zend_Config   $cfg    The "global" section of the config.ini
    private function addDevelopmentCheckbox(Zend_Config $cfg)
        $env = $cfg->get('environment', 'development');
                'label'     => 'Development Mode',
                'required'  => true,
                'helptext'  => 'Set true to show more detailed errors and disable certain optimizations in order to '
                    . 'make debugging easier.',
                'tooltip'   => 'More verbose output',
                'value'     => $env === 'development'


     * Add a select field for setting the default timezone.
     * Possible values are determined by DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers
     * @param Zend_Config   $cfg    The "global" section of the config.ini
    private function addTimezoneSelection(Zend_Config $cfg)
        $tzList = array();
        foreach (DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers() as $tz) {
            $tzList[$tz] = $tz;
        $helptext = 'Select the timezone to be used as the default. User\'s can set their own timezone if'
            . ' they like to, but this is the timezone to be used as the default setting .';

                'label'         =>  'Default Application Timezone',
                'required'      =>  true,
                'multiOptions'  =>  $tzList,
                'helptext'      =>  $helptext,
                'value'         =>  $cfg->get('timezone', date_default_timezone_get())

     * Add configuration settings for module paths
     * @param Zend_Config   $cfg    The "global" section of the config.ini
    private function addModuleSettings(Zend_Config $cfg)
                'label'     => 'Module Folder',
                'required'  => true,
                'helptext'  => 'The moduleFolder directive is currently not used anywhere but '
                    . 'configureable via the frontend and INI. With feature #4607 moduleFolder '
                    . 'will be replaced with a configuration directive for locations of '
                    . 'installed modules',
                'value'     => $cfg->get('moduleFolder', $this->getConfigDir() . '/config/enabledModules')

     * Add text fields for the date and time format used in the application
     * @param Zend_Config   $cfg    The "global" section of the config.ini
    private function addDateFormatSettings(Zend_Config $cfg)
        $phpUrl = '<a href="http://php.net/manual/en/function.date.php" target="_new">'
            . 'the official PHP documentation</a>';

        $dateFormatValue = $this->getRequest()->getParam('date_format', '');
        if (empty($dateFormatValue)) {
            $dateFormatValue = $cfg->get('dateFormat', 'd/m/Y');
        $txtDefaultDateFormat = new Zend_Form_Element_Text(
                'name'      =>  'date_format',
                'label'     =>  'Date Format',
                'helptext'  =>  'Display dates according to this format. (See ' . $phpUrl . ' for possible values.) '
                                . 'Example result: ' . $this->getDateFormatter()->format(time(), $dateFormatValue),
                'required'  =>  true,
                'value'     =>  $dateFormatValue
        $txtDefaultDateFormat->addValidator(new DateFormatValidator());

        $timeFormatValue = $this->getRequest()->getParam('time_format', '');
        if (empty($timeFormatValue)) {
            $timeFormatValue = $cfg->get('timeFormat', 'g:i A');
        $txtDefaultTimeFormat = new Zend_Form_Element_Text(
                'name'      =>  'time_format',
                'label'     =>  'Time Format',
                'required'  =>  true,
                'helptext'  =>  'Display times according to this format. (See ' . $phpUrl . ' for possible values.) '
                                . 'Example result: ' . $this->getDateFormatter()->format(time(), $timeFormatValue),
                'value'     =>  $timeFormatValue
        $txtDefaultTimeFormat->addValidator(new TimeFormatValidator());

     * Add form elements for setting the user preference storage backend
     * @param Zend_Config   $cfg    The Zend_config object of preference section
    public function addUserPreferencesDialog(Zend_Config $cfg)
        $backend = $cfg->get('type', 'ini');
        if ($this->getRequest()->get('preferences_type', null) !== null) {
            $backend = $this->getRequest()->get('preferences_type');
                'label'         => 'User Preference Storage Type',
                'required'      => true,
                'value'         => $backend,
                'multiOptions'  => array(
                    'ini'   => 'File System (INI Files)',
                    'db'    => 'Database',
                    'null'  => 'Don\'t Store Preferences'

        $txtPreferencesIniPath = new Zend_Form_Element_Text(
                'name'      =>  'preferences_ini_path',
                'label'     =>  'User Preference Filepath',
                'required'  =>  $backend === 'ini',
                'condition' =>  $backend === 'ini',
                'value'     =>  $cfg->get('configPath')

        $backends = array();
        foreach ($this->getResources() as $name => $resource) {
            if ($resource['type'] !== 'db') {
            $backends[$name] = $name;

        $txtPreferencesDbResource = new Zend_Form_Element_Select(
                'name'          =>  'preferences_db_resource',
                'label'         =>  'Database Connection',
                'required'      =>  $backend === 'db',
                'condition'     =>  $backend === 'db',
                'value'         =>  $cfg->get('resource'),
                'multiOptions'  =>  $backends
        $validator = new WritablePathValidator();

        $txtPreferencesIniPath->addDecorator(new ConditionalHidden());
        $txtPreferencesDbResource->addDecorator(new ConditionalHidden());

     * Create the general form, using the provided configuration
     * @see Form::create()
    public function create()
        $config = $this->getConfiguration();
        $global = $config->global;
        if ($global === null) {
            $global = new Zend_Config(array());
        $preferences = $config->preferences;
        if ($preferences === null) {
            $preferences = new Zend_Config(array());

        $this->setSubmitLabel('{{SAVE_ICON}} Save Changes');

     * Return an Zend_Config object containing the configuration set in this form
     * @return Zend_Config
    public function getConfig()
        $config = $this->getConfiguration();
        if ($config->global === null) {
            $config->global = new Zend_Config(array());
        if ($config->preferences === null) {
            $config->preferences = new Zend_Config(array());

        $values = $this->getValues();
        $cfg = clone $config;
        $cfg->global->environment  = ($values['environment'] == 1) ? 'development' : 'production';
        $cfg->global->timezone     = $values['timezone'];
        $cfg->global->moduleFolder = $values['module_folder'];
        $cfg->global->dateFormat   = $values['date_format'];
        $cfg->global->timeFormat   = $values['time_format'];

        $cfg->preferences->type = $values['preferences_type'];
        if ($cfg->preferences->type === 'ini') {
            $cfg->preferences->configPath = $values['preferences_ini_path'];
        } elseif ($cfg->preferences->type === 'db') {
            $cfg->preferences->resource = $values['preferences_db_resource'];

        return $cfg;