/*! Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2014 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */ /** * Icinga.UI * * Our user interface */ (function(Icinga, $) { 'use strict'; Icinga.UI = function (icinga) { this.icinga = icinga; this.currentLayout = 'default'; this.debug = false; this.debugTimer = null; this.timeCounterTimer = null; /** * Whether the mobile menu is shown * * @type {bool} */ this.mobileMenu = false; // detect currentLayout var classList = $('#layout').attr('class').split(/\s+/); var _this = this; var matched; $.each(classList, function(index, item) { if (null !== (matched = item.match(/^([a-z]+)-layout$/))) { var layout = matched[1]; if (layout !== 'fullscreen') { _this.currentLayout = layout; // Break loop return false; } } }); }; Icinga.UI.prototype = { initialize: function () { $('html').removeClass('no-js').addClass('js'); this.enableTimeCounters(); this.triggerWindowResize(); this.fadeNotificationsAway(); }, fadeNotificationsAway: function() { var icinga = this.icinga; $('#notifications li') .not('.fading-out') .not('.persist') .addClass('fading-out') .delay(7000) .fadeOut('slow', function() { icinga.ui.fixControls(); $(this).remove(); }); }, toggleDebug: function() { if (this.debug) { return this.disableDebug(); } else { return this.enableDebug(); } }, enableDebug: function () { if (this.debug === true) { return this; } this.debug = true; this.debugTimer = this.icinga.timer.register( this.refreshDebug, this, 1000 ); this.fixDebugVisibility(); return this; }, fixDebugVisibility: function () { if (this.debug) { $('#responsive-debug').css({display: 'block'}); } else { $('#responsive-debug').css({display: 'none'}); } return this; }, disableDebug: function () { if (this.debug === false) { return; } this.debug = false; this.icinga.timer.unregister(this.debugTimer); this.debugTimer = null; this.fixDebugVisibility(); return this; }, reloadCss: function () { var icinga = this.icinga; icinga.logger.info('Reloading CSS'); $('link').each(function() { var $oldLink = $(this); if ($oldLink.hasAttr('type') && $oldLink.attr('type').indexOf('css') > -1) { var base = location.protocol + '//' + location.host; var url = icinga.utils.addUrlParams( $(this).attr('href'), { id: new Date().getTime() } ); var $newLink = $oldLink.clone().attr( 'href', base + '/' + url.replace(/^\//, '') ).on('load', function() { icinga.ui.fixControls(); $oldLink.remove(); }); $newLink.appendTo($('head')); } }); }, enableTimeCounters: function () { this.timeCounterTimer = this.icinga.timer.register( this.refreshTimeSince, this, 1000 ); return this; }, disableTimeCounters: function () { this.icinga.timer.unregister(this.timeCounterTimer); this.timeCounterTimer = null; return this; }, /** * Focus the given element and scroll to its position * * @param {string} element The name or id of the element to focus * @param {object} [$container] The container containing the element */ focusElement: function(element, $container) { var $element = $('#' + element); if (! $element.length) { // The name attribute is actually deprecated, on anchor tags, // but we'll possibly handle links from another source // (module etc) so that's used as a fallback if ($container && $container.length) { $element = $container.find('[name="' + element.replace(/'/, '\\\'') + '"]'); } else { $element = $('[name="' + element.replace(/'/, '\\\'') + '"]'); } } if ($element.length) { if (typeof $element.attr('tabindex') === 'undefined') { $element.attr('tabindex', -1); } $element.focus(); if ($container && $container.length) { $container.scrollTop(0); $container.scrollTop($element.first().position().top); } } }, moveToLeft: function () { var col2 = this.cutContainer($('#col2')); var kill = this.cutContainer($('#col1')); this.pasteContainer($('#col1'), col2); this.fixControls(); this.icinga.behaviors.navigation.trySetActiveAndSelectedByUrl($('#col1').data('icingaUrl')); }, cutContainer: function ($col) { var props = { 'elements': $('#' + $col.attr('id') + ' > *').detach(), 'data': { 'data-icinga-url': $col.data('icingaUrl'), 'data-icinga-title': $col.data('icingaTitle'), 'data-icinga-refresh': $col.data('icingaRefresh'), 'data-last-update': $col.data('lastUpdate'), 'data-icinga-module': $col.data('icingaModule'), 'data-icinga-container-id': $col.data('icingaContainerId') }, 'class': $col.attr('class') }; this.icinga.loader.stopPendingRequestsFor($col); $col.removeData('icingaUrl'); $col.removeData('icingaTitle'); $col.removeData('icingaRefresh'); $col.removeData('lastUpdate'); $col.removeData('icingaModule'); $col.removeData('icingaContainerId'); $col.removeAttr('class').attr('class', 'container'); return props; }, pasteContainer: function ($col, backup) { backup['elements'].appendTo($col); $col.attr('class', backup['class']); // TODO: ie memleak? remove first? $col.data('icingaUrl', backup['data']['data-icinga-url']); $col.data('icingaTitle', backup['data']['data-icinga-title']); $col.data('icingaRefresh', backup['data']['data-icinga-refresh']); $col.data('lastUpdate', backup['data']['data-last-update']); $col.data('icingaModule', backup['data']['data-icinga-module']); $col.data('icingaContainerId', backup['data']['data-icinga-container-id']); }, triggerWindowResize: function () { this.onWindowResize({data: {self: this}}); }, /** * Our window got resized, let's fix our UI */ onWindowResize: function (event) { var _this = event.data.self; if (_this.layoutHasBeenChanged()) { _this.icinga.logger.info( 'Layout change detected, switching to', _this.currentLayout ); } _this.fixControls(); _this.refreshDebug(); }, /** * Returns whether the layout is too small for more than one column * * @returns {boolean} True when more than one column is available */ hasOnlyOneColumn: function () { return this.currentLayout === 'poor' || this.currentLayout === 'minimal'; }, layoutHasBeenChanged: function () { var layout = $('html').css('fontFamily').replace(/['",]/g, ''); var matched; if (null !== (matched = layout.match(/^([a-z]+)-layout$/))) { if (matched[1] === this.currentLayout && $('#layout').hasClass(layout) ) { return false; } else { $('#layout').removeClass(this.currentLayout + '-layout').addClass(layout); this.currentLayout = matched[1]; if (this.currentLayout === 'poor' || this.currentLayout === 'minimal') { this.layout1col(); } else { // layout1col() also triggers this, that's why an else is required $('#layout').trigger('layout-change'); } return true; } } this.icinga.logger.error( 'Someone messed up our responsiveness hacks, html font-family is', layout ); return false; }, /** * Returns whether only one column is displayed * * @returns {boolean} True when only one column is displayed */ isOneColLayout: function () { return ! $('#layout').hasClass('twocols'); }, layout1col: function () { if (this.isOneColLayout()) { return; } this.icinga.logger.debug('Switching to single col'); $('#layout').removeClass('twocols'); this.closeContainer($('#col2')); $('#layout').trigger('layout-change'); // one-column layouts never have any selection active $('#col1').removeData('icinga-actiontable-former-href'); this.icinga.behaviors.actiontable.clearAll(); }, closeContainer: function($c) { $c.removeData('icingaUrl'); $c.removeData('icingaTitle'); $c.removeData('icingaRefresh'); $c.removeData('lastUpdate'); $c.removeData('icingaModule'); this.icinga.loader.stopPendingRequestsFor($c); $c.trigger('close-column'); $c.html(''); this.fixControls(); }, layout2col: function () { if (! this.isOneColLayout()) { return; } this.icinga.logger.debug('Switching to double col'); $('#layout').addClass('twocols'); this.fixControls(); $('#layout').trigger('layout-change'); }, getAvailableColumnSpace: function () { return $('#main').width() / this.getDefaultFontSize(); }, setColumnCount: function (count) { if (count === 3) { $('#main > .container').css({ width: '33.33333%' }); } else if (count === 2) { $('#main > .container').css({ width: '50%' }); } else { $('#main > .container').css({ width: '100%' }); } }, setTitle: function (title) { document.title = title; return this; }, getColumnCount: function () { return $('#main > .container').length; }, /** * Assign a unique ID to each .container without such * * This usually applies to dashlets */ assignUniqueContainerIds: function() { var currentMax = 0; $('.container').each(function() { var $el = $(this); var m; if (!$el.attr('id')) { return; } if (m = $el.attr('id').match(/^ciu_(\d+)$/)) { if (parseInt(m[1]) > currentMax) { currentMax = parseInt(m[1]); } } }); $('.container').each(function() { var $el = $(this); if (!!$el.attr('id')) { return; } currentMax++; $el.attr('id', 'ciu_' + currentMax); }); }, refreshDebug: function () { if (! this.debug) { return; } var size = this.getDefaultFontSize().toString(); var winWidth = $( window ).width(); var winHeight = $( window ).height(); var loading = ''; $.each(this.icinga.loader.requests, function (el, req) { if (loading === '') { loading = '
'; } loading += el + ' => ' + encodeURI(req.url); }); $('#responsive-debug').html( ' Time: ' + this.icinga.utils.formatHHiiss(new Date()) + '
1em: ' + size + 'px
Win: ' + winWidth + 'x'+ winHeight + 'px
' + ' Layout: ' + this.currentLayout + loading ); }, /** * Refresh partial time counters * * This function runs every second. */ refreshTimeSince: function () { $('.time-ago, .time-since').each(function (idx, el) { var partialTime = /(\d{1,2})m (\d{1,2})s/.exec(el.innerHTML); if (partialTime !== null) { var minute = parseInt(partialTime[1], 10), second = parseInt(partialTime[2], 10); if (second < 59) { ++second; } else { ++minute; second = 0; } el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.substr(0, partialTime.index) + minute.toString() + 'm ' + second.toString() + 's' + el.innerHTML.substr(partialTime.index + partialTime[0].length); } }); $('.time-until').each(function (idx, el) { var partialTime = /(-?)(\d{1,2})m (\d{1,2})s/.exec(el.innerHTML); if (partialTime !== null) { var minute = parseInt(partialTime[2], 10), second = parseInt(partialTime[3], 10), invert = partialTime[1]; if (invert.length) { // Count up because partial time is negative if (second < 59) { ++second; } else { ++minute; second = 0; } } else { // Count down because partial time is positive if (second === 0) { if (minute === 0) { // Invert counter minute = 0; second = 1; invert = '-'; } else { --minute; second = 59; } } else { --second; } } el.innerHTML = el.innerHTML.substr(0, partialTime.index) + invert + minute.toString() + 'm ' + second.toString() + 's' + el.innerHTML.substr(partialTime.index + partialTime[0].length); } }); }, createFontSizeCalculator: function () { var $el = $('
'); $('#layout').append($el); return $el; }, getDefaultFontSize: function () { var $calc = $('#fontsize-calc'); if (! $calc.length) { $calc = this.createFontSizeCalculator(); } return $calc.width() / 1000; }, /** * Initialize all TriStateCheckboxes in the given html */ initializeTriStates: function ($html) { $('div.tristate', $html).each(function(index, item) { var $target = $(item); // hide input boxess and remove text nodes $target.find("input").hide(); $target.contents().filter(function() { return this.nodeType === 3; }).remove(); // has three states? var triState = $target.find('input[value="unchanged"]').size() > 0 ? 1 : 0; // fetch current value from radiobuttons var value = $target.find('input:checked').first().val(); $target.append( ' ' ); if (triState) { // TODO: find a better way to activate indeterminate checkboxes after load. $target.append( '' ); } }); }, /** * Set the value of the given TriStateCheckbox * * @param value {String} The value to set, can be '1', '0' and 'unchanged' * @param $checkbox {jQuery} The checkbox */ setTriState: function(value, $checkbox) { switch (value) { case ('1'): $checkbox.prop('checked', true).prop('indeterminate', false); break; case ('0'): $checkbox.prop('checked', false).prop('indeterminate', false); break; case ('unchanged'): $checkbox.prop('checked', false).prop('indeterminate', true); break; } }, /** * Toggle mobile menu * * @param {object} e Event */ toggleMobileMenu: function(e) { var $sidebar = $('#sidebar'); var $target = $(e.target); var href = $target.attr('href'); if (href) { if (href !== '#') { $sidebar.removeClass('expanded'); } } else if (! $target.is('input')) { $sidebar.toggleClass('expanded'); } }, /** * Close mobile menu when the enter key was pressed * * @param {object} e Event */ closeMobileMenu: function(e) { var $search = $('#search'); if (e.which === 13 && $search.is(':focus')) { $('#sidebar').removeClass('expanded'); $search.blur(); } }, initializeControls: function(container) { var $container = $(container); if ($container.parent('.dashboard').length || $('#layout').hasClass('fullscreen-layout')) { return; } $container.find('.controls').each(function() { var $controls = $(this); if (! $controls.prev('.fake-controls').length) { var $tabs = $controls.find('.tabs', $controls); if ($tabs.length && $controls.children().length > 1 && ! $tabs.next('.tabs-spacer').length) { $tabs.after($('
')); } var $fakeControls = $('
'); $fakeControls.height($controls.height()).css({ // That's only temporary. It's reset in fixControls, which is called at the end of this // function. Its purpose is to prevent the content from jumping up upon auto-refreshes. // It works by making the fake-controls appear at the same vertical level as the controls // and the height of the content then doesn't change when taking the controls out of the flow. float: 'right' }); $controls.before($fakeControls).css({ position: 'fixed' }); } }); this.fixControls($container); }, fixControls: function($container) { var $layout = $('#layout'); if ($layout.hasClass('fullscreen-layout')) { return; } if (typeof $container === 'undefined') { var $header = $('#header'); var $headerLogo = $('#header-logo-container'); var $main = $('#main'); var $search = $('#search'); var $sidebar = $('#sidebar'); $header.css({ height: 'auto'}); if ($layout.hasClass('minimal-layout')) { if (! this.mobileMenu && $sidebar.length) { $header.css({ top: $sidebar.outerHeight() + 'px' }); $headerLogo.css({ display: 'none' }); $main.css({ top: $header.outerHeight() + $sidebar.outerHeight() }); $sidebar .on( 'click', this.toggleMobileMenu ) .prepend( $('
') ); $('#header-logo').clone().attr('id', 'mobile-menu-logo') .appendTo('#mobile-menu-toggle'); $(window).on('keypress', this.closeMobileMenu); this.mobileMenu = true; } } else { $headerLogo.css({ top: $header.css('height') }); $main.css({ top: $header.css('height') }); if (!! $headerLogo.length) { $sidebar.css({ top: $headerLogo.offset().top + $headerLogo.outerHeight() }); } if (this.mobileMenu) { $header.css({ top: 0 }); $headerLogo.css({ display: 'block' }); $sidebar.removeClass('expanded').off('click', this.toggleMobileMenu); $search.off('keypress', this.closeMobileMenu); $('#mobile-menu-toggle').remove(); this.mobileMenu = false; } } var _this = this; $('.container').each(function () { _this.fixControls($(this)); }); return; } if ($container.parent('.dashboard').length) { return; } // Enable this only in case you want to track down UI problems //this.icinga.logger.debug('Fixing controls for ', $container); $container.find('.controls').each(function() { var $controls = $(this); var $fakeControls = $controls.prev('.fake-controls'); $fakeControls.css({ float: '', // Set by initializeControls height: $controls.height() }); $controls.css({ top: $container.offsetParent().position().top, width: $fakeControls.outerWidth() }); }); var $statusBar = $container.children('.monitoring-statusbar'); if ($statusBar.length) { $statusBar.css({ left: $container.offset().left, width: $container.width() }); $statusBar.prev('.monitoring-statusbar-ghost').height($statusBar.outerHeight(true)); } }, toggleFullscreen: function () { $('#layout').toggleClass('fullscreen-layout'); this.fixControls(); }, getUniqueContainerId: function ($cont) { if (typeof $cont === 'undefined' || !$cont.length) { return null; } var containerId = $cont.data('icingaContainerId'); if (typeof containerId === 'undefined') { /** * Only generate an id if it's not for col1 or the menu (which are using the non-suffixed window id). * This is based on the assumption that the server only knows about the menu and first column * and therefore does not need to protect its ids. (As the menu is most likely part of the sidebar) */ if ($cont.attr('id') === 'menu' || $cont.attr('id') === 'col1') { return null; } containerId = this.icinga.utils.generateId(6); // Random because the content may move $cont.data('icingaContainerId', containerId); } return containerId; }, getWindowId: function () { if (! this.hasWindowId()) { return undefined; } return window.name.match(/^Icinga-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/)[1]; }, hasWindowId: function () { var res = window.name.match(/^Icinga-([a-zA-Z0-9]+)$/); return typeof res === 'object' && null !== res; }, setWindowId: function (id) { this.icinga.logger.debug('Setting new window id', id); window.name = 'Icinga-' + id; }, destroy: function () { // This is gonna be hard, clean up the mess this.icinga = null; this.debugTimer = null; this.timeCounterTimer = null; } }; }(Icinga, jQuery));