88 lines
2.7 KiB
88 lines
2.7 KiB
* Config: Warn about unsaved changes before leaving current dialog (Bug #4622)
* It's not possible to test if the confirmation dialog really appears, but as this is a rather simple
* event listener (that is also tested with mocha), the state preservation is tested here
* This test performs the following steps
* - Log in and open the logging dialog form
* - Wait for component initialisation
* - Modify the first input field and test for the data-icinga-form-modified flag to be set
* - Modify the an autosubmit field (debug log), wait for the textfield to appear or disappear and test if
* the modified attribute is set on the server side.
* The icinga util object
* @type object
var icinga = require('./icingawebtest');
* The casperjs object
* @type Casper
var casper = icinga.getTestEnv();
* Login to the instance
* Test if the modified attribute is correctly set when altering input
casper.thenOpen('./config/logging', function() {
"use strict";
this.test.assertExists('form#form_config_logging', 'Assert the logging configuration form being displayed');
this.getElementAttribute('form#form_config_logging', 'data-icinga-form-modified'),
'Assert a form to initially have no modified flag'
// Wait for the component to initialize
this.wait(1000, function() {
this.sendKeys('#form_config_logging input#logging_app_target', 'somewhere');
this.getElementAttribute('form#form_config_logging', 'data-icinga-form-modified'),
'Assert a form to initially be marked as modified when changed'
* Test if the modified flag will be set on the server side
casper.then(function() {
"use strict";
var checkbox = this.getElementAttribute('form#form_config_logging input#logging_debug_enable', 'value');
this.click('form#form_config_logging input#logging_debug_enable');
// determine whether the text input field appears after the click or not
var waitFn = (checkbox === '0' ? this.waitForSelector : this.waitWhileSelector).bind(this);
waitFn('form#form_config_logging input#logging_debug_target', function() {
this.getElementAttribute('form#form_config_logging', 'data-icinga-form-modified'),
'Assert modify flag to be set on the server side if using an autosubmit field'
}, function() {
this.test.fail('Debug textfield appearcance didn\'t occur after click');
* Run the tests
casper.run(function() {
"use strict";