482 lines
14 KiB
482 lines
14 KiB
namespace Icinga\Cli;
use Icinga\Application\ApplicationBootstrap as App;
use Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError;
use Icinga\Cli\Params;
use Icinga\Cli\Screen;
use Icinga\Cli\Command;
use Icinga\Cli\Documentation;
use Exception;
class Loader
protected $app;
protected $docs;
protected $commands;
protected $modules;
protected $moduleCommands = array();
protected $coreAppDir;
protected $screen;
protected $moduleName;
protected $commandName;
protected $actionName; // Should this better be moved to the Command?
* [$command] = $class;
protected $commandClassMap = array();
* [$command] = $file;
protected $commandFileMap = array();
* [$module][$command] = $class;
protected $moduleClassMap = array();
* [$module][$command] = $file;
protected $moduleFileMap = array();
protected $commandInstances = array();
protected $moduleInstances = array();
protected $lastSuggestions = array();
public function __construct(App $app)
$this->app = $app;
$this->coreAppDir = ICINGA_APPDIR . '/clicommands';
* Screen shortcut
* @return Screen
protected function screen()
if ($this->screen === null) {
$this->screen = Screen::instance();
return $this->screen;
* Documentation shortcut
* @return Documentation
protected function docs()
if ($this->docs === null) {
$this->docs = new Documentation($this->app);
return $this->docs;
* Show given message and exit
* @param string $msg message to show
public function fail($msg)
printf("%s: %s\n", $this->screen()->colorize('ERROR', 'red'), $msg);
public function getModuleName()
return $this->moduleName;
public function getCommandName()
return $this->commandName;
public function getActionName()
return $this->actionName;
public function getCommandInstance($command)
if (! array_key_exists($command, $this->commandInstances)) {
require_once $this->commandFileMap[$command];
$className = $this->commandClassMap[$command];
$this->commandInstances[$command] = new $className(
return $this->commandInstances[$command];
public function getModuleCommandInstance($module, $command)
if (! array_key_exists($command, $this->moduleInstances[$module])) {
$this->assertModuleCommandExists($module, $command);
require_once $this->moduleFileMap[$module][$command];
$className = $this->moduleClassMap[$module][$command];
$this->moduleInstances[$module][$command] = new $className(
return $this->moduleInstances[$module][$command];
public function getLastSuggestions()
return $this->lastSuggestions;
public function showLastSuggestions()
if (! empty($this->lastSuggestions)) {
foreach ($this->lastSuggestions as & $s) {
$s = $this->screen()->colorize($s, 'lightblue');
"Did you mean %s?\n",
implode(" or ", $this->lastSuggestions)
public function parseParams(Params $params = null)
if ($params === null) {
$params = $this->app->getParams();
$first = $params->shift();
if (! $first) {
$found = $this->resolveName($first);
if (! $found) {
$msg = "There is no such module or command: '$first'";
printf("%s: %s\n", $this->screen()->colorize('ERROR', 'red'), $msg);
echo "\n";
$obj = null;
if ($this->hasCommand($found)) {
$this->commandName = $found;
$obj = $this->getCommandInstance($this->commandName);
} elseif ($this->hasModule($found)) {
$this->moduleName = $found;
$command = $this->resolveModuleCommandName($found, $params->shift());
if ($command) {
$this->commandName = $command;
$obj = $this->getModuleCommandInstance(
if ($obj !== null) {
$action = $this->resolveObjectActionName(
if ($obj->hasActionName($action)) {
$this->actionName = $action;
} elseif ($obj->hasDefaultActionName()) {
$this->actionName = $obj->getDefaultActionName();
return $this;
public function handleParams(Params $params = null)
public function dispatch(Params $overrideParams = null)
if ($this->commandName === null) {
echo $this->docs()->usage($this->moduleName);
return false;
} elseif ($this->actionName === null) {
echo $this->docs()->usage($this->moduleName, $this->commandName);
return false;
try {
if ($this->moduleName) {
$obj = $this->getModuleCommandInstance(
} else {
$obj = $this->getCommandInstance($this->commandName);
if ($overrideParams !== null) {
return $obj->{$this->actionName . 'Action'}();
} catch (Exception $e) {
if ($obj && $obj instanceof Command && $obj->showTrace()) {
echo $this->formatTrace($e->getTrace());
protected function searchMatch($needle, $haystack)
$stack = $haystack;
$search = $needle;
$this->lastSuggestions = array();
while (strlen($search) > 0) {
$len = strlen($search);
foreach ($stack as & $s) {
$s = substr($s, 0, $len);
$res = array_keys($stack, $search, true);
if (count($res) === 1) {
$found = $haystack[$res[0]];
if (substr($found, 0, strlen($needle)) === $needle) {
return $found;
} else {
return false;
} elseif (count($res) > 1) {
foreach ($res as $key) {
$this->lastSuggestions[] = $haystack[$key];
return false;
$search = substr($search, 0, -1);
return false;
public function resolveName($name)
return $this->searchMatch(
array_merge($this->listCommands(), $this->listModules())
public function resolveCommandName($name)
return $this->searchMatch($name, $this->listCommands());
public function resolveModuleName($name)
return $this->searchMatch($name, $this->listModules());
public function resolveModuleCommandName($module, $name)
return $this->searchMatch($name, $this->listModuleCommands($module));
public function resolveObjectActionName($obj, $name)
return $this->searchMatch($name, $obj->listActions());
protected function assertModuleExists($module)
if (! $this->hasModule($module)) {
throw new ProgrammingError(
sprintf('There is no such module: %s', $module)
protected function assertCommandExists($command)
if (! $this->hasCommand($command)) {
throw new ProgrammingError(
sprintf('There is no such command: %s', $command)
protected function assertModuleCommandExists($module, $command)
if (! $this->hasModuleCommand($module, $command)) {
throw new ProgrammingError(
sprintf("The module '%s' has no such command: %s", $module, $command)
protected function formatTrace($trace)
$output = array();
foreach($trace as $i => $step)
$object = '';
if (isset($step['object']) && is_object($step['object'])) {
$object = sprintf('[%s]', get_class($step['object'])) . $step['type'];
} elseif (! empty($step['object'])) {
$object = (string) $step['object'] . $step['type'];
if (is_array($step['args']))
foreach ($step['args'] as & $arg)
if (is_object($arg))
$arg = sprintf('[%s]', get_class($arg));
if (is_string($arg)) {
$arg = preg_replace('~\n~', '\n', $arg);
if (strlen($arg) > 50) $arg = substr($arg, 0, 47) . '...';
$arg = "'" . $arg . "'";
if ($arg === null) $arg = 'NULL';
if (is_bool($arg)) $arg = $arg ? 'TRUE' : 'FALSE';
} else {
$step['args'] = array();
$args = $step['args'];
foreach ($args as & $v) {
if (is_array($v)) {
$v = var_export($v, 1);
} else {
$v = (string) $v;
$output[$i] = sprintf(
'#%d %s:%d %s%s(%s)',
isset($step['file']) ? preg_replace(
) : '[unknown file]',
isset($step['line']) ? $step['line'] : '0',
implode(', ', $args)
return implode(PHP_EOL, $output) . PHP_EOL;
public function hasCommand($name)
return in_array($name, $this->listCommands());
public function hasModule($name)
return in_array($name, $this->listModules());
public function hasModuleCommand($module, $name)
return in_array($name, $this->listModuleCommands($module));
public function listModules()
if ($this->modules === null) {
$this->modules = array();
$this->modules = $this->app->getModuleManager()->listEnabledModules();
return $this->modules;
protected function retrieveCommandsFromDir($dirname)
$commands = array();
if (! @file_exists($dirname) || ! is_readable($dirname)) {
return $commands;
$base = opendir($dirname);
if ($base === false) {
return $commands;
while (false !== ($dir = readdir($base))) {
if ($dir[0] === '.') {
if (preg_match('~^([A-Za-z0-9]+)Command\.php$~', $dir, $m)) {
$cmd = strtolower($m[1]);
$commands[] = $cmd;
return $commands;
public function listCommands()
if ($this->commands === null) {
$this->commands = array();
$ns = 'Icinga\\Clicommands\\';
$this->commands = $this->retrieveCommandsFromDir($this->coreAppDir);
foreach ($this->commands as $cmd) {
$this->commandClassMap[$cmd] = $ns . ucfirst($cmd) . 'Command';
$this->commandFileMap[$cmd] = $this->coreAppDir . '/' . ucfirst($cmd) . 'Command.php';
return $this->commands;
public function listModuleCommands($module)
if (! array_key_exists($module, $this->moduleCommands)) {
$ns = 'Icinga\\Module\\' . ucfirst($module) . '\\Clicommands\\';
$manager = $this->app->getModuleManager();
$dir = $manager->getModuleDir($module) . '/application/clicommands';
$this->moduleCommands[$module] = $this->retrieveCommandsFromDir($dir);
$this->moduleInstances[$module] = array();
foreach ($this->moduleCommands[$module] as $cmd) {
$this->moduleClassMap[$module][$cmd] = $ns . ucfirst($cmd) . 'Command';
$this->moduleFileMap[$module][$cmd] = $dir . '/' . ucfirst($cmd) . 'Command.php';
return $this->moduleCommands[$module];