
174 lines
7.9 KiB

<div class="controls">
<?php if (! $this->compact): ?>
<?= $this->tabs; ?>
<?php endif ?>
<tr> <?= $this->render('partials/downtime/downtime-header.phtml'); ?> </tr>
<div class="content"><h2><?= $this->translate('Details') ?></h2>
<table class="name-value-table">
<?= $this->isService ? $this->translate('Service') : $this->translate('Host') ?>
<td data-base-target="_next">
<?php if ($this->isService): ?>
$link = $this->link()->service(
$icon = $this->icon('service', $this->translate('Service'));
<?php else: ?>
$icon = $this->icon('host', $this->translate('Host'));
$link = $this->link()->host($downtime->host_name, $downtime->host_display_name)
<?php endif ?>
<?= $icon ?>
<?= $link ?>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('The name of the person who scheduled this downtime'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Author') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->icon('user', $this->translate('User')) ?> <?= $this->escape($this->downtime->author_name) ?></td>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('Date and time this downtime was entered'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Entry Time') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->formatDateTime($this->downtime->entry_time) ?></td>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('A comment, as entered by the author, associated with the scheduled downtime'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Comment') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->nl2br($this->markdown($this->downtime->comment)) ?></td>
<h2> <?= $this->translate('Duration') ?> </h2>
<table class="name-value-table">
<tr class="newsection">
<th><?= $this->escape(
$this->downtime->is_flexible ?
$this->translate('Flexible') : $this->translate('Fixed')
); ?>
<?= $this->icon('info-circled', $this->downtime->is_flexible ?
$this->translate('Flexible downtimes have a hard start and end time,'
. ' but also an additional restriction on the duration in which '
. ' the host or service may actually be down.') :
$this->translate('Fixed downtimes have a static start and end time.')) ?>
<?php if ($downtime->is_flexible): ?>
<?php if ($downtime->is_in_effect): ?>
<?= sprintf(
? $this->translate('This flexible service downtime was started on %s at %s and lasts for %s until %s at %s.')
: $this->translate('This flexible host downtime was started on %s at %s and lasts for %s until %s at %s.'),
) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?= sprintf(
? $this->translate('This flexible service downtime has been scheduled to start between %s - %s and to last for %s.')
: $this->translate('This flexible host downtime has been scheduled to start between %s - %s and to last for %s.'),
) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?php if ($downtime->is_in_effect): ?>
<?= sprintf(
? $this->translate('This fixed service downtime was started on %s at %s and expires on %s at %s.')
: $this->translate('This fixed host downtime was started on %s at %s and expires on %s at %s.'),
) ?>
<?php else: ?>
<?= sprintf(
? $this->translate('This fixed service downtime has been scheduled to start on %s at %s and to end on %s at %s.')
: $this->translate('This fixed host downtime has been scheduled to start on %s at %s and to end on %s at %s.'),
) ?>
<?php endif ?>
<?php endif ?>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('The date/time the scheduled downtime is'
. ' supposed to start. If this is a flexible (non-fixed) downtime, '
. 'this refers to the earliest possible time that the downtime'
. ' can start'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Scheduled start') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->formatDateTime($this->downtime->scheduled_start) ?></td>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('The date/time the scheduled downtime is '
. 'supposed to end. If this is a flexible (non-fixed) downtime, '
. 'this refers to the last possible time that the downtime can '
. 'start'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Scheduled end') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->formatDateTime($this->downtime->scheduled_end) ?></td>
<?php if ($this->downtime->is_flexible): ?>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('Indicates the number of seconds that the '
. 'scheduled downtime should last. This is usually only needed if'
. ' this is a flexible downtime, which can start at a variable '
. 'time, but lasts for the specified duration'); ?>">
<th tit><?= $this->translate('Duration') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->formatDuration($this->downtime->duration) ?></td>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('he date/time the scheduled downtime was'
. ' actually started'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Actual start time') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->formatDateTime($downtime->start) ?></td>
<tr title="<?= $this->translate('The date/time the scheduled downtime '
. 'actually ended'); ?>">
<th><?= $this->translate('Actual end time') ?></th>
<td><?= $this->formatDateTime($downtime->end) ?></td>
<?php endif; ?>
<tr class="newsection">
<th><?= $this->translate('In effect') ?></th>
<?= $this->escape(
$this->downtime->is_in_effect ?
$this->translate('Yes') : $this->translate('No')
<?php if (isset($delDowntimeForm)): // Form is unset if the current user lacks the respective permission ?>
<tr class="newsection">
<th><?= $this->translate('Commands') ?></th>
<?= $delDowntimeForm ?>
<?php endif ?>