34 lines
848 B
34 lines
848 B
# Define: mysql::database::create
# Create a MySQL database
# Parameters:
# [*username*] - name of the user the database belongs to
# [*password*] - password of the user the database belongs to
# [*privileges*] - privileges of the user the database belongs to
# Requires:
# mysql
# Sample Usage:
# mysql::database::create { 'icinga2':
# username => 'icinga2',
# password => 'icinga2',
# }
define mysql::database::create ($username, $password, $privileges) {
include mysql
exec { "create-mysql-${name}-db":
unless => "mysql -u${username} -p${password} ${name}",
command => "mysql -uroot -e \"CREATE DATABASE ${name}; \
GRANT ${privileges} ON ${name}.* TO ${username}@localhost \
IDENTIFIED BY '${password}';\"",
require => Class['mysql']