
129 lines
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namespace Icinga\Module\Setup\Clicommands;
use Icinga\Application\Logger;
use Icinga\Cli\Command;
use Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError;
use Icinga\Module\Setup\Webserver;
class ConfigCommand extends Command
* Create the configuration directory
* This command creates the configuration directory for Icinga Web 2. The `group' argument
* is mandatory and should be the groupname of the user your web server is running as.
* icingacli setup config createDirectory <group> [options]
* --mode The access mode to use. Default is: 2770
* --path The path to the configuration directory. If omitted the default is used.
* icingacli setup config createDirectory apache
* icingacli setup config createDirectory apache --mode 2775
* icingacli setup config createDirectory apache --path /some/path
public function createDirectoryAction()
$group = $this->params->getStandalone();
if ($group === null) {
$this->fail($this->translate('The `group\' argument is mandatory.'));
return false;
$path = $this->params->get('path', $this->app->getConfigDir());
if (file_exists($path)) {
printf($this->translate("Configuration directory already exists at: %s\n"), $path);
return true;
$mode = octdec($this->params->get('mode', '2770'));
if (false === mkdir($path)) {
$this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Unable to create path: %s'), $path));
return false;
$old = umask(0); // Prevent $mode from being mangled by the system's umask ($old)
chmod($path, $mode);
if (chgrp($path, $group) === false) {
$this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('Unable to change the group of "%s" to "%s".'), $path, $group));
return false;
printf($this->translate("Successfully created configuration directory at: %s\n"), $path);
* Create webserver configuration
* icingacli setup config webserver <apache|nginx> [options]
* --path=<webpath> Path for the web server, default /icingaweb
* --publicPath=<wwwroot> Path to htdocs system path
* --file=<filename> Write configuration to file
* icingacli setup config webserver apache
* icingacli setup config webserver apache --path /icingaweb --publicPath /usr/share/icingaweb/public
* icingacli setup config webserver apache --file /etc/apache2/conf.d/icingaweb.conf
* icingacli setup config webserver nginx
public function webserverAction()
if (($type = $this->params->getStandalone()) === null) {
$this->fail($this->translate('Argument type is mandatory.'));
try {
$webserver = Webserver::createInstance($type);
} catch (ProgrammingError $e) {
$this->fail($this->translate('Unknown type') . ': ' . $type);
if (($path = $this->params->get('path', '/icingaweb')) === null) {
$this->fail($this->translate('argument --path is mandatory.'));
if (($documentRoot = $this->params->get('documentRoot', $webserver->getDocumentRoot())) === null) {
$this->fail($this->translate('argument --publicPath is mandatory.'));
$config = $webserver->generate() . "\n";
if (($file = $this->params->get('file')) !== null) {
if (file_exists($file) === true) {
$this->fail(sprintf($this->translate('File %s already exists. Please delete it first.'), $file));
Logger::info($this->translate('Write %s configuration to file: %s'), $type, $file);
$re = file_put_contents($file, $config);
if ($re === false) {
$this->fail($this->translate('Could not write to file') . ': ' . $file);
Logger::info($this->translate('Successfully written %d bytes to file'), $re);
return true;
printf("# Your %s configuration:\n", $type);
echo $config;
return true;