
522 lines
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/* Icinga Web 2 | (c) 2013-2015 Icinga Development Team | GPLv2+ */
namespace Icinga\Web\Controller;
use Exception;
use Icinga\Application\Benchmark;
use Icinga\Application\Config;
use Icinga\Authentication\Manager;
use Icinga\Exception\IcingaException;
use Icinga\Exception\ProgrammingError;
use Icinga\File\Pdf;
use Icinga\Forms\AutoRefreshForm;
use Icinga\Security\SecurityException;
use Icinga\Util\Translator;
use Icinga\Web\Notification;
use Icinga\Web\Session;
use Icinga\Web\Url;
use Icinga\Web\UrlParams;
use Icinga\Web\Widget\Tabs;
use Icinga\Web\Window;
use Zend_Controller_Action;
use Zend_Controller_Action_HelperBroker as ActionHelperBroker;
use Zend_Controller_Request_Abstract as Request;
use Zend_Controller_Response_Abstract as Response;
* Base class for all core action controllers
* All Icinga Web core controllers should extend this class
class ActionController extends Zend_Controller_Action
* Whether the controller requires the user to be authenticated
* @var bool
protected $requiresAuthentication = true;
private $autorefreshInterval;
private $reloadCss = false;
private $window;
private $rerenderLayout = false;
private $xhrLayout = 'inline';
* Authentication manager
* @type Manager|null
private $auth;
protected $params;
* The constructor starts benchmarking, loads the configuration and sets
* other useful controller properties
* @param Request $request
* @param Response $response
* @param array $invokeArgs Any additional invocation arguments
public function __construct(
Request $request,
Response $response,
array $invokeArgs = array()
) {
$this->params = UrlParams::fromQueryString();
$this->_helper = new ActionHelperBroker($this);
$this->view->translationDomain = 'icinga';
$this->_helper->layout()->isIframe = $request->getUrl()->shift('isIframe');
$this->_helper->layout()->moduleName = false;
if ($this->rerenderLayout = $request->getUrl()->shift('renderLayout')) {
$this->xhrLayout = 'body';
if ($this->requiresLogin()) {
$this->view->tabs = new Tabs();
* Prepare controller initialization
* As it should not be required for controllers to call the parent's init() method, base controllers should use
* prepareInit() in order to prepare the controller initialization.
* @see \Zend_Controller_Action::init() For the controller initialization method.
protected function prepareInit()
* Get the authentication manager
* @return Manager
public function Auth()
if ($this->auth === null) {
$this->auth = Manager::getInstance();
return $this->auth;
* Whether the current user has the given permission
* @param string $permission Name of the permission
* @return bool
public function hasPermission($permission)
return $this->Auth()->hasPermission($permission);
* Assert that the current user has the given permission
* @param string $permission Name of the permission
* @throws SecurityException If the current user lacks the given permission
public function assertPermission($permission)
if (! $this->Auth()->hasPermission($permission)) {
throw new SecurityException('No permission for %s', $permission);
public function Config($file = null)
if ($file === null) {
return Config::app();
} else {
return Config::app($file);
public function Window()
if ($this->window === null) {
$this->window = new Window(
$this->_request->getHeader('X-Icinga-WindowId', Window::UNDEFINED)
return $this->window;
protected function handlerBrowserWindows()
if ($this->isXhr()) {
$id = $this->_request->getHeader('X-Icinga-WindowId', null);
if ($id === Window::UNDEFINED) {
$this->window = new Window($id);
$this->_response->setHeader('X-Icinga-WindowId', Window::generateId());
protected function reloadCss()
$this->reloadCss = true;
return $this;
* Respond with HTTP 405 if the current request's method is not one of the given methods
* @param string $httpMethod Unlimited number of allowed HTTP methods
* @throws \Zend_Controller_Action_Exception If the request method is not one of the given methods
public function assertHttpMethod($httpMethod)
$httpMethods = array_flip(array_map('strtoupper', func_get_args()));
if (! isset($httpMethods[$this->getRequest()->getMethod()])) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('Allow', implode(', ', array_keys($httpMethods)));
throw new \Zend_Controller_Action_Exception($this->translate('Method Not Allowed'), 405);
* Return restriction information for an eventually authenticated user
* @param string $name Permission name
* @return Array
public function getRestrictions($name)
return $this->Auth()->getRestrictions($name);
* Check whether the controller requires a login. That is when the controller requires authentication and the
* user is currently not authenticated
* @return bool
* @see requiresAuthentication
protected function requiresLogin()
if (!$this->requiresAuthentication) {
return false;
return !$this->Auth()->isAuthenticated();
* Return the tabs
* @return Tabs
public function getTabs()
return $this->view->tabs;
* Translate a string
* Autoselects the module domain, if any, and falls back to the global one if no translation could be found.
* @param string $text The string to translate
* @param string|null $context Optional parameter for context based translation
* @return string The translated string
public function translate($text, $context = null)
return Translator::translate($text, $this->view->translationDomain, $context);
* Translate a plural string
* @param string $textSingular The string in singular form to translate
* @param string $textPlural The string in plural form to translate
* @param string $number The number to get the plural or singular string
* @param string|null $context Optional parameter for context based translation
* @return string The translated string
public function translatePlural($textSingular, $textPlural, $number, $context = null)
return Translator::translatePlural($textSingular, $textPlural, $number, $this->view->translationDomain, $context);
protected function ignoreXhrBody()
if ($this->isXhr()) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Container', 'ignore');
public function setAutorefreshInterval($interval)
if (! is_int($interval) || $interval < 1) {
throw new ProgrammingError(
'Setting autorefresh interval smaller than 1 second is not allowed'
$this->autorefreshInterval = $interval;
$this->_helper->layout()->autorefreshInterval = $interval;
return $this;
public function disableAutoRefresh()
$this->autorefreshInterval = null;
$this->_helper->layout()->autorefreshInterval = null;
return $this;
* Redirect to the login path
* @param Url $afterLogin The action to call when the login was successful. Defaults to '/index/welcome'
* @throws \Exception
protected function redirectToLogin($afterLogin = null)
$redir = null;
if ($afterLogin !== null) {
if (! $afterLogin instanceof Url) {
$afterLogin = Url::fromPath($afterLogin);
if ($this->isXhr()) {
$redir = '__SELF__';
} else {
// TODO: Ignore /?
$redir = $afterLogin->getRelativeUrl();
$url = Url::fromPath('authentication/login');
if ($redir) {
$url->setParam('redirect', $redir);
protected function rerenderLayout()
$this->rerenderLayout = true;
$this->xhrLayout = 'layout';
return $this;
public function isXhr()
return $this->getRequest()->isXmlHttpRequest();
protected function redirectXhr($url)
if (! $url instanceof Url) {
$url = Url::fromPath($url);
if ($this->rerenderLayout) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Rerender-Layout', 'yes');
if ($this->reloadCss) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Reload-Css', 'now');
->setHeader('X-Icinga-Redirect', rawurlencode($url->getAbsoluteUrl()))
protected function redirectHttp($url)
if (! $url instanceof Url) {
$url = Url::fromPath($url);
* Redirect to a specific url, updating the browsers URL field
* @param Url|string $url The target to redirect to
public function redirectNow($url)
if ($this->isXhr()) {
} else {
* @see Zend_Controller_Action::preDispatch()
public function preDispatch()
$form = new AutoRefreshForm();
$this->_helper->layout()->autoRefreshForm = $form;
* Detect whether the current request requires changes in the layout and apply them before rendering
* @see Zend_Controller_Action::postDispatch()
public function postDispatch()
$req = $this->getRequest();
$layout = $this->_helper->layout();
if ($user = $req->getUser()) {
// Cast preference app.show_benchmark to bool because preferences loaded from a preferences storage are
// always strings
if ((bool) $user->getPreferences()->getValue('icingaweb', 'show_benchmark', false) === true) {
if (!$this->_helper->viewRenderer->getNoRender()) {
$layout->benchmark = $this->renderBenchmark();
if ((bool) $user->getPreferences()->getValue('icingaweb', 'auto_refresh', true) === false) {
if ($req->getParam('format') === 'pdf') {
if ($this->isXhr()) {
protected function postDispatchXhr()
$layout = $this->_helper->layout();
$resp = $this->getResponse();
$notifications = Notification::getInstance();
if ($notifications->hasMessages()) {
$notificationList = array();
foreach ($notifications->getMessages() as $m) {
$notificationList[] = rawurlencode($m->type . ' ' . $m->message);
$resp->setHeader('X-Icinga-Notification', implode('&', $notificationList));
if ($this->reloadCss) {
$resp->setHeader('X-Icinga-CssReload', 'now');
if ($this->view->title) {
if (preg_match('~[\r\n]~', $this->view->title)) {
// TODO: Innocent exception and error log for hack attempts
throw new IcingaException('No way, guy');
rawurlencode($this->view->title . ' :: Icinga Web')
} else {
$resp->setHeader('X-Icinga-Title', rawurlencode('Icinga Web'));
if ($this->rerenderLayout) {
$this->getResponse()->setHeader('X-Icinga-Container', 'layout');
if ($this->autorefreshInterval !== null) {
$resp->setHeader('X-Icinga-Refresh', $this->autorefreshInterval);
protected function sendAsPdf()
$pdf = new Pdf();
protected function shutdownSession()
$session = Session::getSession();
if ($session->hasChanged()) {
* Render the benchmark
* @return string Benchmark HTML
protected function renderBenchmark()
Benchmark::measure('Response ready');
return Benchmark::renderToHtml();
* Try to call compatible methods from older zend versions
* Methods like getParam and redirect are _getParam/_redirect in older Zend versions (which reside for example
* in Debian Wheezy). Using those methods without the "_" causes the application to fail on those platforms, but
* using the version with "_" forces us to use deprecated code. So we try to catch this issue by looking for methods
* with the same name, but with a "_" prefix prepended.
* @param string $name The method name to check
* @param mixed $params The method parameters
* @return mixed Anything the method returns
public function __call($name, $params)
$deprecatedMethod = '_' . $name;
if (method_exists($this, $deprecatedMethod)) {
return call_user_func_array(array($this, $deprecatedMethod), $params);
return parent::__call($name, $params);