214 lines
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214 lines
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Executable File
DOMPDF 0.6.0 beta 3 Release Notes
New Features
HTML/CSS/Images support
* Limited support for CSS float (disabled by default). See
r408, r415, r438, r457, r459, r471)
* Support for nth-child selectors (r407, r419)
* Support for @font-face (r407, r413)
* Font sub-setting now available (disabled by default). See
(r466, r468, r469)
* Added an HTML5 Parser to enable improved document parsing/correction
(disabled by default). See DOMPDF_ENABLE_HTML5PARSER
(r429, r430, r431, r441)
* Added support for ID in anchors tags (r373)
* Added a message for broken images and updated the broken_image.png
file to
something less aggressive (r377)
* Added support for transparent PNG in background-image and improved
background-image handling (r380, r404, r450, r453)
* Improved absolute positioning (r387, r409, r459, r460)
* Added support for the "rem" CSS unit (r389)
* Improved support for the "ex" CSS unit (r390)
* When parsing tables, TR elements not contained by TBODY, TFOOT, or
THEAD are automatically encapsulated by TBODY (r390)
* Added support for the CSS declaration word-wrap: break-word (r391)
* Added support for @page :left, :right, :first, :odd, and :even (r393)
* Added support for CSS visibility and empty-cells properties (r393)
* Type selectors (e.g. h1) are now case insensitive (r417)
* Image type detection is now based on file header instead of filename
extension (r422)
* Added support for HTML5-style charset metatag (<meta
charset=?utf-8?>) (r430)
* Added support for nested CSS counters (r438)
* Replaced TTF2UFM with php-font-lib and remove all dependencies on
TTF2UFM (r447)
* Table columns widths are now consistent across pages (r462)
* Added limited support for table captions (r456)
* Reduced rendering time by using caches (r469)
Installation / configuration / debugging
* Added frame (i.e. discreet document element) count to the sample
website debugger output (r399)
* DOMPDF_ENABLE_REMOTE is no longer needed for stylesheet references
that use a URL with domain component (r407)
* Added a ready-to-use web-based font installer to the sample website
(www/fonts.php) (r417, r418)
* Added the Unicode-compatible DejaVu Fonts <http://dejavu-fonts.org>
as part of the base installation (r388)
Major bug fixes
* Fixes compatibility with the Symfony framework autoloader (disabled
* Fixes errors in how margins were collapsed between siblings (r375)
* Improves the way lines are aligned vertically (see the
css_baseline example) (r375)
* Corrects the bounding box used for drawing backgrounds (r377)
* Fixes the z-index rendering process (r377, r378, r379, r393)
* Adds support for color styling inheritance (r390)
* Fixes bugs with nested tables and HTML attributes (r393)
* Fixes handling of URLs with non-ascii chars in the CPDF adapter (r394)
* Fixes a rgb()-style color parsing bug (r402)
* Fixes RLE4 compressed bitmap image support (r405)
* Fixes bug that caused generated content to occasionally display
multiple times (r406)
* Improves background image clipping (r417)
* Fixes table layout bug caused by zero-height rows (r464)
* Fixes layout bug caused by 100% width tables centered with margin
auto (r465)
For a full list of modifications since DOMPDF 0.6.0 beta 2 see the
changes listed on this page of the repository changelog
Known Issues
* Table cells cannot be split over multiple pages
* CSS float support is not yet perfected
For a full list of known issues, see the issue tracker
Installation Notes
* Starting with DOMPDF 0.6.0 the dompdf.php script will no longer
allow conversion of HTML document on the local file system that are
located outside of the path specified by DOMPDF_CHROOT
* If you are installing DOMPDF on top of an existing installation you
should remove any existing font metrics. This can be done manually
or through the sample website (www/fonts.php).
* When upgrading to a new version of DOMPDF you must replace
dompdf_config.inc.php with the new one. To simplify the upgrade
process you can store your configuration settings in
dompdf_config.custom.inc.php (which does not need to be overwritten).
DOMPDF 0.6.0 beta 2
New Features
HTML/CSS/Images support
* CSS3: opacity, 2D transforms
* CSS2: outline, letter-spacing, z-index, position: relative,
overflow: hidden
* CSS Pseudo elements :before and :after with generated content
* CSS2 pseudo-selectors (last-child, disabled, checked, enabled)
* CSS3 attribute selectors (ends-width, starts-width, contains)
* Improves absolute positioning
* Adds fixed positioning
* CMYK colors and CMYK Jpeg images
* 32bit PNG with alpha channel (Cpdf backend)
* BMP images (8, 24 and 32 bit)
* Adds support for image embedding via ?data? URI
* Adds support for ordered list
* Adds support for embedding PDF JavaScript
* Uses the HTML document title element and certain meta tags to
populate the PDF?s meta information (title, author, keywords and
* Uses the ?alt? attribute of an image when the image is inaccessible
* Supports loading system fonts
Installation / configuration
* The demo page now shows the HTML file and the PDF document in an iframe
* Adds a setup/configuration tool that provides information about the
server configuration, dompdf parameters, and installed fonts.
* The font metrics cache files can now be cleared using the
setup/config tool
* Adds a debug tool that shows side-by-side the HTML file, the
rendered PDF, and a console showing memory consumption, rendering
time, warning, and debug messages
* Adds examples showing new features
* Moves ttf2ufm out of the DOMPDF code repository and into an external
project <http://code.google.com/p/ttf2ufm/>
* Disables inline PHP support by default
* Disables direct input in the examples page for non-localhost access
* Adds configuration option to help debugging (see DEBUG_LAYOUT) which
draws rectangles around the different types of blocks and frames
Major bug fixes
* Addresses memory leaks from running eval() on the font metrics cache
* Reduces memory consumption caused by the font metrics (when using
the Cpdf backend)
* Updates text wrapping to prevent splitting text into more lines than
needed (issue 198
* Implements a check against an infinite loop caused by table cells
larger than a page
* Improves text height and width calculations as well as placement
(improves, for example, justified text rendering for text that is
not iso-8859-1)
* Updates the fallback MBString functions
* Supports PHP 5.3 and includes improved compatibility with older
versions of PHP 5
* Improves image placement
* Addresses problems with table flow caused by empty table cells
* Addresses warning/errors caused by unrecognized CSS rules or selectors
For a full list of modifications since DOMPDF 0.6.0 beta 1 see the
repository changelog
Known Issues
* Table cells cannot be split over multiple pages
* Column widths of tables that span more than one page may not be
consistent across pages
Installation Notes
* Starting with dompdf 0.6.0 dompdf.php will no longer allow
conversion of HTML document on the local file system that are
located outside of the path specified by DOMPDF_CHROOT
* The format of the font metrics cache has changed as of this release.
You should manually remove any existing font metrics prior to
upgrading or use the setup/configuration tool to do so immediately
* Inline PHP is *disabled* by default now (see DOMPDF_ENABLE_PHP)
* Because additional configuration options have been added you will
need to replace your dompdf_config.inc.php file with the new one.
You may modify this file or copy your configuration settings to