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Icinga Web 2
Table of Contents
Note that the deployment of the virtual machine is tested against Vagrant starting with version 1.1. Unfortunately older versions will not work.
The Icinga Web 2 project ships with a Vagrant virtual machine that integrates the source code with various services and example data in a controlled environment. This enables developers and users to test Livestatus, status.dat, MySQL and PostgreSQL backends as well as the LDAP authentication. All you have to do is install Vagrant and run:
vagrant up
Note that the first boot of the vm takes a fairly long time because you'll download a plain CentOS base box and Vagrant will automatically provision the environment on the first go.
After you should be able to browse localhost:8080/icingaweb.
Forwarded ports:
Proctocol | Local port (virtual machine host) | Remote port (the virtual machine) |
SSH | 2222 | 22 |
HTTP | 8080 | 80 |
Installed packages:
- Apache2 with PHP enabled
- PHP with MySQL and PostgreSQL libraries
- MySQL server and client software
- PostgreSQL server and client software
- Icinga prerequisites
- OpenLDAP servers and clients
Installed users and groups:
- User icinga with group icinga and icinga-cmd
- Webserver user added to group icinga-cmd
Installed software:
- Icinga with IDOUtils using a MySQL database
- Icinga with IDOUtils using a PostgreSQL database
- Icinga 2
Installed files:
account information for logging into the Icinga classic web interface for both icinga instances/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins
Nagios Plugins for both icinga instances
Icinga with IDOUtils using a MySQL database
Installation path: /usr/local/icinga-mysql
Connect to the icinga mysql database using the following command:
mysql -u icinga -p icinga icinga
Access the Classic UI (CGIs) via localhost:8080/icinga-mysql. For logging into the Icinga classic web interface use user icingaadmin with password icinga.
Icinga with IDOUtils using a PostgreSQL database
Installation path: /usr/local/icinga-pgsql
Connect to the icinga mysql database using the following command:
sudo -u postgres psql -U icinga -d icinga
Access the Classic UI (CGIs) via localhost:8080/icinga-pgsql. For logging into the Icinga classic web interface use user icingaadmin with password icinga.
Monitoring Test Config
Test config is added to both the MySQL and PostgreSQL Icinga instance utilizing the Perl module Monitoring::Generator::TestConfig to generate test config to /usr/local/share/misc/monitoring_test_config which is then copied to /etc/conf.d/test_config/. Configuration can be adjusted and recreated with /usr/local/share/misc/monitoring_test_config/recreate.pl. Note that you have to run
vagrant provision
in the host after any modification to the script just mentioned.
MK Livestatus
MK Livestatus is added to the Icinga installation using a MySQL database.
Installation path:
Example usage:
echo "GET hosts" | /usr/local/icinga-mysql/bin/unixcat /usr/local/icinga-mysql/var/rw/live
LDAP example data
The environment includes a openldap server with example data. Domain suffix is dc=icinga,dc=org.
Administrator (rootDN) of the slapd configuration database is cn=admin,cn=config and the
administrator (rootDN) of our database instance is cn=admin,dc=icinga,dc=org. Both share
the password admin
Examples to query the slapd configuration database:
ldapsearch -x -W -LLL -D cn=admin,cn=config -b cn=config dn
ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -LLL -b cn=config dn
Examples to query our database instance:
ldapsearch -x -W -LLL -D cn=admin,dc=icinga,dc=org -b dc=icinga,dc=org dn
ldapsearch -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -LLL -b dc=icinga,dc=org dn
This is what the dc=icinga,dc=org DIT looks like:
dn: dc=icinga,dc=org
dn: ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org
dn: ou=groups,dc=icinga,dc=org
dn: cn=Users,ou=groups,dc=icinga,dc=org cn: Users uniqueMember: cn=Jon Doe,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org uniqueMember: cn=Jane Smith,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org uniqueMember: cn=John Q. Public,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org uniqueMember: cn=Richard Roe,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org
dn: cn=John Doe,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org cn: John Doe uid: jdoe
dn: cn=Jane Smith,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org cn: Jane Smith uid: jsmith
dn: cn=John Q. Public,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org cn: John Q. Public uid: jqpublic
dn: cn=Richard Roe,ou=people,dc=icinga,dc=org cn: Richard Roe uid: rroe
All users share the password password
Testing the code
All software required to run tests is installed in the virtual machine. In order to run all tests you have to execute the following commands:
vagrant ssh -c /vagrant/test/php/runtests
vagrant ssh -c /vagrant/test/php/checkswag
vagrant ssh -c /vagrant/test/js/runtests
vagrant ssh -c /vagrant/test/js/checkswag
vagrant ssh -c /vagrant/test/frontend/runtests
will execute unit and regression tests and checkswag
will report
code style issues.
Icinga 2
Installation path: /usr/local/icinga2
Example usage:
cd /usr/local/icinga2
./sbin/icinga2 -c etc/icinga2/icinga2.conf.dist
Log into Icinga Web 2
If you've configure LDAP as authentication backend (which is the default) use the following login credentials:
Username: jdoe Password: password
Have a look at [LDAP example data](#ldap example data) for more accounts.