
109 lines
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@echo off
:- $Id$
:- batch file to build _many_ KERNELS, hope build works
:- takes 3 minutes on my(TE) Win2K/P700. your milage may vary :-)
if "%1" == "$SUMMARY" goto summary
set onerror=if not "%%XERROR%%" == "" goto daswarwohlnix
:***** MSCL kernels
call config.bat
if "%MS_BASE%" == "" goto no_ms
call build -r msc 386 fat16
call build -r msc 186 fat16
call build -r msc 86 fat16
call build -r msc 386 fat32
call build -r msc 186 fat32
call build -r msc 86 fat32
:***** TC 2.01 kernels
if "%TC2_BASE%" == "" goto no_tc
call build -r tc 186 fat16
call build -r tc 86 fat16
call build -r tc 186 fat32
call build -r tc 86 fat32
:***** (Open) Watcom kernels
if "%WATCOM%" == "" goto no_wc
call build -r wc 386 fat32
call build -r wc 386 fat16
call build -r wc 86 fat32
call build -r wc 86 fat16
:***** now rebuild the default kernel
call build -r
:* now we build a summary of all kernels HMA size + total size
:* Yes, I know - "mit Linux waer das nicht passiert" :-)
:* at least, it's possible with standard DOS tools
set Sumfile=bin\ksummary.txt
set TempSumfile=bin\tsummary.txt
:****echo >%TempSumfile% Summary of all kernels build
:****echo.|date >>%TempSumfile%
:****echo.|time >>%TempSumfile%
:****for %%i in (bin\k*.map) do call %0 $SUMMARY %%i
if exist %Sumfile% del %Sumfile%
if exist %TempSumfile% del %TempSumfile%
for %%i in (bin\k*.map) do echo call %0 $SUMMARY %%i >>ktemp.bat
sort <ktemp.bat >ktemps.bat
call ktemps
del ktemp.bat
del ktemps.bat
echo >>%Sumfile% Summary of all kernels build
echo.|date >>%Sumfile%
echo.|time >>%Sumfile%
find <%TempSumfile% "H" >>%Sumfile%
del %TempSumfile%
set TempSumfile=
set Sumfile=
goto end
echo H************************************************* %2 >>%TempSumfile%
find<%2 " HMA_TEXT"|find/V "HMA_TEXT_START"|find/V "HMA_TEXT_END">>%TempSumfile%
find<%2 " STACK">>%TempSumfile%
goto end
:************* done with summary *********************************
echo Sorry, something didn't work as expected :-(