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%if 0
File system boot sector loader code for FAT32
Adapted from 2002-11-26,
released as public domain by Chris Giese
Public domain by C. Masloch, 2012
%include "lmacros2.mac"
%ifndef _MAP
%elifempty _MAP
%else ; defined non-empty, str or non-str
[map all _MAP]
strdef OEM_NAME, " lDOS"
strdef OEM_NAME_FILL, '_'
numdef VOLUMEID, 0
; used to set experimental name
strdef LOAD_NAME, "LDOS"
strdef LOAD_EXT, "COM" ; name of file to load
numdef LOAD_ADR, 02000h ; where to load
numdef LOAD_MIN_PARA, paras(1536)
numdef EXEC_SEG_ADJ, 0 ; how far cs will be from _LOAD_ADR
numdef EXEC_OFS, 400h ; what value ip will be
numdef CHECKOFFSET, 1020
numdef CHECKVALUE, "lD"
numdef LOAD_DIR_SEG, 0 ; => where to store dir entry (0 if nowhere)
numdef ADD_SEARCH, 0 ; whether to search second file
strdef ADD_NAME, ""
strdef ADD_EXT, "" ; name of second file to search
numdef ADD_DIR_SEG, 0 ; => where to store dir entry (0 if nowhere)
numdef QUERY_GEOMETRY, 1 ; query geometry via 13.08 (for CHS access)
numdef USE_PART_INFO, 1 ; use ds:si-> partition info from MBR, if any
numdef USE_AUTO_UNIT, 1 ; use unit passed from ROM-BIOS in dl
numdef RPL, 1 ; support RPL and do not overwrite it
numdef CHS, 1 ; support CHS (if it fits)
numdef LBA, 1 ; support LBA (if available)
numdef LBA_33_BIT, 1 ; support 33-bit LBA
numdef LBA_CHECK_NO_33, 1 ; else: check that LBA doesn't carry
numdef RELOCATE, 0 ; relocate the loader to top of memory
numdef SET_DL_UNIT, 0 ; if to pass unit in dl
numdef SET_BL_UNIT, 0 ; if to pass unit in bl as well
numdef SET_AXBX_DATA, 0 ; if to pass first data sector in ax:bx
numdef SET_DSSI_DPT, 0 ; if to pass DPT address in ds:si
numdef PUSH_DPT, 0 ; if to push DPT address
numdef MEMORY_CONTINUE, 1 ; if to just execute when memory full
numdef SET_SIDI_CLUSTER,0 ; if to pass first load file cluster in si:di
numdef TURN_OFF_FLOPPY, 0 ; if to turn off floppy motor after loading
numdef DATASTART_HIDDEN,0 ; if to add hidden sectors to data_start
numdef LBA_SET_TYPE, 0 ; if to set third byte to LBA partition type
numdef SET_LOAD_SEG, 1 ; if to set load_seg (word [ss:bp - 6])
numdef SET_FAT_SEG, 1 ; if to set fat_seg (word [ss:bp - 8])
numdef SET_CLUSTER, 1 ; if to set first_cluster (dword [ss:bp - 16])
numdef ZERO_ES, 0 ; if to set es = 0 before jump
numdef ZERO_DS, 0 ; if to set ds = 0 before jump
numdef FIX_SECTOR_SIZE, 0 ; fix sector size (0 = disable, else = sector size)
numdef FIX_SECTOR_SIZE_SKIP_CHECK, 0 ; don't check sector size
numdef FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE, 0 ; fix cluster size
numdef FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE_SKIP_CHECK, 0 ; don't check cluster size
numdef NO_LIMIT, 0 ; allow using more memory than a boot sector
; also will not write 0AA55h signature!
numdef WARN_PART_SIZE, 0
numdef LBA_SKIP_CHECK, 1 ; don't use proper LBA extensions check
numdef LBA_SKIP_CY, 1 ; skip check: set up CY before 13.42
numdef LBA_SKIP_ANY, 0 ; skip check: try CHS on any error
numdef LBA_RETRY, 0 ; retry LBA reads one time
numdef CHS_RETRY, 1 ; retry CHS reads one time
numdef CHS_RETRY_REPEAT,16 ; retry CHS reads multiple times
; (value of the def is used as count)
numdef CHS_RETRY_NORMAL,1 ; do not use aggressive optimisation
numdef RETRY_RESET, 1 ; call reset disk system 13.00 on retries
; Unlike the 1440 KiB diskette image defaults for the FAT12
; loader we just fill the BPB with zeros by default.
numdef MEDIAID, 0 ; media ID
numdef UNIT, 0 ; load unit in BPB
numdef CHS_SECTORS, 0 ; CHS geometry field for sectors
numdef CHS_HEADS, 0 ; CHS geometry field for heads
numdef HIDDEN, 0 ; number of hidden sectors
numdef SPI, 0 ; sectors per image
numdef BPS, 0 ; bytes per sector
numdef SPC, 0 ; sectors per cluster
numdef SPF, 0 ; sectors per FAT
numdef SECTOR_FSINFO, 0 ; FSINFO sector
numdef SECTOR_BACKUP, 0 ; backup boot sector
numdef CLUSTER_ROOT, 0 ; root directory first cluster
numdef NUMFATS, 0 ; number of FATs
numdef NUMRESERVED, 0 ; number of reserved sectors
numdef COMPAT_FREEDOS, 0 ; partial FreeDOS load compatibility
numdef COMPAT_IBM, 0 ; partial IBMDOS load compatibility
numdef COMPAT_MS7, 0 ; partial MS-DOS 7 load compatibility
numdef COMPAT_LDOS, 0 ; lDOS load compatibility
%error At most one set must be selected.
strdef LOAD_EXT, "SYS"
numdef LOAD_ADR, 00600h
numdef LOAD_MIN_PARA, paras(512)
numdef EXEC_SEG_ADJ, 0
numdef EXEC_OFS, 0
numdef CHECKVALUE, 0
numdef SET_BL_UNIT, 1
numdef RELOCATE, 1
; The FreeDOS load protocol mandates that the entire file be loaded.
strdef LOAD_EXT, "COM"
numdef LOAD_ADR, 00700h
numdef LOAD_MIN_PARA, paras(512)
numdef EXEC_SEG_ADJ, 0
numdef EXEC_OFS, 0
numdef CHECKVALUE, 0
numdef LOAD_DIR_SEG, 50h
numdef ADD_SEARCH, 1
strdef ADD_EXT, "COM"
numdef ADD_DIR_SEG, 52h
; Note: The IBMBIO.COM directory entry must be stored at
; 0:500h, and the IBMDOS.COM directory entry at 0:520h.
numdef SET_DL_UNIT, 1
; 3 sectors * 512 BpS should suffice. We load into 700h--7A00h,
; ie >= 6000h bytes (24 KiB), <= 7300h bytes (28.75 KiB).
numdef SET_AXBX_DATA, 1
numdef SET_DSSI_DPT, 1
numdef PUSH_DPT, 1
strdef LOAD_NAME, "IO"
strdef LOAD_EXT, "SYS"
numdef LOAD_ADR, 00700h
numdef LOAD_MIN_PARA, paras(1024)
numdef EXEC_SEG_ADJ, 0
numdef EXEC_OFS, 200h
numdef CHECKVALUE, 0
numdef SET_DL_UNIT, 1
numdef SET_DSSI_DPT, 0
numdef PUSH_DPT, 1
; 4 sectors * 512 BpS should suffice. We load into 700h--7A00h,
; ie >= 6000h bytes (24 KiB), <= 7300h bytes (28.75 KiB).
numdef LBA_SET_TYPE, 1
strdef LOAD_NAME, "LDOS"
strdef LOAD_EXT, "COM"
numdef LOAD_ADR, 02000h
numdef LOAD_MIN_PARA, paras(1536)
numdef EXEC_SEG_ADJ, 0
numdef EXEC_OFS, 400h
numdef CHECKOFFSET, 1020
numdef CHECKVALUE, "lD"
numdef SET_DL_UNIT, 0
numdef SET_CLUSTER, 1
numdef SET_FAT_SEG, 1
numdef SET_LOAD_SEG, 1
%if 0
Notes about partial load compatibilities
* FreeDOS:
* Relocates to an address other than 27A00h (1FE0h:7C00h)
* Does not actually relocate DPT, just provide its address
* MS-DOS 7:
* Does not actually relocate DPT, just provide its address
* Does not contain message table used by loader
%error Cannot select both of these options!
%assign LOADLIMIT 0A0000h
%assign POSITION 07C00h
%assign i 5
%rep 13-5
%if (1 << i) != (_FIX_SECTOR_SIZE)
%assign i i+1
%if (1 << i) != (_FIX_SECTOR_SIZE)
%error Invalid sector size _FIX_SECTOR_SIZE
%error Invalid cluster size _FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE
%assign i 0
%rep 8-0
%if (1 << i) != (_FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE)
%assign i i+1
%if (1 << i) != (_FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE)
%warning Non-power-of-two cluster size _FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE
%if (_LOAD_ADR & 0Fh)
%error Load address must be on a paragraph boundary
%error Load address must be in LMA
%elif _LOAD_ADR < 00500h
%error Load address must not overlap IVT or BDA
%if _LOAD_ADR > (POSITION-512) && _LOAD_ADR < (POSITION+1024)
%error Load address must not overlap loader
%if ((_EXEC_SEG_ADJ<<4)+_EXEC_OFS) < 0
%error Execution address must be in loaded file
%error Execution address must be in LMA
%if (_EXEC_OFS & ~0FFFFh)
%error Execution offset must fit into 16 bits
%error Execution segment adjustment must fit into 16 bits
%warning No CHS support but querying geometry anyway
%if !_CHS && !_LBA
%error Either CHS or LBA or both must be enabled
%if 0
There is some logic inside MS-DOS's hard disk partition initialisation
code that sets up several requirements for us to fulfil. Otherwise,
it will not accept the information given in the BPB (using default
information based on the length as specified by MBR/EPBR instead) or
make the whole file system inaccessible except for formatting. Both of
those are undesirable of course. Some/all(?) checks are documented on
pages 601,602 in "DOS Internals", Geoff Chappell 1994, as follows:
* First three bytes contain either "jmp sho xx\ nop" or "jmp ne xx".
* Media descriptor field >= 0F0h.
* Bytes per sector field == 512.
* Sectors per cluster field a power of 2 (1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128).
* OEM name "version" (last three to four characters)
* must be "20.?", "10.?" (? = wildcard), but no other with "0.?",
* otherwise, must be "2.0", or
* 2nd-to-last,3rd-to-last character codes together > "3.", or
* those == "3.", last character code > "0"
To stay compatible to those, display a warning here if the name
itself would disqualify our boot sector already.
%strlen %$len _OEM_NAME_FILL
%if %$len != 1
%error Specified OEM name fill must be 1 character
%strlen %$len _OEM_NAME
%define %$nam _OEM_NAME
%if %$len > 8
%error Specified OEM name is too long
%assign %$warn 0
%rep 8 - %$len
%strcat %$nam %$nam,_OEM_NAME_FILL
%substr %$prefix %$nam 5 ; "wvxyZa.b", get "Z"
%substr %$major %$nam 6,7 ; "wvxyzA.b", get "A."
%substr %$minor %$nam 8 ; "wvxyza.B", get "B"
%if %$major == "0."
%ifn %$prefix == "1" || %$prefix == "2"
%assign %$warn 1
%elifn %$major == "2." && %$minor == "0"
%if %$major < "3."
%assign %$warn 1
%elif %$major == "3." && %$minor < "1"
%assign %$warn 1
%if %$warn
%warning Specified OEM name fails MS-DOS's validation
; 512-byte stack (minus the variables).
ADR_STACK_LOW equ 7C00h - 200h ; 07A00h
ADR_FSIBOOT equ end -start+7C00h ; 07E00h
%define _AFTER (ADR_FSIBOOT + 512)
; dynamic allocation of FAT buffer
%if _LOAD_ADR < 7C00h
%define _AFTER (ADR_FATBUF + 8192)
ADR_FATBUF equ 2000h
; dynamic allocation of dir buffer
%elif _LOAD_ADR < 7C00h
%define _AFTER (ADR_DIRBUF + 8192)
ADR_DIRBUF equ 4000h
ADR_DIRBUF equ _LOAD_ADR ; 00600h
%elif _LOAD_ADR < 7C00h
; one-sector directory buffer. Assumes sectors are no larger than 8 KiB
ADR_DIRBUF equ _AFTER ; 0A000h
%define _AFTER (ADR_DIRBUF + 8192)
ADR_DIRBUF equ 4000h
ADR_FREE equ _AFTER ; 08000h
%if ((ADR_FATBUF + 8192 - 1) & ~0FFFFh) != (ADR_FATBUF & ~0FFFFh)
%warning Possibly crossing 64 KiB boundary while reading FAT
%if ((ADR_DIRBUF + 8192 - 1) & ~0FFFFh) != (ADR_DIRBUF & ~0FFFFh)
%warning Possibly crossing 64 KiB boundary while reading directory
; If reading on a sector size boundary, no crossing can occur.
; Check for all possible sector sizes (32 B to 8 KiB). If one
; of them fails display a warning, including the minimum size.
%assign EXITREP 0
%rep 256
%warning Possibly crossing 64 KiB boundary while reading file (sector size >= SECSIZECHECK)
%assign EXITREP 1
%if SECSIZECHECK == 8192
%assign EXITREP 1
; If loading below the boot sector, address 1_0000h is never reached.
struc FSINFO ; FAT32 FSINFO sector layout
.signature1: resd 1 ; 41615252h ("RRaA") for valid FSINFO
.reserved1: ; former unused, initialized to zero by FORMAT
.fsiboot: resb 480 ; now used for FSIBOOT
.signature2: resd 1 ; 61417272h ("rrAa") for valid FSINFO
.numberfree: resd 1 ; FSINFO: number of free clusters or -1
.nextfree: resd 1 ; FSINFO: first free cluster or -1
.reserved2: resd 3 ; unused, initialized to zero by FORMAT
.signature3: resd 1 ; AA550000h for valid FSINFO or FSIBOOT
struc FSIBOOTG ; FSIBOOT general layout
.signature: resq 1 ; 8 bytes that identify the FSIBOOT type
.fsicode: resb 470 ; 470 bytes FSIBOOT type specific data or code
.dirsearch: resw 1 ; 1 word -> directory search entrypoint
deName: resb 8
deExt: resb 3
deAttrib: resb 1
dePlusSize: resb 1
resb 7
deClusterHigh: resw 1
deTime: resw 1
deDate: resw 1
deClusterLow: resw 1
deSize: resd 1
; use byte-offset addressing from BP for smaller code
%define VAR(x) ((x) - start) + bp
cpu 8086
; bootsector loaded at address 07C00h, addressable using 0000h:7C00h
%define _LASTVARIABLE start
%macro nextvariable 2.nolist
%1 equ (_LASTVARIABLE - %2)
%define _LASTVARIABLE %1
; Variables
; (dword) sector where the first cluster's data starts
nextvariable data_start, 4
; (word) current load segment (points behind last loaded data)
nextvariable load_seg, 2
; (word) segment of FAT buffer
; for FAT12 this holds the entire FAT
; for FAT16 this holds the sector given by wo[fat_sector]
; for FAT32 this holds the sector given by dwo[fat_sector]
nextvariable fat_seg, 2
; (dword for FAT32) currently loaded sector-in-FAT, -1 if none
nextvariable fat_sector, 4
; (dword for FAT32) first cluster of load file
nextvariable first_cluster, 4
; (word) number of 16-byte paragraphs per sector
nextvariable para_per_sector, 2
; (word) number of 32-byte directory entries per sector
nextvariable entries_per_sector, 2
; (word) segment of last available memory for sector
nextvariable last_available_sector, 2
; (word) actual sectors per cluster
nextvariable adj_sectors_per_cluster, 2
; (word) paragraphs left to read
nextvariable paras_left, 2
lowest_variable equ _LASTVARIABLE
jmp strict short skip_bpb
%if !_CHS && _LBA_SET_TYPE
db 0Ch ; LBA-enabled FAT32 FS partition type
nop ; default: no LBA
; BIOS Parameter Block (BPB)
; Installation will use the BPB already present in your file system.
; These values must be initialised when installing the loader.
oem_id: ; offset 03h (03) - not used by this code
bytes_per_sector: ; offset 0Bh (11) - refer to _FIX_SECTOR_SIZE !
dw _BPS
sectors_per_cluster: ; offset 0Dh (13) - refer to _FIX_CLUSTER_SIZE !
db _SPC & 255
num_reserved_sectors: ; offset 0Eh (14)
num_fats: ; offset 10h (16)
num_root_dir_ents: ; offset 11h (17)
dw 0
total_sectors: ; offset 13h (19) - not used by this code
%if _SPI < 1_0000h
dw _SPI
dw 0
media_id: ; offset 15h (21) - not used by this code
sectors_per_fat: ; offset 16h (22)
dw 0
sectors_per_track: ; offset 18h (24)
heads: ; offset 1Ah (26)
hidden_sectors: ; offset 1Ch (28)
total_sectors_large: ; offset 20h (32) - not used by this code
%if _SPI >= 1_0000h
dd _SPI
dd 0
sectors_per_fat_large: ; offset 24h (36)
dd _SPF
fsflags: ; offset 28h (40)
dw 0
fsversion: ; offset 2Ah (42)
dw 0
root_cluster: ; offset 2Ch (44)
fsinfo_sector: ; offset 30h (48)
backup_sector: ; offset 32h (50)
times 12 db 0 ; offset 34h (52) reserved
; Extended BPB ; offset 40h (64)
boot_unit: db _UNIT
db 0
ext_bpb_signature: db 29h
serial_number: dd _VOLUMEID
volume_label: fill 11,32,db _DEFAULT_LABEL
filesystem_identifier: fill 8,32,db "FAT32"
; Initialised data
align 2
fsiboot_table: ; this table is used by the FSIBOOT stage
.error: dw error
; INP: al = error condition letter
; ('B' = bad chain / FS error, 'F' = file not found,
; 'R' = disk read error, 'M' = not enough memory,
; 'E' = not enough data in file)
.success: dw load_finish
; INP: dword [ss:sp] = first cluster
; Note: The first cluster dword is always filled in
; by FSIBOOT; the option _SET_SIDI_CLUSTER only
; affects usage in the primary loader.
.memory_full: dw load_finish_mc
; INP: al = error condition letter ('M'),
; dword [ss:sp] = current cluster number,
; dword [ss:sp + 4] = first cluster, refer to .success
.memory_full: dw error
; refer to previous .memory_full comment
.read_sector: dw read_sector
; INP: dx:ax = sector number within partition,
; bx => buffer, (_LBA) ds = ss
; OUT: dx:ax incremented, bx => incremented,
; es = input bx, does not return if error occurred
; CHG: none
.dirbuf: dw 8192 >> 4
; initialised to segment displacement from FAT buffer
.dirbuf: dw ADR_DIRBUF>>4
; => directory sector buffer (one sector)
.writedirentry: dw writedirentry.loaddir
; INP: es:bx -> found dir entry in dir sector buffer
; si:di = loaded sector-in-FAT
; CHG: ax, cx, dx
; STT: ss:bp -> boot sector
; ds = ss
; UP
; OUT: directory entry copied if so desired
; (is a no-op if not to copy dir entry)
.filename: dw .load_name
; -> name to search
.minpara: dw _LOAD_MIN_PARA
.loadseg: dw _LOAD_ADR>>4
; => where to load
.load_name: ; = blank-padded 11-byte filename to search for
fill 8,32,db _LOAD_NAME
fill 3,32,db _LOAD_EXT
fill 8, 32, db _FSIBOOTNAME
%assign num $ - start
%warning BPB + data size is num bytes
; Code
; Note that this may be entered with cs:ip = 07C0h:0 !
xor cx, cx
mov bp, start ; magic bytes - checked by instsect
mov ss, cx
mov [VAR(boot_unit)], dl; magic bytes - checked by instsect
mov dl, [VAR(boot_unit)]; magic bytes - checked by instsect
; Note: es is left uninitialised here until the first call to
; read_sector if the below conditional is false.
%if _USE_PART_INFO ; +19 bytes
mov es, cx
; Note: Award Medallion BIOS v6.0 (ASUS MED 2001 ACPI BIOS Revision 1009)
; loads from a floppy disk drive with ds:si = 0F000h:0A92Dh ->
; FF FF FF FF 08 00 08 01 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF, which was detected
; as a valid partition table entry by this handling. Therefore, we
; only accept partition information when booting from a hard disk now.
; start of magic byte sequence for instsect
test dl, dl ; floppy ?
jns @F ; don't attempt detection -->
; Check whether an MBR left us partition information.
; byte[ds:si] bit 7 means active and must be set if valid.
cmp byte [si], cl ; flags for xx-00h (result is xx), SF = bit 7
jns @F ; xx < 80h, ie info invalid -->
; byte[ds:si+4] is the file system type. Check for valid one.
cmp byte [si+4], cl ; is it zero?
je @F ; yes, info invalid -->
; Info valid, trust their hidden sectors over hardcoded.
; Assume the movsw instructions won't run with si = FFFFh.
mov di, hidden_sectors ; -> BPB field
add si, 8 ; -> partition start sector in info
nop ; size has to match enabled code
movsw ; overwrite BPB field with value from info
; end of magic byte sequence for instsect
mov ds, cx
%if _QUERY_GEOMETRY ; +27 bytes
; start of magic byte sequence for instsect
; test dl, dl ; floppy?
; jns @F ; don't attempt query, might fail -->
; Note that while the original PC BIOS doesn't support this function
; (for its diskettes), it does properly return the error code 01h.
; (IBM PC version 1)
mov ah, 08h
; xor cx, cx ; initialise cl to 0
; Already from prologue cx = 0.
stc ; initialise to CY
nop ; size has to match enabled code
int 13h ; query drive geometry
jc @F ; apparently failed -->
and cx, 3Fh ; get sectors
jz @F ; invalid (S is 1-based), don't use -->
mov [VAR(sectors_per_track)], cx
mov cl, dh ; cx = maximum head number
inc cx ; cx = number of heads (H is 0-based)
mov [VAR(heads)], cx
; end of magic byte sequence for instsect
; 16-byte paragraphs per sector
mov ax, [VAR(bytes_per_sector)]
mov cl, 4
shr ax, cl
push ax ; push into word [VAR(para_per_sector)]
; 32-byte FAT directory entries per sector
shr ax, 1 ; /2 = 32-byte entries per sector
push ax ; push into word [VAR(entries_per_sector)]
cmp ax, 1024 >> 5 ; sector size is at least 1 KiB (large) ?
jae .loaded ; already loaded as part of the boot sector -->
; If this code runs, then ax was below 1024 >> 5,
; therefore this cwd instruction always zeros dx.
mov ax, [VAR(fsinfo_sector)]
; inc ax
; jz error_fsiboot ; was FFFFh, invalid -->
; dec ax
; FFFFh always fails the < num_reserved_sectors check
test ax, ax
jz @F ; is 0 ? invalid --> (ZR, NC)
cmp ax, [VAR(num_reserved_sectors)]
@@: ; (ZR, NC if ax == 0)
jae error_fsiboot ; (jump if NC)
; dx:ax = FSINFO sector (dx = 0 from cwd)
mov cx, 512
mov bx, ADR_FSIBOOT >> 4
call read_sector
sub cx, [VAR(bytes_per_sector)]
ja @B ; read 512 bytes -->
push ds
pop es
mov di, fsiboot.signature
mov si, fsiboot_name
mov cx, 4 ; size of fsiboot_name
repe cmpsw
jne error_fsiboot
; Note that now es:di -> fsiboot.start
; Get conventional memory size and store it
int 12h
mov cl, 6
shl ax, cl
%if _RPL ; +33 bytes
xchg dx, ax
lds si, [4 * 2Fh]
add si, 3
cmp al, 'R'
jne .no_rpl
cmp al, 'P'
jne .no_rpl
cmp al, 'L'
jne .no_rpl
mov ax, 4A06h
int 2Fh
push ss
pop ds
xchg ax, dx
sub ax, (20 * 1024 + 8192 + 8192 + (8192-16) + 1024 + 7C00h) >> 4
sub ax, (20 * 1024 + 8192 + (8192-16) + 1024 + 7C00h) >> 4
; 20 KiB: reserved for iniload
; 8 KiB: dir buffer (only if _ADD_SEARCH)
; 8 KiB: FAT buffer
; 8 KiB - 16 B: to allow rounding down position of buffers
; 1 KiB: sector + FSIBOOT
; 7C00h: stack and to allow addressing with 7C00h in bp
; Note also that by addressing the stack and sector and FSIBOOT
; with bp at 7C00h, and insuring this subtraction doesn't
; underflow, makes sure that we do not overwrite the IVT or
; BDA. (However, we assume that ax is at least 60h or so.)
; The FAT buffer segment is masked so that the actual buffer
; is stored on an 8 KiB boundary. This is to ensure that
; the buffer doesn't possibly cross a 64 KiB DMA boundary.
jc error_fsiboot
cmp ax, (end_after_fsiboot -start+7C00h - ADR_STACK_LOW + 15) >> 4
; This check is to ensure that the start of the destination
; for the relocation (stack, sector, FSIBOOT) is
; above-or-equal the end of the source for the relocation.
; That is, to avoid overwriting any of the source with the
; string move instruction (which for simplicity is always UP).
jb error_fsiboot
; With _RELOCATE enabled, the FAT buffer segment
; is fixed up by the primary loader here before
; FSIBOOT is executed.
mov bx, ((8192 - 16) + 1024 + 7C00h)>>4
; bx is initialised to the value
; ((8192 - 16) + 1024 + 7C00h)>>4
; so this is like calculating the following for its value:
; ((LMA_top - 20 KiB - 8 KiB - 8 KiB{AS} - (8 KiB - 16 B) - 1 KiB - 7C00h) + \
; ((8 KiB - 16 B) + 1 KiB + 7C00h))>>4
; == (LMA_top - 20 KiB - 8 KiB - 8 KiB{AS})>>4
; {AS} = only if _ADD_SEARCH
add bx, ax
and bx, ~ ((8192>>4) - 1) ; => FAT sector buffer (one sector)
; .dirbuf is initialised to 8192 >> 4
add word [VAR(fsiboot_table.dirbuf)], bx
; => dir sector buffer (one sector)
push ax
push di ; -> reloc destination of fsiboot.start
mov es, ax ; => destination
mov si, sp ; ds:si = ss:entries_per_sector - 4
mov di, si ; es:di -> destination for stack low
mov cx, (end_after_fsiboot - (entries_per_sector - 4)) >> 1
; end_after_fsiboot is the top of used memory
; entries_per_sector is the lowest filled stack frame slot
; 4 is for the additional slots taken by the return address
rep movsw ; relocate stack, sector, and FSIBOOT
mov ss, ax
mov ds, ax ; relocate these
add ax, (ADR_STACK_LOW) >> 4 ; (rounding down) => behind available
retf ; jump to relocated FSIBOOT
sub ax, (20 * 1024) >> 4 ; 20 KiB reserved for iniload
jc error_fsiboot
mov bx, ADR_FATBUF >> 4 ; => FAT sector buffer (one sector)
push es
push di ; -> fsiboot.start
; Do a far return here to ensure that cs is zero.
mov ax, (ADR_STACK_LOW >> 4)
mov bx, ADR_FATBUF >> 4 ; => FAT sector buffer (one sector)
push es
push di ; -> fsiboot.start
; Do a far return here to ensure that cs is zero.
%error Load address within used memory
%assign num $ - skip_bpb
%warning init size is num bytes
; INP: es:bx -> found dir entry in dir sector buffer
; si:di = loaded sector-in-FAT
; CHG: ax, cx, dx
; STT: ss:bp -> boot sector
; ds = ss
; UP
; OUT: directory entry copied if so desired
; (is a no-op if not to copy dir entry)
mov ax, _LOAD_DIR_SEG
.loaddir: equ read_sector.retn
; INP: ax => where to store directory entry
push ds
push si
push di
push es
pop ds
mov si, bx ; ds:si -> directory entry
mov cx, DIRENTRY_size >> 1
mov es, ax
xor di, di ; es:di -> where to store directory entry
rep movsw ; move to here (one directory entry)
push ds
pop es ; es:bx -> dir entry in dir sector buffer
pop di
pop si
pop ds
pop bx
pop cx
mov word [VAR(fsiboot_table.filename)], add_name
call near word [dirsearch_entrypoint]
mov ax, _ADD_DIR_SEG
; turn off floppy motor
mov dx,3F2h
mov al,0
out dx,al
; Set-up registers for and jump to loaded file
; Already: ss:bp-> boot sector containing BPB
%if CHECKLINEAR <= (64 * 1024 - 2) && ! _RELOCATE
mov ax, CHECKLINEAR >> 4
mov es, ax
cmp word [es:CHECKLINEAR & 15], _CHECKVALUE
mov al, 'V' ; check 'V'alue mismatch
jne error
pop cx
pop dx
%ifn _SET_DSSI_DPT ; (implying that only _PUSH_DPT is set)
xor ax, ax
mov es, ax ; => IVT
mov di, 1Eh*4
les si, [es:di] ; -> original (also current) DPT
push es
push si ; original (also current) DPT address
push ax
push di ; 0000h:0078h (address of 1Eh IVT entry)
; If not _RELOCATE, ds = 0000h (=> IVT)
mov di, 1Eh*4
les si, [di] ; -> original (also current) DPT
push es
push si ; original (also current) DPT address
; If not _RELOCATE, ss = 0000h (=> IVT)
push ss
push di ; 0000h:0078h (address of 1Eh IVT entry)
xor ax, ax
mov ds, ax ; => IVT
; If not _RELOCATE, ds = 0000h (=> IVT)
mov di, 1Eh*4
lds si, [di] ; -> original (also current) DPT
push ds
push si ; original (also current) DPT address
push ax
push di ; 0000h:0078h (address of 1Eh IVT entry)
; If not _RELOCATE, ss = 0000h (=> IVT)
push ss
push di ; 0000h:0078h (address of 1Eh IVT entry)
%if _ZERO_ES || _ZERO_DS
xor ax, ax
%if _ZERO_ES
mov es, ax
%if _ZERO_DS
mov ds, ax
%if _ZERO_ES
push ss
pop es
push ss
pop ds
mov bx, [VAR(hidden_sectors + 0)]
mov ax, [VAR(hidden_sectors + 2)]
add word [VAR(data_start + 0)], bx
adc word [VAR(data_start + 2)], ax
mov bx, [VAR(data_start)]
mov ax, [VAR(data_start+2)]
%error Cannot select both of these.
mov di, cx
mov si, dx
pop di
pop si
mov dl, [VAR(boot_unit)]; set dl to unit
mov bl, dl ; set bl to unit, too
%elif _SET_BL_UNIT
mov bl, [VAR(boot_unit)]; set bl to unit
; ss:bp-> boot sector with BPB
%assign num $ - finish_start
%warning finish size is num bytes
mov al,'I'
db __TEST_IMM16 ; (skip mov)
mov al, 'R' ; Disk 'R'ead error
mov bx, 7
mov ds, bx
mov bh, [462h - 70h]
mov bh, [462h]
mov bl, 7
mov ah, 0Eh
int 10h ; display character
mov al, 07h
int 10h ; beep!
xor ax, ax ; await key pressed
int 16h
int 19h ; re-start the boot process
%assign num $ - error_start
%warning error size is num bytes
; Read a sector using Int13.02 or Int13.42
; INP: dx:ax = sector number within partition
; bx => buffer
; (_LBA) ds = ss
; OUT: If unable to read,
; ! jumps to error instead of returning
; If sector has been read,
; dx:ax = next sector number (has been incremented)
; bx => next buffer (bx = es+word[para_per_sector])
; es = input bx
; CHG: -
push dx
push cx
push ax
push si
mov es, bx ; => buffer
; DX:AX==LBA sector number
; add partition start (= number of hidden sectors)
add ax,[VAR(hidden_sectors + 0)]
adc dx,[VAR(hidden_sectors + 2)]
%if (!_LBA || !_LBA_33_BIT) && _LBA_CHECK_NO_33
jc .err
%if _LBA ; +70 bytes (with CHS, +63 bytes without CHS)
%if _LBA_33_BIT
sbb si, si ; -1 if was CY, 0 else
neg si ; 1 if was CY, 0 else
xor cx, cx
push cx ; highest word = 0
%if _LBA_33_BIT
push si ; bit 32 = 1 if operating in 33-bit space
push cx ; second highest word = 0
push dx
push ax ; = qword sector number
push bx
push cx ; bx => buffer
inc cx
push cx ; word number of sectors to read
mov cl, 10h
push cx ; word size of disk address packet
mov si, sp ; ds:si -> disk address packet (on stack)
%if _LBA_SKIP_CHECK ; -14 bytes
mov dl, [VAR(boot_unit)]
mov ah, 41h
mov dl, [VAR(boot_unit)]
mov bx, 55AAh
int 13h ; 13.41.bx=55AA extensions installation check
jc .no_lba
cmp bx, 0AA55h
jne .no_lba
shr cl, 1 ; support bitmap bit 0
jnc .no_lba
mov ah, 42h
int 13h ; 13.42 extensions read
jnc .lba_done
xor ax, ax
int 13h ; reset disk
; have to reset the LBAPACKET's lpCount, as the handler may
; set it to "the number of blocks successfully transferred".
; (in any case, the high byte is still zero.)
mov byte [si + 2], 1
mov ah, 42h
int 13h
jc .no_lba
.err_CY: equ .err
.err_2: equ .err
jnc .lba_done
cmp ah, 1 ; invalid function?
je .no_lba ; try CHS instead -->
jmp .lba_error
jc .lba_error
.err_2: equ .err
mov byte [bp + 2], 0Ch ; LBA-enabled FAT32 FS partition type
add sp, 10h
%if _CHS
jmp short .done
.lba_error: equ .err
%if !_CHS
.no_lba: equ .err
add sp, 8
pop cx ; cx = low word of sector
pop ax
pop dx ; dx:ax = middle two words of sector
; Here dx <= 1 if _LBA_33_BIT, else zero.
; If dx is nonzero then the CHS calculation
; should fail. If CHS sectors is equal to 1
; (very unusual) then the div may fail. Else,
; we will detect a cylinder > 1023 eventually.
pop si ; discard highest word of qword
.err_2: equ .err
%if _CHS ; +70 bytes
; dx:ax = LBA sector number, (if _LBA) cx = 0
; divide by number of sectors per track to get sector number
; Use 32:16 DIV instead of 64:32 DIV for 8088 compatability
; Use two-step 32:16 divide to avoid overflow
%if !_LBA
xchg cx, ax ; cx = low word of sector, clobbers ax
xchg ax, dx ; ax = high word of sector, clobbers dx
xor dx, dx ; dx:ax = high word of sector
; from the .no_lba popping we already have:
; cx = low word of sector
; dx:ax = high word of sector
div word [VAR(sectors_per_track)]
xchg cx,ax
div word [VAR(sectors_per_track)]
xchg cx,dx
; DX:AX=quotient, CX=remainder=sector (S) - 1
; divide quotient by number of heads
xchg bx, ax ; bx = low word of quotient, clobbers ax
xchg ax, dx ; ax = high word of quotient, clobbers dx
xor dx, dx ; dx = 0
div word [VAR(heads)]
; ax = high / heads, dx = high % heads
xchg bx, ax ; bx = high / heads, ax = low quotient
div word [VAR(heads)]
; bx:ax=quotient=cylinder (C), dx=remainder=head (H)
; move variables into registers for INT 13h AH=02h
mov dh, dl ; dh = head
inc cx ; cl5:0 = sector
xchg ch, al ; ch = cylinder 7:0, al = 0
shr ax, 1
shr ax, 1 ; al7:6 = cylinder 9:8
; bx has bits set iff it's > 0, indicating a cylinder >= 65536.
or bl, bh ; collect set bits from bh
or cl, al ; cl7:6 = cylinder 9:8
; ah has bits set iff it was >= 4, indicating a cylinder >= 1024.
or bl, ah ; collect set bits from ah
mov dl,[VAR(boot_unit)] ; dl = drive
jnz .err_2 ; error if cylinder >= 1024 -->
; ! bx = 0 (for 13.02 call)
; we call INT 13h AH=02h once for each sector. Multi-sector reads
; may fail if we cross a track or 64K boundary
mov si, _CHS_RETRY_REPEAT + 1
db __TEST_IMM16 ; (skip int 13h)
int 13h ; reset disk
xor ax, ax
int 13h ; reset disk
dec si ; another attempt ?
js .nz_err ; no -->
mov ax, 0201h
int 13h ; read one sector
mov ax, bx ; ax = 0
jc .loop_chs_retry_repeat
; fall through to .done
mov ax, 0201h
; In this case we cannot store to the stack and
; pop the value at the right moment for both
; cases of the "jnc .done" branch. So use the
; original code to re-init ax to 0201h.
int 13h ; read one sector
jnc .done
; reset drive
xor ax, ax
int 13h
mov ax, 0201h
push ax
int 13h ; read one sector
pop ax ; restore ax = 0201h
jnc .done
; try read again
int 13h
jc .err_CY
%if ! _LBA
.err_CY: equ .err
%endif ; _CHS
; increment segment
mov bx, es
add bx, _FIX_SECTOR_SIZE >> 4
add bx, [VAR(para_per_sector)]
pop si
pop ax
pop cx
pop dx
; increment LBA sector number
inc ax
jne @F
inc dx
%assign num $ - read_sector
%warning read_sector size is num bytes
add_name: ; = blank-padded 11-byte filename to search for
fill 8,32,db _ADD_NAME
fill 3,32,db _ADD_EXT
%if !_NO_LIMIT
_fill 508,38,start
dw 0
; 2-byte magic bootsector signature
dw 0AA55h
%assign num signatures-available
%warning FAT32: num bytes still available.
%else ; for testing
align 4
dw 0
; 2-byte magic bootsector signature
dw 0AA55h
align 16, nop
dd "RRaA"
fill 8, 32, db _FSIBOOTNAME
%if ($ - .signature) != 8
%error Unexpected name size
; INP: ax => after last segment to be used for loading
; bx => FAT buffer (8 KiB)
; ss:bp -> boot sector, with EBPB
; dwo [ss:bp - 4] = data_start (uninit)
; wo [ss:bp - 6] = load_seg (uninit)
; wo [ss:bp - 8] = fat_seg (uninit)
; dwo [ss:bp - 12] = fat_sector (uninit)
; dwo [ss:bp - 16] = first_cluster (uninit)
; wo [ss:bp - 18] = para_per_sector
; wo [ss:bp - 20] = entries_per_sector
; ss:sp = ss:bp - 20
; (Note: The following stack frame entries are currently
; only used by FSIBOOT itself, so they may be
; considered implementation detail instead of
; part of the FSIBOOT protocol.)
; wo [ss:bp - 22] = last_available_sector (uninit)
; wo [ss:bp - 24] = adj_sectors_per_cluster (uninit)
; wo [ss:bp - 26] = paras_left (uninit)
; Stack layout has to match!
; ss = ds
; ss:bp + ((11 + ebpbNew + BPBN_size + 1) & ~1)
; = ss:fsiboot_table, refer to its comments
; cs set to address jump table offsets in fsiboot_table
; ds set to address fsiboot_table.load_name
; OUT: Jumps to fsiboot_table.error if error occurs:
; al = error condition letter
; Else:
; data_start (within partition) initialised
; load_seg => behind last loaded data
; fat_seg initialised (from bx)
; fat_sector initialised
; (-1 initially, loaded sector-in-FAT later)
; first_cluster initialised
; last_available_sector initialised
; (from input ax minus word [para_per_sector])
; adj_sectors_per_cluster initialised (from BPB)
; paras_left initialised
; Jumps to fsiboot_table.success if loaded entirely:
; dword [ss:sp] = first cluster
; Jumps to fsiboot_table.memory_full if loaded partially:
; al = error condition letter ('M')
; dword [ss:sp] = current cluster number
; dword [ss:sp + 4] = first cluster
mov word [VAR(fat_seg)], bx ; initialise => FAT buffer
sub ax, word [VAR(para_per_sector)]
jc .CY_fsiboot_error_badchain
push ax ; push into word [VAR(last_available_sector)]
mov bx, word [VAR(fsiboot_table.loadseg)]
mov word [VAR(load_seg)], bx ; initialise => load address
cmp ax, bx
jb .CY_fsiboot_error_badchain
; adjusted sectors per cluster (store in a word,
; and decode EDR-DOS's special value 0 meaning 256)
mov al, [VAR(sectors_per_cluster)]
dec ax
mov ah, 0
inc ax
push ax ; push into word [VAR(adj_sectors_per_cluster)]
dec ax ; ! ah = 0
mov al,[VAR(num_fats)] ; ! ah = 0, hence ax = number of FATs
push ax
mul word [VAR(sectors_per_fat_large)]
; ax = low word SpF*nF
; dx = high word
xchg bx, ax
xchg cx, dx
; cx:bx = first mul
pop ax
mul word [VAR(sectors_per_fat_large + 2)]
; ax = high word adjust
; dx = third word
test dx, dx
jnz .CY_fsiboot_error_badchain
; dx = zero
xchg dx, ax
; dx = high word adjust
; ax = zero
add dx, cx
jc .CY_fsiboot_error_badchain
; dx:bx = result
xchg ax, bx
; dx:ax = result
; bx = zero
add ax,[VAR(num_reserved_sectors)]
adc dx, bx ; bx is zero here
jc ..@CY_2_fsiboot_error_badchain
; first sector of disk data area:
mov [VAR(data_start)], ax
mov [VAR(data_start+2)], dx
mov di, -1
mov si, di
mov word [VAR(fat_sector + 2)], si
mov word [VAR(fat_sector + 0)], di
call dirsearch
call near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.writedirentry)]
; get starting cluster of file
push word [es:bx + deClusterHigh]
push word [es:bx + deClusterLow]
; check FAT+ size bits
test byte [es:bx + dePlusSize], 0E7h
; test whether bits 7-5 and 2-0 NZ
jnz .large_file ; yes, clamp to maximum paras -->
mov ax, [es:bx + deSize + 2]
mov bx, [es:bx + deSize]
; ax:bx = file size (non-FAT+)
mov cx, [VAR(bytes_per_sector)]
dec cx ; BpS - 1
add bx, cx
adc ax, 0 ; large ?
jc .large_file ; yes, clamp to maximum paras -->
not cx ; ~ (BpS - 1)
and bx, cx ; mask to limit to rounded-up sector
; (this also rounds up paragraphs)
mov cx, 4
shr ax, 1
rcr bx, 1
loop @B
; ax:bx = size in paragraphs
; bx = size in paragraphs if < 1_0000h
test ax, ax ; > 0FFFFh paras ?
jz @F ; no, take actual size -->
mov bx, 0FFFFh ; cx = clamp size to 0FFFFh paras
call check_enough.in_bx ; (CHG ax)
pop ax
pop dx ; dx:ax = first cluster
push bx ; push into word [VAR(paras_left)]
mov word [VAR(first_cluster + 0)], ax
mov word [VAR(first_cluster + 2)], dx
push dx
push ax ; remember cluster for later
call check_clust
jc ..@CY_3_fsiboot_error_badchain
push dx
push ax ; preserve cluster number for later
call clust_to_first_sector
; dx:ax = first sector of cluster
; cx = adjusted sectors per cluster
; xxx - this will always load an entire cluster (e.g. 64 sectors),
; even if the file is shorter than this
mov bx, [VAR(load_seg)] ; => where to read next sector
cmp bx, [VAR(last_available_sector)]
jbe @F
call check_enough
mov al, 'M' ; (! _MEMORY_CONTINUE: error code)
jmp near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.memory_full)]
call near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.read_sector)]
mov [VAR(load_seg)], bx ; => after last read data
mov bx, [VAR(para_per_sector)]
sub word [VAR(paras_left)], bx
jbe @F ; read enough -->
loop @BB
pop ax
pop dx
call clust_next
jnc next_load_cluster
inc ax
inc ax
test al, 8 ; set in 0FFF_FFF8h--0FFF_FFFFh,
; clear in 0, 1, and 0FFF_FFF7h
jz fsiboot_error_badchain
db __TEST_IMM16
pop bx
pop cx
call check_enough
jmp near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.success)]
mov ax, [VAR(root_cluster)]
mov dx, [VAR(root_cluster + 2)]
call check_clust
jc fsiboot_error_badchain
push dx
push ax
call clust_to_first_sector
; dx:ax = first sector of cluster
; cx = adjusted sectors per cluster
push cx
mov cx, [VAR(entries_per_sector)]
; Scan root directory for file. We don't bother to check for deleted
; entries (E5h) or entries that mark the end of the directory (00h).
mov bx, [VAR(fsiboot_table.dirbuf)]
call near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.read_sector)]
push di
xor di, di ; es:di-> first entry in this sector
test byte [es:di + deAttrib], ATTR_DIRECTORY | ATTR_VOLLABEL
jnz @F ; directory, label, or LFN entry --> (NZ)
push si
push di
push cx
mov si, [VAR(fsiboot_table.filename)]
; ds:si-> name to match
mov cx, 11 ; length of padded 8.3 FAT filename
repe cmpsb ; check entry
pop cx
pop di
pop si
@@: ; ZR = match, NZ = mismatch
je found_it ; found entry -->
lea di, [di + DIRENTRY_size]
loop next_ent ; count down sector's entries (jumps iff cx >0)
pop di
pop cx
loop next_root_sect
pop ax
pop dx
call clust_next
jnc next_root_clust
mov al, 'F'
db __TEST_IMM16
mov al, 'B'
jmp near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.error)]
; INP: dx:ax = cluster - 2 (0-based cluster)
; OUT: dx:ax = first sector of that cluster
; cx = adjusted sectors per cluster
; CHG: bx
mov cx, word [VAR(adj_sectors_per_cluster)]
push dx
mul cx
xchg bx, ax
pop ax
push dx
mul cx
test dx, dx
jnz fsiboot_error_badchain
xchg dx, ax
pop ax
add dx, ax
jc ..@CY_fsiboot_error_badchain
xchg ax, bx
add ax, [VAR(data_start)]
adc dx, [VAR(data_start + 2)]
jc fsiboot_error_badchain
; dx:ax = first sector in cluster
mov bx, [VAR(load_seg)]
; => behind last read sector
sub bx, word [VAR(fsiboot_table.loadseg)]
cmp bx, word [VAR(fsiboot_table.minpara)]
mov al, 'E'
jb fsiboot_error
; es:di -> dir entry in dir sector buffer
mov bx, di
pop di ; restore si:di = loaded FAT sector
pop cx ; (discard sectors per cluster counter)
pop cx
pop cx ; (discard current cluster number)
; es:bx -> dir entry
; INP: dx:ax = cluster (0-based)
; si:di = loaded FAT sector, -1 if none
; OUT: CY if no next cluster
; NC if next cluster found
; dx:ax = next cluster value (0-based)
; si:di = loaded FAT sector
; CHG: cx, bx, es
add ax, 2
adc dx, 0
add ax, ax
adc dx, dx
add ax, ax
adc dx, dx ; * 4 = byte offset into FAT (0--4000_0000h)
push ax
xchg ax, dx
xor dx, dx ; dx:ax = high word
div word [VAR(bytes_per_sector)]
xchg bx, ax ; bx = result high word, clobbers ax
pop ax ; dx = remainder, ax = low word
div word [VAR(bytes_per_sector)]
xchg dx, bx ; dx:ax = result, bx = remainder
; dx:ax = sector offset into FAT (0--200_0000h)
; bx = byte offset into FAT sector (0--8190)
cmp dx, si
jne @F ; read sector
cmp ax, di
je @FF ; sector is already buffered
mov si, dx
mov di, ax
mov word [VAR(fat_sector + 2)], dx
mov word [VAR(fat_sector + 0)], ax
push bx
add ax, [VAR(fat_start)]
adc dx, 0
mov bx, [VAR(fat_seg)]
call near word [VAR(fsiboot_table.read_sector)]
pop bx
mov es, [VAR(fat_seg)]
mov ax, [es:bx]
mov dx, [es:bx + 2]
; INP: dx:ax = cluster value, 2-based
; OUT: dx:ax -= 2 (makes it 0-based)
; CY iff invalid cluster
and dh, 0Fh
sub ax, 2
sbb dx, 0
cmp dx, 0FFFh
jb @F ; CY here means valid ...-
cmp ax, 0FFF7h - 2
@@: ; -... or if NC first, CY here also
cmc ; NC if valid
_fill 480 + 4 - 2,38,fsiboot
%assign num $-fsinfo_available
%warning FSINFO: num bytes still available.
; INP: si:di = loaded sector-in-FAT
; word [fsiboot_table.filename] -> 8.3 filename
; CHG: ax, cx, dx
; OUT: si:di updated, if so
; es:bx -> found directory entry
; jumps to error handler if an error occurs
; STT: stack variables as set up by main FSIBOOT entry
dw dirsearch
dd "rrAa"
dd -1 ; number of free clusters
dd -1 ; first free cluster
times 3 dd 0 ; FSINFO.reserved2
dd 0_AA55_0000h ; FSINFO.signature3
%if $ - fsiboot != 512
%error Wrong FSIBOOT layout