
151 lines
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:-@echo off
:- batch file to build everything
:- $Id$
@if not exist config.bat echo You must copy CONFIG.B to CONFIG.BAT and edit it to reflect your setup!
@if not exist config.bat goto end
@if not \%1 == \-r goto norebuild
call clobber
call config.bat
call getmake.bat
@set XERROR=
:* DONE with preferences - following is command line handling
:* options on the commandline overwrite your default settings
:* options handled ( case significant !! )
:* BUILD [fat32|fat16] [msc|wc|tc|tcpp] [86|186|386]
if \%1 == \ goto done_with_commandline
if %1 == fat32 set XFAT=32
if %1 == fat16 set XFAT=16
if %1 == msc set COMPILER=MSCL8
if %1 == wc set COMPILER=WATCOM
if %1 == tc set COMPILER=TC2
if %1 == tcpp set COMPILER=TURBOCPP
if %1 == 86 set XCPU=86
if %1 == 186 set XCPU=186
if %1 == 386 set XCPU=386
goto loop_commandline
if \%COMPILER% == \ echo you MUST define a COMPILER variable in CONFIG.BAT
if \%COMPILER% == \ goto end
@if not "%XLINK%" == "" goto link_set
@if \%COMPILER% == \TC2 set XLINK=%TC2_BASE%\tlink /m/c
@if \%COMPILER% == \TURBOCPP set XLINK=%TP1_BASE%\bin\tlink /m/c
@if \%COMPILER% == \TC3 set XLINK=%TC3_BASE%\bin\tlink /m/c
@if \%COMPILER% == \BC5 set XLINK=%BC5_BASE%\bin\tlink /m/c
@if \%COMPILER% == \WATCOM set XLINK=..\utils\wlinker /ma/nologo
@if \%COMPILER% == \MSCL8 set XLINK=%MS_BASE%\bin\link /ONERROR:NOEXE /ma /nologo
goto link_set
echo linker is %XLINK%
@if not "%XUPX%" == "" goto upx_set
@set XUPX=@rem
@set UPXOPT=
goto compile
@set UPXOPT=-U
:* finally - we are going to compile
cd utils
%MAKE% production
if errorlevel 1 goto abort
cd ..\lib
if errorlevel 1 goto abort
cd ..\drivers
%MAKE% production
if errorlevel 1 goto abort
cd ..\boot
%MAKE% production
if errorlevel 1 goto abort
cd ..\sys
%MAKE% production
if errorlevel 1 goto abort
cd ..\kernel
%MAKE% production
if errorlevel 1 goto abort
cd ..
:- if you like, put some finalizing commands (like copy to floppy)
:- into build2.bat
if exist build2.bat call build2
@goto end
cd ..
set XERROR=1
:***** cleanup ******
@echo off
@if "%OLDPATH%" == "" goto no_path_change
@set MAKE=
@set XCPU=
@set XFAT=
@set XLINK=
@set TC2_BASE=
@set TP1_BASE=
@set TC3_BASE=
@set BC5_BASE=
@set MS_BASE=
@set XNASM=
@set XERROR=
@set XUPX=
@set UPXOPT=