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/* */
/* portab.h */
/* */
/* DOS-C portability typedefs, etc. */
/* */
/* May 1, 1995 */
/* */
/* Copyright (c) 1995 */
/* Pasquale J. Villani */
/* All Rights Reserved */
/* */
/* This file is part of DOS-C. */
/* */
/* DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or */
/* modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License */
/* as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version */
/* 2, or (at your option) any later version. */
/* */
/* DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but */
/* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of */
/* the GNU General Public License for more details. */
/* */
/* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public */
/* License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not, */
/* write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, */
/* Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. */
#ifdef MAIN
static char *portab_hRcsId =
#include <limits.h>
/* */
/* Machine dependant portable types. Note that this section is */
/* used primarily for segmented architectures. Common types and */
/* types used relating to segmented operations are found here. */
/* */
/* Be aware that segmented architectures impose on linear */
/* architectures because they require special types to be used */
/* throught the code that must be reduced to empty preprocessor */
/* replacements in the linear machine. */
/* */
/* #ifdef <segmeted machine> */
/* # define FAR far */
/* # define NEAR near */
/* #endif */
/* */
/* #ifdef <linear machine> */
/* # define FAR */
/* # define NEAR */
/* #endif */
/* */
/* commandline overflow - removing -DI86 TE */
#if defined(__TURBOC__)
#define I86
#define CDECL cdecl
#if __TURBOC__ > 0x202
#if __TURBOC__ < 0x400 /* targeted to TC++ 1.0 which is 0x297 (3.1 is 0x410) */
#pragma warn -pia /* possibly incorrect assignment */
#pragma warn -sus /* suspicious pointer conversion */
* NOTE: The above enable TC++ to build the kernel, but it's not recommended
* for development. Use [Open]Watcom (the best!) or newer Borland compilers!
/* printf callers do the right thing for tc++ 1.01 but not tc 2.01 */
#define VA_CDECL
#define VA_CDECL cdecl
#define PASCAL pascal
void __int__(int);
#ifndef FORSYS
void __emit__(char, ...);
#define disable() __emit__(0xfa)
#define enable() __emit__(0xfb)
#elif defined (_MSC_VER)
#define I86
#define asm __asm
#pragma warning(disable: 4761) /* "integral size mismatch in argument;
conversion supplied" */
#define CDECL _cdecl
#define VA_CDECL
#define PASCAL pascal
#define __int__(intno) asm int intno;
#define disable() asm cli
#define enable() asm sti
#define _CS getCS()
static unsigned short __inline getCS(void)
asm mov ax, cs;
#define _SS getSS()
static unsigned short __inline getSS(void)
asm mov ax, ss;
#elif defined(__WATCOMC__) /* don't know a better way */
#define I86
#define __int__(intno) asm int intno;
void disable(void);
#pragma aux disable = "cli" modify exact [];
void enable(void);
#pragma aux enable = "sti" modify exact [];
#define asm __asm
#define far __far
#define CDECL __cdecl
#define VA_CDECL
#define PASCAL pascal
#define _CS getCS()
unsigned short getCS(void);
#pragma aux getCS = "mov dx,cs" value [dx] modify exact[dx];
#define _SS getSS()
unsigned short getSS(void);
#pragma aux getSS = "mov dx,ss" value [dx] modify exact[dx];
/* enable Possible loss of precision warning for compatibility with Borland */
#pragma enable_message(130)
#if !defined(FORSYS) && !defined(EXEFLAT) && _M_IX86 >= 300
#pragma aux default parm [ax dx cx] modify [ax dx es fs] /* min.unpacked size */
/* #pragma aux default parm [ax dx] modify [ax bx cx dx es fs]min.packed size */
#if _M_IX86 >= 300 || defined(M_I386)
#define I386
#elif defined (_MYMC68K_COMILER_)
#define MC68K
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
/* for warnings only ! */
#define MC68K
#error Unknown compiler
We might even deal with a pre-ANSI compiler. This will certainly not compile.
#ifdef I86
#if _M_IX86 >= 300 || defined(M_I386)
#define I386
#elif _M_IX86 >= 100 || defined(M_I286)
#define I186
#ifdef MC68K
#define far /* No far type */
#define interrupt /* No interrupt type */
#define VOID void
#define FAR /* linear architecture */
#define NEAR /* " " */
#define INRPT interrupt
#define REG register
#define API int /* linear architecture */
#define PARASIZE 4096 /* "paragraph" size */
#define CDECL
#define PASCAL
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define CONST const
#define PROTO
typedef __SIZE_TYPE__ size_t;
#define CONST
typedef unsigned size_t;
#ifdef I86
#define VOID void
#define FAR far /* segment architecture */
#define NEAR near /* " " */
#define INRPT interrupt
#define CONST const
#define REG register
#define API int far pascal /* segment architecture */
#define NATIVE
#define PARASIZE 16 /* "paragraph" size */
typedef unsigned size_t;
/* functions, that are shared between C and ASM _must_
have a certain calling standard. These are declared
as 'ASMCFUNC', and is (and will be ?-) cdecl */
/* */
/* Boolean type & definitions of TRUE and FALSE boolean values */
/* */
typedef int BOOL;
#define FALSE (1==0)
#define TRUE (1==1)
/* */
/* Common pointer types */
/* */
#ifndef NULL
#define NULL 0
/* */
/* Convienence defines */
/* */
#define FOREVER while(TRUE)
#ifndef max
#define max(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#ifndef min
#define min(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
/* */
/* Common byte, 16 bit and 32 bit types */
/* */
typedef char BYTE;
typedef short WORD;
typedef long DWORD;
typedef unsigned char UBYTE;
typedef unsigned short UWORD;
typedef unsigned long UDWORD;
typedef short SHORT;
typedef unsigned int BITS; /* for use in bit fields(!) */
typedef int COUNT;
typedef unsigned int UCOUNT;
typedef unsigned long ULONG;
#ifdef WITHFAT32
typedef unsigned long CLUSTER;
typedef unsigned short CLUSTER;
typedef unsigned short UNICODE;
#if defined(STATICS) || defined(__WATCOMC__)
#define STATIC static /* local calls inside module */
#define STATIC
#ifdef UNIX
typedef char FAR *ADDRESS;
typedef void FAR *ADDRESS;
#ifdef STRICT
typedef signed long LONG;
#define LONG long
typedef UWORD ofs_t;
typedef UWORD seg_t;
#define lonibble(v) (0x0f & (v))
#define hinibble(v) (0xf0 & (v))
#if CHAR_BIT == 8
# define lobyte(v) ((UBYTE)(v))
# define lobyte(v) ((UBYTE)(0xff & (v)))
#define hibyte(v) lobyte ((UWORD)(v) >> 8u)
# define loword(v) ((unsigned short)(v))
# define loword(v) (0xFFFF & (unsigned)(v))
#define hiword(v) loword ((v) >> 16u)
#define MK_UWORD(hib,lob) (((UWORD)(hib) << 8u) | (UBYTE)(lob))
#define MK_ULONG(hiw,low) (((ULONG)(hiw) << 16u) | (UWORD)(low))
/* General far pointer macros */
#ifdef I86
#ifndef MK_FP
#if defined __WATCOMC__
#define MK_FP(seg,ofs) (((UWORD)(seg)):>((VOID *)(ofs)))
#elif __TURBOC__ > 0x202
#define MK_FP(seg,ofs) ((void _seg *)(seg) + (void near *)(ofs))
#define MK_FP(seg,ofs) ((void FAR *)MK_ULONG(seg, ofs))
#define pokeb(seg, ofs, b) (*(unsigned char far *)MK_FP(seg,ofs) = (b))
#define poke(seg, ofs, w) (*(unsigned far *)MK_FP(seg,ofs) = (w))
#define pokew poke
#define pokel(seg, ofs, l) (*(unsigned long far *)MK_FP(seg,ofs) = (l))
#define peekb(seg, ofs) (*(unsigned char far *)MK_FP(seg,ofs))
#define peek(seg, ofs) (*(unsigned far *)MK_FP(seg,ofs))
#define peekw peek
#define peekl(seg, ofs) (*(unsigned long far *)MK_FP(seg,ofs))
#if __TURBOC__ > 0x202
#define FP_SEG(fp) ((unsigned)(void _seg *)(void far *)(fp))
#define FP_SEG(fp) hiword ((ULONG)(VOID FAR *)(fp))
#define FP_OFF(fp) loword (fp)
#ifdef MC68K
#define MK_FP(seg,ofs) ((VOID *)&(((BYTE *)(size_t)(seg))[ofs]))
#define FP_SEG(fp) 0
#define FP_OFF(fp) ((size_t)(fp))
typedef VOID (FAR ASMCFUNC * intvec) (void);
#define MK_PTR(type,seg,ofs) ((type FAR*) MK_FP (seg, ofs))
#if __TURBOC__ > 0x202
# define MK_SEG_PTR(type,seg) ((type _seg*) (seg))
# define _seg FAR
# define MK_SEG_PTR(type,seg) MK_PTR (type, seg, 0)
this suppresses the warning
unreferenced parameter 'x'
and (hopefully) generates no code
#define UNREFERENCED_PARAMETER(x) (void)(x)
#ifdef I86 /* commandline overflow - removing /DPROTO TE */
#define PROTO
typedef const char CStr[], *PCStr;
typedef char Str[], *PStr;
typedef const void *CVP;
typedef const void FAR *CVFP;
typedef void FAR *VFP;
#define LENGTH(x) (sizeof (x)/sizeof *(x))
#define ENDOF(x) ((x) + LENGTH (x))
/* (unsigned) modulo arithmetics trick: a<=b<=c equal to b-a<=c-a */
#define inrange(type,v,lo,hi) ((type)((v) - (lo)) <= (type)((hi) - (lo)))
#define _isdigit(c) inrange(UBYTE, c, '0', '9')
#define _islower(c) inrange(UBYTE, c, 'a', 'z')
#define _isupper(c) inrange(UBYTE, c, 'A', 'Z')
/* Fast ASCII tolower/toupper */
#define _fast_lower(ch) ((ch) | 0x20)
#define _fast_dolower(var) ((var) |= 0x20)
#define _fast_upper(ch) ((ch) & ~0x20)
#define _fast_doupper(var) ((var) &= ~0x20)