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2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
; File:
; oemboot.asm
; 2004, Kenneth J. Davis
; Copyright (c) 200?, <add name here>
; Description:
; OEM boot sector for FreeDOS compatible with IBM's (R) PC-DOS,
; and Microsoft's (R) MS-DOS. It may work with older OpenDOS/DR-DOS,
; although the standard FreeDOS boot sector is needed with ver 7+
; releases. May work with other versions of DOS that use
; IBMBIO.COM/IBMDOS.COM pair. This boot sector loads only up
; to 58 sectors (29KB) of the kernel (IBMBIO.COM) to 0x70:0 then
; jumps to it. As best I can tell, PC-DOS (and MS-DOS up to version
; 6.xx behaves similar) expects on entry for:
; ch = media id byte in the boot sector
; dl = BIOS drive booted from (0x00=A:, 0x80=C:, ...)
; ax:bx = the starting (LBA) sector of cluster 2 (ie the 1st
; data sector, which is 0x0000:0021 for FAT12)
; ?note? IBMBIO.COM/IO.SYS may use ax:bx and cluster # stored
; elsewhere (perhaps dir entry still at 0x50:0) to determine
; starting sector for full loading of kernel file.
; it also expects the boot sector (in particular the BPB)
; to still be at 0x0:7C00, the directory entry for IBMBIO.COM
; (generally first entry of first sector of the root directory)
; at 0x50:0 (DOS Data Area). The original boot sector may update
; the floppy disk parameter table (int 1Eh), but we don't so
; may fail for any systems where the changes (???) are needed.
; If the above conditions are not met, then IBMBIO.COM will
; print the not a bootable disk error message.
; For MS-DOS >= 7 (ie Win9x DOS) the following conditions
; must be met:
; bp = 0x7C00, ie offset boot sector loaded at
; [bp-4] = the starting (LBA) sector of cluster 2 (ie the 1st
; data sector [this is the same as ax:bx for earlier versions
; and dx:ax in Win9x boot sector]
; The starting cluster of the kernel file is stored in
; di for FAT 12/16 (where si is a don't care) and si:di
; for FAT 32.
; The values for ax,bx,cx,dx,ds and the stack do not
; seem to be important (used by IO.SYS) and so may be any value
; (though dx:ax=[data_start], cx=0, bx=0x0f00 on FAT12 or
; 0x0700 on FAT32, ds=0, ss:sp=0:7b??)
; the boot time stack may store the original int1E floppy
; parameter table, otherwise nothing else important seems
; stored there and I am unsure if even this value is used
; beyond boot sector code.
; This boot sector only supports FAT12/FAT16 as PC-DOS
; does not support FAT32 and newer FAT32 capable DOSes
; probably have different boot requirements; also do NOT
; use it to boot the FreeDOS kernel as it expects to be
; fully loaded by boot sector (> 29KB & usually to 0x60:0).
; WARNING: PC-DOS has additional requirements, in particular,
; it may expect that IBMBIO.COM and IBMDOS.COM be the 1st
; two entries in the root directory (even before the label)
; and that they occupy the 1st consecutive data sectors.
; Newer releases may support other positions, but still
; generally should occupy consecutive sectors. These conditions
; can usually be met by running sys on a freshly formatted
; and un-label'd disk.
; Derived From:
; boot.asm
; DOS-C boot
; Copyright (c) 1997, 2000-2004
; Svante Frey, Jim Hall, Jim Tabor, Bart Oldeman,
; Tom Ehlert, Eric Auer, Luchezar Georgiev, Jon Gentle
; and Michal H. Tyc (DR-DOS adaptation, boot26dr.asm)
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of FreeDOS.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
; +--------+
; | LIST |
; |--------| 0000:7F00
; |LBA PKT |
; |--------| 0000:7E00 (0:BP+200)
; |BOOT SEC| contains BPB
; |--------| 0000:7C00 (0:BP)
; |VARS | only known is 1st data sector (start of cluster 2)
; |--------| 0000:7BFC (DS:[BP-4])
; |STACK | minimal 256 bytes (1/2 sector)
; |- - - - |
; |KERNEL | kernel loaded here (max 58 sectors, 29KB)
; |LOADED | also used as FAT buffer
; |--------| 0070:0000 (0:0700)
; |DOS DA/ | DOS Data Area,
; |ROOT DIR| during boot contains directory entries
; |--------| 0000:0500
; |BDA | BIOS Data Area
; +--------+ 0000:0400
; |IVT | Interrupt Vector Table
; +--------+ 0000:0000
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
; NOTE: sys must be updated if magic offsets change
%assign ISFAT1216DUAL 1
%include "magic.mac"
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
CPU 8086 ; enable assembler warnings to limit instruction set
;%define ISFAT12 1 ; only 1 of these should be set,
;%define ISFAT16 1 ; defines which FAT is supported
%define TRYLBAREAD 1 ; undefine to use only CHS int 13h
%define SETROOTDIR 1 ; if defined dir entry copied to 0:500
%define LOOPONERR 1 ; if defined on error simply loop forever
;%define RETRYALWAYS 1 ; if defined retries read forever
;%define WINBOOT 1 ; use win9x kernel calling conventions (name & jmp addr)
;%define MSCOMPAT 1 ; sets default filename to MSDOS IO.SYS
%ifdef WINBOOT ; if set also change from PC-DOS to
%ifndef MSCOMPAT ; kernel name to MS-DOS kernel name
%define MSCOMPAT
segment .text
%define BASE 0x7c00 ; boot sector originally at 0x0:BASE
%define LOADSEG 0x0070 ; segment to load kernel at LOADSEG:0
%define LOADEND 0x07b0 ; limit reads to below this segment
; LOADSEG+29KB, else data overwritten
%define FATBUF bp-0x7500 ; offset of temporary buffer for FAT
; chain 0:FATBUF = 0:0700 = LOADSEG:0
%define ROOTDIR 0x7C00-0x7700 ; offset to buffer for root directory
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
; entry of kernel 0:ROOTDIR
%define CLUSTLIST bp+0x0300 ; zero terminated list of clusters
; that the kernel occupies
; Some extra variables
; using bp-Entry+variable_name generates smaller code than using just
; variable_name, where bp is initialized to Entry, so bp-Entry equals 0
%define LBA_PACKET bp+0x0200 ; immediately after boot sector
%define LBA_SIZE word [LBA_PACKET] ; size of packet, should be 10h
%define LBA_SECNUM word [LBA_PACKET+2] ; number of sectors to read
%define LBA_OFF LBA_PACKET+4 ; buffer to read/write to
%define LBA_SECTOR_0 word [LBA_PACKET+8 ] ; LBA starting sector #
%define LBA_SECTOR_16 word [LBA_PACKET+10]
%define LBA_SECTOR_32 word [LBA_PACKET+12]
%define LBA_SECTOR_48 word [LBA_PACKET+14]
%define PARAMS LBA_PACKET+0x10
;%define RootDirSecs PARAMS+0x0 ; # of sectors root dir uses
%define fat_start PARAMS+0x2 ; first FAT sector
;%define root_dir_start PARAMS+0x6 ; first root directory sector
%define first_cluster PARAMS+0x0a ; starting cluster of kernel file
%define data_start bp-4 ; first data sector (win9x expects here)
org BASE
Entry: jmp short real_start
; bp is initialized to 7c00h
%define bsOemName bp+0x03 ; OEM label
%define bsBytesPerSec bp+0x0b ; bytes/sector
%define bsSecPerClust bp+0x0d ; sectors/allocation unit
%define bsResSectors bp+0x0e ; # reserved sectors
%define bsFATs bp+0x10 ; # of fats
%define bsRootDirEnts bp+0x11 ; # of root dir entries
%define bsSectors bp+0x13 ; # sectors total in image
%define bsMedia bp+0x15 ; media descrip: fd=2side9sec, etc...
%define sectPerFat bp+0x16 ; # sectors in a fat
%define sectPerTrack bp+0x18 ; # sectors/track
%define nHeads bp+0x1a ; # heads
%define nHidden bp+0x1c ; # hidden sectors
%define nSectorHuge bp+0x20 ; # sectors if > 65536
%define drive bp+0x24 ; drive number
%define extBoot bp+0x26 ; extended boot signature
%define volid bp+0x27
%define vollabel bp+0x2b
%define filesys bp+0x36
; times 0x3E-$+$$ db 0
; Instead of zero-fill,
; initialize BPB with values suitable for a 1440 K floppy
db 'IBM 5.0' ; OEM label
dw 512 ; bytes per sector
db 1 ; sectors per cluster
dw 1 ; reserved sectors
db 2 ; number of FATs
dw 224 ; root directory entries
dw 80 * 36 ; total sectors on disk
db 0xF0 ; media descriptor
dw 9 ; sectors per 1 FAT copy
dw 18 ; sectors per track
dw 2 ; number of heads
dd 0 ; hidden sectors
dd 0 ; big total sectors
db 0 ; boot unit
db 0 ; reserved
db 0x29 ; extended boot record id
dd 0x12345678 ; volume serial number
db 'NO NAME '; volume label
times 36h - ($ - $$) db 0
; The filesystem ID is used by lDOS's instsect (by ecm)
; by default to validate that the filesystem matches.
%ifdef ISFAT12
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
%define FATFS "FAT12"
%ifdef ISFAT16
%error Must select one FS
%elifdef ISFAT16
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
%define FATFS "FAT16"
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
%define FATFS "unknown"
%error Must select one FS
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
db FATFS ; filesystem id
times 3Eh - ($ - $$) db 32
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
cli ; disable interrupts until stack ready
cld ; all string operations increment
xor ax, ax ; ensure our segment registers ready
mov ds, ax ; cs=ds=es=ss=0x0000
mov es, ax
mov ss, ax
mov bp, BASE
lea sp, [bp-4] ; for DOS <7 this may be [bp]
; For compatibility, diskette parameter vector updated.
; lea di [bp+0x3E] ; use 7c3e([bp+3e]) for PC-DOS,
; ;lea di [bp] ; but 7c00([bp]) for DR-DOS 7 bug
; mov bx, 4 * 1eh ; stored at int 1E's vector
; lds si, [bx] ; fetch current int 1eh pointer
; push ds ; store original 1eh pointer at stack top
; push si ; so can restore later if needed
; Copy table to new location
; mov cl, 11 ; the parameter table is 11 bytes
; rep movsb ; and copy the parameter block
; mov ds, ax ; restore DS
; Note: make desired changes to table here
; Update int1E to new location
; mov [bx+2], 0 ; set to 0:bp or 0:bp+3e as appropriate
; mov word [bx], 0x7c3e ; (use 0x7c00 for DR-DOS)
sti ; enable interrupts
; If updated floppy parameter table then must notify BIOS
; Otherwise a reset should not be needed here.
; int 0x13 ; reset drive (AX=0)
; Note: some BIOS implementations may not correctly pass drive number
; in DL, however we work around this in SYS.COM by NOP'ing out the use of DL
; (formerly we checked for [drive]==0xff; update sys.c if code moves)
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
magicoffset "set unit", 4Fh, 4Fh
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
mov [drive], dl ; rely on BIOS drive number in DL
; GETDRIVEPARMS: Calculate start of some disk areas.
mov si, word [nHidden]
mov di, word [nHidden+2]
add si, word [bsResSectors]
adc di, byte 0 ; DI:SI = first FAT sector
mov word [fat_start], si
mov word [fat_start+2], di
mov al, [bsFATs]
mul word [sectPerFat] ; DX:AX = total number of FAT sectors
add si, ax
adc di, dx ; DI:SI = first root directory sector
push di ; mov word [root_dir_start+2], di
push si ; mov word [root_dir_start], si
; Calculate how many sectors the root directory occupies.
mov bx, [bsBytesPerSec]
mov cl, 5 ; divide BX by 32
shr bx, cl ; BX = directory entries per sector
mov ax, [bsRootDirEnts]
xor dx, dx
div bx ; set AX = sectors per root directory
push ax ; mov word [RootDirSecs], ax
add si, ax
adc di, byte 0 ; DI:SI = first data sector
mov [data_start], si
mov [data_start+2], di
; FINDFILE: Searches for the file in the root directory.
; Returns:
; AX = first cluster of file
; First, read the root directory into buffer.
; into the temporary buffer. (max 29KB or overruns stuff)
pop di ; mov di, word [RootDirSecs]
pop ax ; mov ax, word [root_dir_start]
pop dx ; mov dx, word [root_dir_start+2]
mov bx, ROOTDIR ; es:bx = 0:0500
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
push es ; save pointer to ROOTDIR
call readDisk
pop es ; restore pointer to ROOTDIR
mov si, ROOTDIR ; ds:si = 0:0500
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
; Search for kernel file name, and find start cluster.
next_entry: mov cx, 11
mov di, filename
push si
repe cmpsb
pop si
mov ax, [si+0x1A]; get cluster number from directory entry
je ffDone
add si, byte 0x20 ; go to next directory entry
jc boot_error ; fail if not found and si wraps
cmp byte [si], 0 ; if the first byte of the name is 0,
jnz next_entry ; there are no more files in the directory
jmp boot_error
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
mov [first_cluster], ax ; store first cluster number
; copy over this portion of root dir to 0x0:500 for PC-DOS
; (this may allow IBMBIO.COM to start in any directory entry)
mov di, ROOTDIR ; es:di = 0:0500
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
mov cx, 32 ; limit to this 1 entry (rest don't matter)
rep movsw
; Reads the FAT chain and stores it in a temporary buffer in the first
; 64 kb. The FAT chain is stored an array of 16-bit cluster numbers,
; ending with 0.
; The file must fit in conventional memory, so it can't be larger than
; 640 kb. The sector size must be at least 512 bytes, so the FAT chain
; can't be larger than 2.5 KB (655360 / 512 * 2 = 2560).
; Call with: AX = first cluster in chain
; Load the complete FAT into memory. The FAT can't be larger
; than 128 kb
lea bx, [FATBUF] ; es:bx = 0:0700
mov di, [sectPerFat]
mov ax, word [fat_start]
mov dx, word [fat_start+2]
call readDisk
; Set ES:DI to the temporary storage for the FAT chain.
push ds
pop es
lea di, [CLUSTLIST]
; Set DS:0 to FAT data we loaded
mov ax, LOADSEG
mov ds, ax ; ds:0 = 0x70:0 = 0:FATBUF
mov ax, [first_cluster] ; restore first cluster number
push ds ; store LOADSEG
next_clust: stosw ; store cluster number
mov si, ax ; SI = cluster number
%ifdef ISFAT12
; This is a FAT-12 disk.
fat_12: add si, si ; multiply cluster number by 3...
add si, ax
shr si, 1 ; ...and divide by 2
; If the cluster number was even, the cluster value is now in
; bits 0-11 of AX. If the cluster number was odd, the cluster
; value is in bits 4-15, and must be shifted right 4 bits. If
; the number was odd, CF was set in the last shift instruction.
mov cl, 4 ; always initialise shift counter
jc fat_odd ; is odd, only shift down -->
shl ax, cl ; shift up (effectively masks off
; the highest 4 bits)
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
shr ax, cl
cmp ax, 0x0ff8 ; check for EOF
jb next_clust ; continue if not EOF
%ifdef ISFAT16
; This is a FAT-16 disk. The maximal size of a 16-bit FAT
; is 128 kb, so it may not fit within a single 64 kb segment.
fat_16: mov dx, LOADSEG
add si, si ; multiply cluster number by two
jnc first_half ; if overflow...
add dh, 0x10 ; ...add 64 kb to segment value
first_half: mov ds, dx ; DS:SI = pointer to next cluster
lodsw ; AX = next cluster
cmp ax, 0xfff8 ; >= FFF8 = 16-bit EOF
jb next_clust ; continue if not EOF
finished: ; Mark end of FAT chain with 0, so we have a single
; EOF marker for both FAT-12 and FAT-16 systems.
xor ax, ax
push cs
pop ds
; loadFile: Loads the file into memory, one cluster at a time.
pop es ; set ES:BX to load address 70:0
xor bx, bx
lea si, [CLUSTLIST] ; set DS:SI to the FAT chain
cluster_next: lodsw ; AX = next cluster to read
or ax, ax ; EOF?
jne load_next ; no, continue
; dl set to drive by readDisk
mov ch, [bsMedia] ; ch set to media id
mov ax, [data_start+2] ; ax:bx set to 1st data sector
mov bx, [data_start] ;
mov di, [first_cluster] ; set di (si:di on FAT32) to starting cluster #
%ifdef WINBOOT
jmp LOADSEG:0x0200 ; yes, pass control to kernel
jmp LOADSEG:0000 ; yes, pass control to kernel
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
magicoffset "load jump ofs", 11Ah, 118h, -4
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
; failed to boot
call show
; db "Error! Hit a key to reboot.",0
db "):",0
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
jmp $
; Note: should restore floppy paramater table address at int 0x1E
xor ah,ah
int 0x13 ; reset floppy
int 0x16 ; wait for a key
int 0x19 ; reboot the machine
load_next: dec ax ; cluster numbers start with 2
dec ax
mov di, word [bsSecPerClust]
dec di ; minus one if 256 spc
and di, 0xff ; DI = sectors per cluster - 1
inc di ; = spc
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
mul di
add ax, [data_start]
adc dx, [data_start+2] ; DX:AX = first sector to read
call readDisk
jmp short cluster_next
; shows text after the call to this function.
mov ah, 0Eh ; show character
int 10h ; via "TTY" mode
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
show: pop si
lodsb ; get character
push si ; stack up potential return address
cmp al, 0 ; end of string?
jne .do_show ; until done
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
; readDisk: Reads a number of sectors into memory.
; Call with: DX:AX = 32-bit DOS sector number
; DI = number of sectors to read
; ES:BX = destination buffer
; Returns: CF set on error
; ES:BX points one byte after the last byte read.
; Exits early if LBA_SEG == LOADEND.
readDisk: push si ; preserve cluster #
mov LBA_SECTOR_0,ax
mov LBA_SECTOR_16,dx
mov word [LBA_SEG], es
mov word [LBA_OFF], bx
call show
db ".",0
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
; initialize constants
mov LBA_SIZE, 10h ; LBA packet is 16 bytes
mov LBA_SECNUM,1 ; reset LBA count if error
; limit kernel loading to 29KB, preventing stack & boot sector being overwritten
cmp word [LBA_SEG], LOADEND ; skip reading if past the end
je read_skip ; of kernel file buffer
;******************** LBA_READ *******************************
; check for LBA support
mov ah,041h ;
mov bx,055aah ;
mov dl, [drive] ; BIOS drive, 0=A:, 80=C:
test dl,dl ; don't use LBA addressing on A:
jz read_normal_BIOS ; might be a (buggy)
; CDROM-BOOT floppy emulation
int 0x13
jc read_normal_BIOS
shr cx,1 ; CX must have 1 bit set
sbb bx,0aa55h - 1 ; tests for carry (from shr) too!
jne read_normal_BIOS
; OK, drive seems to support LBA addressing
lea si,[LBA_PACKET]
; setup LBA disk block
mov LBA_SECTOR_32,bx ; bx is 0 if extended 13h mode supported
mov LBA_SECTOR_48,bx
mov ah,042h
jmp short do_int13_read
;******************** END OF LBA_READ ************************
mov cx, LBA_SECTOR_0
mov dx, LBA_SECTOR_16
; translate sector number to BIOS parameters
; abs = sector offset in track
; + head * sectPerTrack offset in cylinder
; + track * sectPerTrack * nHeads offset in platter
mov al, [sectPerTrack]
mul byte [nHeads]
xchg ax, cx
; cx = nHeads * sectPerTrack <= 255*63
; dx:ax = abs
div cx
; ax = track, dx = sector + head * sectPertrack
xchg ax, dx
; dx = track, ax = sector + head * sectPertrack
div byte [sectPerTrack]
; dx = track, al = head, ah = sector
mov cx, dx
; cx = track, al = head, ah = sector
; the following manipulations are necessary in order to
; properly place parameters into registers.
; ch = cylinder number low 8 bits
; cl = 7-6: cylinder high two bits
; 5-0: sector
mov dh, al ; save head into dh for bios
xchg ch, cl ; set cyl no low 8 bits
ror cl, 1 ; move track high bits into
ror cl, 1 ; bits 7-6 (assumes top = 0)
or cl, ah ; merge sector into cylinder
inc cx ; make sector 1-based (1-63)
les bx,[LBA_OFF]
mov ax, 0x0201
mov dl, [drive]
int 0x13
jnc read_ok ; jump if no error
xor ah, ah ; else, reset floppy
int 0x13
jmp short read_next ; read the same sector again
jc boot_error ; exit on error
mov ax, word [bsBytesPerSec]
mov cl, 4 ; adjust segment pointer by increasing
shr ax, cl
add word [LBA_SEG], ax ; by paragraphs read in (per sector)
add LBA_SECTOR_0, byte 1
adc LBA_SECTOR_16, byte 0 ; DX:AX = next sector to read
dec di ; if there is anything left to read,
jnz read_next_chained ; continue
jnz read_next ; continue
mov es, word [LBA_SEG] ; load adjusted segment value
; clear carry: unnecessary since adc clears it
pop si
times 0x01f1-$+$$ db 0
2024-02-07 00:39:37 +01:00
magicoffset "kernel name", 1F1h, 1F1h
2012-10-15 02:08:06 +02:00
filename db "IO SYS"
filename db "IBMBIO COM"
db 0,0
sign dw 0xAA55