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Support extended keyboards in console.asm
git-svn-id: https://svn.code.sf.net/p/freedos/svn/kernel/trunk@602 6ac86273-5f31-0410-b378-82cca8765d1b
This commit is contained in:
@ -15,6 +15,7 @@
config.sys parser.
* distinguish between the builtin DOS version and the settable
DOS version.
* console.asm now accepts extended scancodes (modified by Bart)
+ Changes Bart
* flip some slashes in drivers/*.asm
(enables cross-assembly on Linux)
@ -35,7 +35,7 @@ segment _IO_FIXED_DATA
global ConTable
ConTable db 0Ah
dw _IOExit
dw ConInit
dw _IOExit
dw _IOExit
dw _IOCommandError
@ -47,13 +47,41 @@ ConTable db 0Ah
dw ConWrite
dw _IOExit
PRT_SCREEN equ 7200h
CTL_PRT_SCREEN equ 7200h
CTL_P equ 10h
segment _LOWTEXT
uScanCode db 0 ; Scan code for con: device
kbdType db 0 ; 00 for 84key, 10h for 102key
; (taken from nansi.sys)
global ConInit
; Jam special test code into keyboard buffer
mov ah,5
mov cx,0ffffh
int 16h
; Try to read special test code from keyboard buffer
mov cx, 10h
; Get keystroke using extended keyboard read
mov ah, 10h
int 16h
; Is it our special test code?
cmp ax, 0ffffh
; Yes; Set flag saying that the extended keyboard BIOS is supported
je kbdExtended
loop kbdLoop
jmp short kbdSimple
mov byte[cs:kbdType],10h
jmp _IOExit
; Name:
; ConRead
@ -87,8 +115,9 @@ ConRead2:
; Description:
; This subroutine reads a character from the keyboard. It also handles
; a couple of special functions. It converts the print screen key to
; a control-P. It also accounts for extended scan codes by saving off
; a couple of special functions.
; It converts ctrl-printscreen to a control-P.
; It also accounts for extended scan codes by saving off
; the high byte of the return and returning it if it was non-zero on
; the previous read.
@ -96,12 +125,15 @@ ConRead2:
xor ax,ax ; Zero the scratch register
xchg [cs:uScanCode],al ; and swap with scan code
; now AL is set if previous key was extended,
; and previous is erased in any case
or al,al ; Test to see if it was set
jnz KbdRdRtn ; Exit if it was, returning it
mov ah, [cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; get keybd char in al, ah=scan
or ax,ax ; Zero ?
jz KbdRdChar ; Loop if it is
cmp ax,PRT_SCREEN ; Print screen?
cmp ax,CTL_PRT_SCREEN ; Ctrl-Print screen?
jne KbdRd1 ; Nope, keep going
mov al,CTL_P ; Yep, make it ^P
@ -114,26 +146,31 @@ KbdRdRtn:
global CommonNdRdExit
CommonNdRdExit: ; *** tell if key waiting and return its ASCII if yes
mov al,[cs:uScanCode] ; Test for last scan code
; now AL is set if previous key was extended,
or al,al ; Was it zero ?
jnz ConNdRd2 ; Jump if there's a char waiting
mov ah,1
add ah,[cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; Get status, if zf=0 al=char
jz ConNdRd4 ; Jump if no char available
or ax,ax ; Zero ?
jnz ConNdRd1 ; Jump if not zero
mov ah,[cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; get status, if zf=0 al=char
jmp short CommonNdRdExit
; if char was there but 0, fetch and retry...
; (why do we check uScanCode here?)
cmp ax,PRT_SCREEN ; Was print screen key pressed?
cmp ax,CTL_PRT_SCREEN ; Was ctl+prntscrn key pressed?
jne ConNdRd2 ; Jump if not
mov al,CTL_P
lds bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr] ; Set the status
mov [bx+0Dh],al
mov [bx+0Dh],al ; return the ASCII of that key
jmp _IOExit
@ -144,21 +181,28 @@ ConNdRd4:
global ConInpFlush
call KbdInpChar
jmp _IOExit
ConInpFlush: ; *** flush that keyboard queue
call KbdInpChar ; get all available keys
jmp _IOExit ; do not even remember the last one
mov byte [cs:uScanCode],0
KbdInpChar: ; *** get ??00 or the last waiting key after flushing the queue
xor ax,ax
mov byte [cs:uScanCode],al
mov ah,1
add ah,[cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; get status, if zf=0 al=char
jz KbdInpRtn ; Jump if zero
xor ah,ah ; Zero register
jz KbdInpRtnZero ; Jump if zero
; returns 0 or the last key that was waiting in AL
mov ah,[cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; get keybd char in al, ah=scan
jmp short KbdInpCh1
; just read any key that is waiting, then check if
; more keys are waiting. if not, return AL of this
; key (which is its ASCII). AH (scan) discarded!
KbdInpRtnZero: mov ah,1 ; if anybody wants "1 if no key was waiting"!
@ -221,26 +265,32 @@ _int29_handler:
global ConInStat
mov ah,0 ; just in case ...
mov al,[cs:uScanCode] ; Test for last scan code
or al,al ; Was it zero ?
jnz ConCharReady ; Jump if there's a char waiting
; return previously cached ext char if any
mov ah,1
add ah,[cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; get status, if zf=0 al=char
jz ConNoChar ; Jump if zero
; if no key waiting, return AL=0 / "none waiting"
or ax,ax ; Zero ?
jnz ConIS1 ; Jump if not zero
; if non-zero key waiting, take it
mov ah,[cs:kbdType]
int 16h ; get status, if zf=0 al=char
jmp short ConInStat
; if zero key was waiting, fetch 2nd part etc. (???)
cmp ax,PRT_SCREEN ; Was print screen key pressed?
cmp ax,CTL_PRT_SCREEN ; Was ctl+prntscrn key pressed?
jne ConIS2 ; Jump if not
mov al,CTL_P
lds bx,[cs:_ReqPktPtr] ; Set the status
mov [bx+0Dh],al
mov [bx+0Dh],al ; return the ASCII of the key
jmp _IOExit ; key ready (busy=0)
Reference in New Issue