mirror of https://github.com/FDOS/kernel.git
update lmacros from hg 99b01fa65007
From https://hg.pushbx.org/ecm/lmacros/file/99b01fa65007
This commit is contained in:
@ -131,6 +131,11 @@ Intended for 86 Mode programs.
%xdefine _7digitshex(h) _1digitshex((h)>>24),_6digitshex_nocheck(h)
%xdefine _8digitshex(h) _1digitshex((h)>>28),_7digitshex_nocheck(h)
%xdefine _5digitssephex(h) _1digitshex((h)>>16),"_",_4digitshex_nocheck(h)
%xdefine _6digitssephex(h) _2digitshex((h)>>16),"_",_4digitshex_nocheck(h)
%xdefine _7digitssephex(h) _3digitshex((h)>>16),"_",_4digitshex_nocheck(h)
%xdefine _8digitssephex(h) _4digitshex((h)>>16),"_",_4digitshex_nocheck(h)
%macro _appenddigitstrdef 2.nolist
%substr %%ii "0123456789ABCDEF" (%2) + 1
@ -125,6 +125,9 @@ Intended for 86 Mode programs.
%fatal Invalid frame type specified: %1
%ifdef %$parofs
%assign %$alignofs %$parofs + %$base_size
%assign %$pars_size 0
%assign %$pars_return_size 0
%define %$parlist
@ -331,6 +334,48 @@ __lvar_list_label %2
%fatal Must use lframe first
__lvar_define_var %2, %1
; Define an alignment variable.
; %1 What boundary to align to. Default is 16.
; %2 Space to add to align. Default is 0.
; It is assumed that the call instruction that
; called the current function had the stack
; aligned to at least the same boundary.
; The second parameter specifies the size of
; any parameters that we want to push before
; doing a call next. The alignment is chosen
; so that the call instruction will get the
; aligned stack.
; Sets %$alignment to the size of the variable
; defined for aligning, 0 if none. If not 0,
; the variable ?align_X_Y is defined where X
; is a decimal number indicating the size of
; all prior variables plus r/e/bp on stack
; plus the size set for the frame type, and
; Y is the decimal number of the %2 parameter.
; This can only be used if the lframe had a
; frame type other than "none".
; If a variable is defined then lreserve or
; another space reservation method must be
; used to actually allocate space for the
; created variable and thus align the stack.
%imacro lalign 0-2.nolist 16, 0
%ifctx LENTER
%elifnctx LFRAME
%fatal Must use lframe first
%ifndef %$parofs
%fatal Specified no frame type with lframe
%assign %$alignbase %$alignofs - %$ofs
%assign %$alignadjust %2
%assign %$alignment (%1 - ((%$alignbase + %$alignadjust) % %1)) % %1
%if %$alignment
lvar %$alignment, align_ %+ %$alignbase %+ _ %+ %$alignadjust
; Create a defined stack frame.
@ -110,8 +110,10 @@ Intended for 86 Mode programs.
%error Section %1 not yet added
%if %2
[section %1]
%xdefine _CURRENT_SECTION %1
section %1
@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
%include "lmacros2.mac"
%ifdef _MAP
[map symbols brief _MAP]
cpu 8086
org 100h
and sp, ~15
call fun
mov word [first], ax
sub sp, 16 - 4
mov cx, 3
mov dx, 4
push cx
push dx
call fun2
pop ax
mov word [fifth], ax
mov ax, 4C00h
int 21h
lframe near
lvar word, foo
lalign 16
%ifn %$alignment
%error Should need alignment
%if %$alignment != 10
%error Should need 10-byte alignment
lalign 16
%if %$alignment
%error Should not need alignment
lalign 8
%if %$alignment
%error Should not need alignment
mov ax, 1
test sp, 15
jz @F
neg ax
lframe near
lpar word, gamma
lpar word, delta
mov ax, [bp + ?gamma]
mov word [third], ax
mov ax, [bp + ?delta]
mov word [fourth], ax
mov word [bp + ?gamma], 5
lalign 16
%ifn %$alignment
%error Should need alignment
%if %$alignment != 12
%error Should need 12-byte alignment
call fun
mov word [second], ax
align 256
first: dw 0
second: dw 0
third: dw 0
fourth: dw 0
fifth: dw 0
Reference in New Issue