diff --git a/boot/boot.asm b/boot/boot.asm index 1638133..387e28f 100644 --- a/boot/boot.asm +++ b/boot/boot.asm @@ -459,7 +459,8 @@ read_next: ; of the ISFATx defines. %endif %if ($ - Entry) != LBA_TEST_OFFSET - %error Must update constant offset (LBA_TEST_OFFSET) to test dl,dl here and in sys.c for FATFS + %assign NEWOFFSET $ - Entry + %error Magic offset to LBA detection changed for FATFS, old=LBA_TEST_OFFSET, new=NEWOFFSET %endif test dl,dl ; don't use LBA addressing on A: jz read_normal_BIOS ; might be a (buggy)