assembly glue to wrap misc interrupts with C handler

git-svn-id: 6ac86273-5f31-0410-b378-82cca8765d1b
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Kenneth J Davis 2005-11-20 16:57:35 +00:00
parent b4d8701d5c
commit fb6e86f388
1 changed files with 161 additions and 0 deletions

kernel/intwrap.asm Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
; File:
; intwrap.asm
; Description:
; support for hooking misc interrupts
; BIOS disk interrupt support code
; warm boot support code
; Copyright (c) 2005
; Pasquale J. Villani
; All Rights Reserved
; This file is part of DOS-C.
; DOS-C is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
; as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version
; 2, or (at your option) any later version.
; DOS-C is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
; WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
; the GNU General Public License for more details.
; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public
; License along with DOS-C; see the file COPYING. If not,
; write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave,
; Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
%include ""
%include ""
segment HMA_TEXT
extern _DGROUP_
; defined in kernel.asm
extern _UserInt13 ; actual BIOS int13 disk handler used by kernel
extern _BIOSInt19 ; original int19 (reboot)
; receives int 13h request, invokes original handler,
; but passes to C routine in inthndr.c on error
; this lets successful calls proceed with minimal overhead
; while allowing us to handle errors, store disk change, ...
global reloc_call_int13_handler
cli ; disable other interrupts for now
stc ; force error unless BIOS clears
push dx ; store BIOS drive # for error handling usage
push ds ; get segment of kernel DATA
mov ds, [cs:_DGROUP_]
pushf ; simulate int call so returns back here (flags+cs:ip on stack)
call far [ds:_UserInt13]
pop ds ; restore ds
jc int13err ; test if error, if not return to caller
inc sp ; clean up stack
inc sp
sti ; ensure int's are renabled
retf 2 ; return to caller leaving flags asis
pushf ; don't mess up flags
cmp ah, 06h ; disk changed
je int13wrap
; add check for other errors here, such as DMA issues
jmp int13iret ; pass error asis back to user
%IF XCPU < 186
push ax ; preserve registers, setup stack frame
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax, 13h ; want to push 0x13 onto stack
xchg ax, [bp+2] ; so restore pushed ax value and put 0x13 on stack
pop bp ; clean up stack frame (leaving just 0x13 pushed on stack)
push 13h ; the 186+ way to push a constant on the stack
; at this point stack has initial flags, called cs,ip, initial dx,
; flags returned from int13 call, and value 13h
; fall through to intWrapCall to invoke C handler
; assumes interrupt # and single word param already pushed on stack
; pushes all registers on stack
; calls C handler
; restores registers (replacing value if changed by C code)
; pops int# and param off stack
; returns via iret
; set up register frame
push ax
push cx
push dx
push bx
push bp
push si
push di
push ds
push es
Protect386Registers ; ensure 386+ registers possibly modified by kernel safe
mov ds,[cs:_DGROUP_]
push ds ; mov es, ds
pop es
extern _intXX_filter
call _intXX_filter
pop es
pop ds
pop di
pop si
pop bp
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
pop ax
add sp, 2 ; pop int# off stack
popf ; restore flags
inc sp ; pop param off stack (without altering flags)
inc sp
retf 2 ; iret but ignore pushed flags
#if 0
; receives int 19h request, resets various int values,
; clears hma if in use, and finally invokes original handler,
global reloc_call_int19_handler
mov ds, [cs:_DGROUP_]
lds ax,[_BIOSInt19] ; iret calls original handler, doesn't return
add sp, 4 ; so pop callers return address off stack
push ds ; and replace with address of original handler
push ax
push ax ; param, ignored
pushf ; flags, ignored
mov ax, 19h ; handler for int 19h
push ax
jmp intWrapCall