# These are generic definitions # TARGET : we create a $(TARGET).sys file !if $(XCPU)0 == 0 XCPU=86 !endif CPUOPT= !if $(XCPU) == 186 CPUOPT=-1 !endif !if $(XCPU) == 386 CPUOPT=-3 !endif # extension, if compiler supports it, specify compiler switch in XCPU_EX and set XCPU to 386 !if $(XCPU_EX)0 != 0 XCPU=386 CPUOPT=$(XCPU_EX) !endif !if $(XFAT)0 == 0 XFAT=32 !endif !if $(XFAT) == 32 ALLCFLAGS=-DWITHFAT32 $(ALLCFLAGS) NASMFLAGS=-DWITHFAT32 $(NASMFLAGS) !endif NASMFLAGS=-fobj -i../hdr/ -D$(COMPILER) -DXCPU=$(XCPU) $(NASMFLAGS) #BINPATH=$(BASE)\bin INCLUDEPATH=$(BASE)\include LIBPATH=$(BASE)\lib INITPATCH=@rem !if $(LOADSEG)0 == 0 LOADSEG=0x60 !endif !include "..\mkfiles\$(COMPILER).mak" TARGET=$(TARGET)$(XCPU)$(XFAT) INITCFLAGS=$(INITCFLAGS) $(ALLCFLAGS) CFLAGS=$(CFLAGS) $(ALLCFLAGS) RM=..\utils\rmfiles DEPENDS=makefile ..\*.bat ..\mkfiles\*.* # Implicit Rules ####################################################### .asm.obj: $(NASM) $(NASMFLAGS) $< .c.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< .cpp.obj: $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< .c.com: $(CL) $(CFLAGST) $< .c.exe: $(CL) $(CFLAGSC) $<